Hi everybody!
You can call me Jamie. I'm 22 years old, and I'm a writer.
When I was little, my parents were very invested in New Age thinking, and after observing my behaviours, said that I was an Indigo Child. This is a label that I still heavily identify with, and believe in the concept of. Indigo Children are supposedly meant to come to Earth and start revolutions and new ways of thinking in order to improve society. That's why I've chosen revolutionaryboy as my username here.
As I grew older, I learned that I have Asperger's. I successfully masked my Asperger's in order to "fit in" for most of my teenage years, leading to people reacting in disbelief whenever I told them. Now, as a young adult, I am experiencing the uncontrollable return of many behaviours that I had previously hidden. I feel much younger than I did when I was a teenager, and am also experiencing some regression in my communication skills. I've researched this online and it seems that this is something that people on the autism spectrum can experience as they transition into young adult life.
I also have PTSD-SP, which is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with secondary psychosis. I'm working very hard to recover from this currently.
My special interest is currently true crime, which is a topic that I am aware can make people uncomfortable. If you enjoy true crime and would like to discuss it with me, please don't hesitate to send me a private message! I absolutely love making new friends who enjoy this topic, especially since it's not easy to find people who do.
I am very friendly and outgoing, and eager to meet new people! I will talk to anyone about anything.