Questions about you
Anyway, about me:
What is your first name? Jon
Age: 27
Location: North Carolina, USA
Hobbies and Interests: Model railroading, photography, cycling, electronics, computers/internet, and the great outdoors.
Why are you here? To see what other Aspies are like
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): First heard of AS a couple years ago and the more I think about it, the more I feel sure I'm Aspie.
Favorite subjects: Digital circuitry, electronic communications theory (modulation schemes, wireless systems, etc).
Year/Grade: I hold a Bachelor's degree.
Favorite music: A rather eclectic mix ranging from bluegrass to metal, classical to techno.
Books: Used to be really into Bernard Cornwell's war novels, haven't done much leisure reading lately aside from the occasional model railroad magazine.
TV shows/Movies: Ronin, LOTR, Bourne trilogy, Hannibal Lecter trilogy (oh wait, there's a fourth one now!)
Instrument: No, I never aquired any musical talent.
Do you like sports? Not much... tho I do like cycling.
Family: Parents, 3 older sisters.
Clothing: Style varies... mostly casual. I do like earth tones though.
How did you find this website? Wikipedia
Job: I work in a hobby shop right now, looking for something more technical
Plans for the future? Find a better job (hopefully near the mountains of N.C.), find a place to live, build a big model railroad or three, fix up a few old cars, and of course remaining open all the while to finding the one that matches me.
Any comments? I'm sleepy. How rare!
What is your first name? ...
Age: 19.
Location: Finland.
Hobbies and Interests: Music, literature, abnormal psychology, cosmology, religions.
Why are you here? I possibly have Asperger's syndrome - and if I don't, I'm a very AS-like NT. When I found this forum, I felt like coming home; it was good to see I'm not the only one who feels like alien, living in the wrong planet.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Favorite subjects: Philosophy and art.
Year/Grade: None.
Favorite music: Progressive rock, classic rock, folk, metal, psytrance, trip-hop.
Books: Too many to list.
TV shows/Movies: Six Feet Under, Fight Club, Donnie Darko etc.
Instrument: None.
Do you like sports? No.
Family: Mother, father, little brother and little sister.
Clothing: Mostly black and earthly shades.
How did you find this website? I googled.
Job: I'm currently unemployed.
Plans for the future? Getting my creativity back, getting into the university, being cured of depression. At least I hope that.
Any comments? ...
Age: 26
Location: NC
Hobbies and Interests: math,computers,physics,engineering,neuroscience
Why are you here? looking for people
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): February 2007
Favorite subjects:
Favorite music:
TV shows/Movies:
Do you like sports? running, weights
How did you find this website?
Job: Engineering R&D
Plans for the future?
Hobbies and Interests:computers, drawing, human behavior, video games, DDR
Why are you here? to get away from everywhere else
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): still not diagnosed
Favorite subjects: computers, math, psychology(as an early science, not medicine), a little bit of everything (information overload)
Year/Grade: College Sophmore
Favorite music: 8-bit, industrial, 80's, reggae, ska, classic rock, beethoven, others I can't think of
Books: the whole non-fiction section
TV shows/Movies: House MD, CSI (any version), Nature shows, Planetary shows, things like that on those learning channels
Instrument: Violin, barely, and Voice (I think i sing pretty good, but I sing like a guy)
Do you like sports? no no no no no, i cannot say no enough times.
Family: awful
Clothing: mostly all black, soft, breathable, and highly non-seductive
How did you find this website? massive internet research
Job: computer lab assistant at my college (very much below my skill level)
Plans for the future? Computer Forensics, Systems Administrator, Ethical Hacker
Any comments? So when does the mother ship come to pick us up?
What is your first name? Pierre
Age: 17
Location: Sweden: Småland: Värnamo: Fjärhult. I hear sweden has more aspergians than the global average.
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, gaming, anime+manga and thinking sums it up good.
Why are you here? Thought I should check it up. It may be something I'll find useful one of these days.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Well, I certainly have a disorder, I and all who know me somewhat have always known that. No professional diagnosis, however.
