have you ever done something alarming, thinking it normal?

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have you ever done something alarming, thinking it normal?
yes 41%  41%  [ 24 ]
yes 41%  41%  [ 24 ]
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09 Dec 2005, 10:42 pm

Have you ever done something shocking/ alarming/ disconcerting that you thought was perfectly normal and logical, yet were surprised when others had a negative reaction to your behavior or words?



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09 Dec 2005, 10:47 pm

Oh yes I have. Many, many times. :(

It takes a while for me to get used to someone and to avoid being like that ... (or perhaps it takes them a while to get used to me being like that. hmm.)


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09 Dec 2005, 11:19 pm

A few instances do come to mind, but I can't discuss them here. More frequently, however, I'm just perplexed by public social behavior and my attempts to emulate it.

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09 Dec 2005, 11:47 pm

I tend to do "alarming" things quite a bit with no idea they are alarming.



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09 Dec 2005, 11:54 pm

It's even worse when your attempts to rectify the situation only make it more unbearable.

"And lo, the beast looked upon the face of beauty. And beauty stayed his hand. And from that day on, he was as one dead."


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09 Dec 2005, 11:54 pm

I'm sorry. Is there something that "normals" do that is not alarming?


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10 Dec 2005, 12:04 am

Thagomizer wrote:
It's even worse when your attempts to rectify the situation only make it more unbearable.

Yeah, well watch out about that. A lot of the times that kind of situation is when a person makes an on-the-spot decision to take advantage of a "dweeb."


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10 Dec 2005, 12:38 am

Once I said "Kids aren't real people" and today I said "I hate Christmas."


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10 Dec 2005, 5:48 am

Probably hundreds of times.

I made this stupid poster for work for a laugh with employees on it represented by Harry potter characters. I made one woman snape because I ran out of characters and she got offended.

I didn't think anyone would care, I wouldn't.

That's just one example.

Uh.. I have terrible road rage and I flip off people and curse out the window. I honked at some w*k on a bike for getting in the way when my sister was driving and he came over and said something smartarse to her, she got really upset.

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10 Dec 2005, 6:10 am

en_una_isla wrote:
Have you ever done something shocking/ alarming/ disconcerting that you thought was perfectly normal and logical, yet were surprised when others had a negative reaction to your behavior or words?

Yep! I nearly broke the law and at the time had forgotten that their was laws in the world! My parents got mad at me for it! My family all shouted at me at once! And I just held my hands over my ears and told them to SHUT UP!! After I felt bad about shouting at them! :( I don't know why I did it! suppose it was just a natural reaction for me to shout when everything gets too noisy!

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10 Dec 2005, 6:44 am

When I was 14 I used to spam unmoderated teen chat rooms with the most offensive, and just plain stupid comment I could think of. Didn't realise it was illegal then or even a big deal, I thought of it as just words.

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10 Dec 2005, 11:12 am

Yeah I can't think of specific examples but... it sometimes feels like my entire life has become about making sure I don't do something like that... So yeah pretty dang frequently that happens to me

EDIT: well as one example, when I was saying good bye to some female lab assistant yesterday I said something like "Thanks man... errr..... i mean Janet" I high-tailed it out of there quickly after I said that, she was possibly upset and I felt like a complete ret*d :oops:

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10 Dec 2005, 6:49 pm

Alarming to myself or alarming to others?

Alarming to myself - walking out of my job in Poland rather than trying to save it. I'd never had the courage to do that before even though I knew it meant that I would have to go home to the UK, since I couldn't work in anything but teaching due to strict employment laws. (Although about a month previously I had a hunch that I would be going home within the next few weeks while reading the English newspapers rather than my normal Polish paper which I had been reading for the last nine months in an attempt to assimilate into Polish society.)

Alarming to others - when I was about 3 or 4 I was making some sounds I found amusing - "shi...shi...shi..." without realising (of course) what my mother could hear what I was saying. That was when I learned what it meant, but I still wouldn't shut up...I think I got one of the very few smacks I ever got for it eventually.

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11 Dec 2005, 7:10 am

How do you know that it is wrong to say a word when your mother says it all the time?

So many things that people see as "normal" to do are so alarming to me, and it was much worse when I was a child, that I couldn't make out the difference a lot of the time. It was really all backwards to me because I thought that rationally, adults should be engaged in more appropriate behavior more of the time and children should be expected to be inappropriate because they don't know any better. It got me in a lot of trouble when I would notice out loud that adults behaved more childishly than children.


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11 Dec 2005, 12:16 pm

I'm quite famous for TMI. Even other's private information which they apparently didn't want blabbed. Some of it they apparently considered embarrassing. I mean, so you have toe fungus. So what! You aren't wanting to date the person so why do they care if you have toe fungus!

I find medical or psychological conditions nothing out of the ordinary or anything to be ashamed of. I am always willing to impart any(one's) information.

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07 Jul 2015, 6:06 am

In middle school they played the chicken dance at a halloween school dance. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was the only one who really ended up doing it. I just got excited I guess, cause I didn't know the normal dances everyone did. I didn't think I'd be alone in it, or that it was weird of me to do. I just got excited cause it was one that I finally knew.

To this point I don't really like dancing. It's just something I really avoid like death, even though I love watching choreography. All my friends gave my hell about it for a long while and it still burns to think about sometimes, what an idiot I was and am. I've considered trying to tackle it with a dance class, but they say aspies like me are overly cautious and only approach something when they feel ready. What point is there to learn when it fixes nothing?

The worst part of all is that people can't respect that I don't want to do it, not for a second. I could tell the whole story and I feel like I'd just get laughed at. It's like a point of curiosity and contention at once and nobody really seems to be able to drop it. Puts hate in my heart, makes me see how little space and respect I get from NTs in my life for how much I give.