Favorite subjects: School-wise? I don't like school. Specificly I don't like being graded. I quite disliked home-economics-stuff, but there is no particular highlight.
Year/Grade: 2nd year gymnasium.
Favorite music: I like most music. Rock a little more, "gangsta" a lot less.
Books: Kawabata Yasunari's "Kyoto", the one and only "Hitchhiker's Guide", and Susana Clarke's "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrel".
TV shows/Movies: House
Instrument: Favourite instrument? I've always liked the harmonica, but my dad got annoyingly enthusiastic when I wanted to learn it, so I've dropped it till further notice. I do whistle not so shabbyly though...
Do you like sports? No, not as such, no. Except maybe racket sports such as badminton. Those kind of excite me. Hate sweating very much, so I keep stillish.
Family: My parents have their competences, and I am quite fond of my cousins and my uncle Antonio who's name I bear. Anton is a gifted electrician and incredibly sharp and well read.
Clothing: Breathable, covering, sturdy. I really like short-shafted working-boots of the highest quality, which I often wear regardless of season. Colors are dark shades and possibly white.
How did you find this website? 1 word: Wikipedia.
Job: Nope.
Plans for the future? Finding constant company, ensuring decent income and taking it easy. Time-consuming careers I will never fully understand.
Any comments? More than my standard nagging line: "I'm lonely"? No.
I can make a statement true by placing it first in this signature.
"Everyone loves the dolphin. A bitter shark - emerging from it's cold depths - doesn't stand a chance." This is hyperbol.
"Run, Jump, Fall, Limp off, Try Harder."

Joined: 10 May 2007
Age: 60
Gender: Male
Posts: 1,326
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Hello, all:
First name: Douglas
Age: 43
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hobbies and interests: Chess, bridge, surfing the Net
Why am I here: Because I'm here, roll the bones (roll the bones)
When diagnosed: September, 1997
Favorite subjects: Sociology, psychology, occupational therapy
Year/Grade: Master of Arts, received from University of Alberta in November, 1997
Favorite music: classic rock, easy listening
Books: Usually non-fiction
TV shoes/movies: mainly sports
Instrument: played clarinet and bass clarinet in school concert bands
Like sports: participate in walking; I like ice hockey, Canadian or American football
(hard to get Aussie Rules this side of the Pacific Ocean), baseball, curling, and so on
Family: Never married, 1 brother, 1 sister
Clothing: Friday casual
How I found this: Internet surfing
Job: Research Resource Person
Future plans: get off welfare if I can
What is your first name? Chris
Age: 16
Location: North Carolina, USA
Hobbies and Interests: Computers, Video Games, Internet, Racing, Bowling, Golf
Why are you here? To talk to people, and maybe find someone to hang out with IRL
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): So long ago that I can't remember
Favorite subjects: Any computer class
Year/Grade: 9th
Favorite music: Mostly Video Game Music, but just about anything without profanity
Books: Whatever interests me
TV shows/Movies: Cartoons
Instrument: None
Do you like sports? Not really
Family: 2 parents, and 2 younger sisters
Clothing: Whatever I pull out in the morning on weekends, and collared shirts and kakhi pants or jeans on school days (Dress code)
How did you find this website? Referred to me by group home treatment team
Job: None yet
Plans for the future? To go to college and get a degree in Computer Engineering
Any comments? If you live near me, please don't hesitate to PM me saying so. I live in the Cabarrus County area, near Concord and Kannapolis.
First name: MJ
Age: 15
Hobbies and interest: painting, anything creative I guess. And I collect wristbands, scrunchies and I LOVE butterflies
Why are you here?: because I'm diagnosed with Asperger
When where you diagnosed?: A couple of weeks ago
Favorite subjects: Maths, science and English I guess
Favorite music: Evanescence, Lost Prophets, Three Days Grace, Smile Empty Soul, HIM and many more
tv shows/movies: I LOVE Prison Break & The Bourne Supremacy
How did you find the website?: Google!
Plans future: Healing from my depression and getting a fulfilling life.
What is your first name? ID: 2293844 No really, Uric.
Age: 17
Location: Miami, FL.
Hobbies and Interests: They fluctuate and fleet, as of now my hobbies are- WoW ((I might leave, I've exhausted all my endgame guilds on the server, I get kicked from everyone without a rational reason. It's either, 'You don't fit in the guild' or, 'it's the age difference'.)) I rant a lot, probably could tell, most ranting people like to elaborate on things because a simple vague answer could be taken in a plethora of ways. It's not my style to be overly verbose, I like to use words I deem that are the best to convey the meaning I'm trying to express. More hobbies: Piano, Poetry... Reading.
Why are you here? I don't know, my friend with auspies figured since I've never been diagnosed and we're so alike, that I try out this forum and see if I could get a consensus from you guys. Also, I wouldn't mind joining a forum, I don't have anyone else to talk to, by choice and isolation... Most people are so intolerable.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Favorite subjects: Math, English, Science... Computers, Programming.
Year/Grade: 11th
Favorite music: There's no genre I like inparticular more so than any other, it's really the artist. If I list artists, people automatically assume I condone every single piece of work they did, since I described that, don't assume so. A Perfect Circle, Slipknot, MIDIs, Placebo...
Books: Snow Crash..
TV shows/Movies: Don't remember.
Instrument: Piano
Do you like sports? Not really, though I do enjoy working out.. Well, being fit anyways.
Family: Me, myself, and I.
Clothing: Uh, I like tight clothes. I like the feel against my skin, usually cotton. Things with witty quotes generally..
How did you find this website? Friend.
Job: Not yet.
Plans for the future? Still introspecting.
Any comments? Send me a private message if you think of anything to say...
I refuse to alter my mannerisms to something one might refuse to morally condone. I do not use moral tags to identify things, I will accept everything and use scientific consensus. I think of myself in the third person, but will never make a decision that
What is your first name? Lynn
Age: 33
Location: South Carolina
Hobbies and Interests: Scrapbooking, sports, cooking
Why are you here? ds 6, is autistic
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
Favorite subjects:
Favorite music: Rock, Country
Books: Novels, suspense
TV shows/Movies: Gray's Anatomy, American Idol, Days of our lives
Instrument: played clarinet in HS
Do you like sports? yes, college baseball and football
Family: two sons, 6 and 4 months and dh
Clothing: comfey in tshirt and shorts with flip flops
How did you find this website? google
Job: Social Worker
Plans for the future? living day by day
Any comments?
What is your first name? Phillip
Age: 18
Location: South Wales
Hobbies and Interests: Music
Why are you here? So that i can chat with other people who have AS
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I think i was about 8 years old
Favorite subjects: I'm not a school person
Year/Grade: In College
Favorite music: I love all kinds of music. I'm not close minded about any style of music
Books: Atlantas found
TV shows/Movies: The Simpsons
Instrument: Keyboards and Guitar
Do you like sports? I like Basketball
Family: Mother, Father, Grandmother, loads of cousions, aunts and uncles
Clothing: Jeans and T.shirt
How did you find this website? Searched on google about info on AS and i found it by accident really
Job: Work part time at a supermarker
Plans for the future? To hopefully do something with music
Any comments? Yeah. Thank you to those people who work to make the world a better place
What is your first name? Ginny.
Age: Fifteen.
Location: Holland at the moment. Draggg.
Hobbies and Interests: My interests are mostly music/musician-related. Other than that, London, Edgar Allen Poe, The Moors Murderers (I'm no lunatic, just quite interested in true crime stories and that.) Old horror/sf films. Carry On Films.
Why are you here? To talk to people.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Several months ago.
Favorite subjects: I violently dislike school.
Year/Grade: Year 10.
Favorite music: Punk/New wave/post-punk made between 1976-1979. Electronic music. Bowie. Velvets. T.Rex. Roxy Music. Adam and the Ants. Screaming Lord Sutch.
Books: Poe. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.
TV shows/Movies: Only Fools and Horses. A Clockwork Orange. Carry On...Up The Khyber.
Instrument: Bass guitar. I would kill for a synthesizer, too.
Do you like sports? Absolutely bloody not.
Family: Mum, dad, dog.
Clothing: Why, yes.
How did you find this website? Was looking up AS.
Job: Paper round.
Plans for the future? Move back to London.
First name: Christian (true name)
Age: 29
Location: Darmstadt, Germany
Hobbies and Interests: computers, books, aviation (did I say transports?)
Why are you here? This is the most interesting nontechnical and nonscientific website I could find. Socially it must be the most appealing site ever.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Social phobia in 2002, AS in 2005
Favorite subjects: In school: mathematics and physics, at university: machine learning, algorithmics, data mining
Year/Grade: Finishing MS in computer sciences this year
Favorite music: classical music, espcially Chopin, Liszt and others, some Russian composers, especially Prokovjev, the early Rachmaninov and others, any music where instruments are played by people's hands
Books: Tolkien, the Harry Potter books, John le Carre, history fact books, aviation books (add a whole lot of nonfictional literature here)
TV shows/Movies: Star Trek (but no TNG), Lord of the Rings, Emergency Room, Scrubs, Dr. House and others
Instrument: wanted to play piano but had to play guitar in school
Do you like sports? No team sports and not competitive, never. Not for money. Mountainbiking is great. There might be others I yet failed to try.
Family: yes, two parents (not going into detail here) and grandparents, no siblings (never missed them)
Clothing: jeans (black or blue) and shirts, T- shirts are okay too but not at the job or at university
How did you find this website? It did not hide very well from Google.
Job: Graduate assistant at an AI research institute, software engineer
Plans for the future? Either going for a PhD or making a lot of money. Since I am going to be 30 this year I might decide for the latter.
Any comments? Who finds spelling mistakes can keep them. PMs and emails(not about said mistakes) welcome.
What is your first name? Not here... Quirk will do fine for now.
Age: 34
Location: Toronto, Canada
Hobbies and Interests: World travel, hiking, gardening, exotic food, scuba, guitar, skiing, etymology, flora & fauna, lots of outdoor stuff
Why are you here? self-discovery/learn more about AS
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): working on it.
Favorite subjects: My loyal ones... I mean geography
Year/Grade: 2007... duh!
Favorite music: Tons! Beatles (later stuff), Grateful Dead, Wilco, velvet Underground, Radiohead, Beck and so on (mostly classic rock but I like off-beat modern stuff an some retro 80s). Also like Reggae/Dub, Blues and late 50's/early 60's jazz
Books: Brave new World, Anything by Vonnegut, East of Eden, any fiction that takes place in foreign countries (especially with a historical bent)
TV shows/Movies: TV:Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, Law & Order, Pilot Guides, Jeopardy, Hockey Night in Canada. Movies: Star Wars, The Shining (lots of other horror), Good Fellas (and lots of other mafia movies), anything that takes place somewhere exotic especially based on foriegn politics (Last King of Scotland, Salvador, etc.)
Instrument: Guitar and drums
Do you like sports? Not playing but I love hockey
Family: Mother, 2 brothers, a neice and 2 nephews
Clothing: jeans (or shorts) and t-shirt. very casual. I'm koumpounophobic (look it up)
How did you find this website? Wikipedia
Job: Admin.
Plans for the future? Diagnosis and more travel!
Any comments? Hi, Mom!! !
What is your first name? Ophelia, of course (Maybe...
Age: 25
Location: The Savage Garden
Hobbies and Interests: Various things, travel & outdoors, fine art, literature & music
Why are you here? I have Asperger's
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): A few years ago
Favorite subjects: Animals, Music, Travel
Year/Grade: 2007 Med School
Favorite music: Jazz
Books: Works of literary art
TV shows/Movies: Old movies & History
Instrument: Piano- 22 years, Trumpet- 15 years, Bari Sax- on occasion, Bass (Upright or Electric) - 12 years
Do you like sports? Yes
Family: Mostly alright ;P
Clothing: Leather... (J/K)
How did you find this website? I can't remember!
Job: Med School
Plans for the future? See the world
Any comments? Not really
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