I'm in a similar situation. 30, not sure if I have it or not, alternate between thinking I do and don't. Leaning more strongly than ever towards probably I do at the moment, but wary of self-diagnosis because I'm not an expert and because having a neurological condition, by providing an excuse for being like I am and a community like WP to call home, is a more attractive prospect that just being a socially inept weirdo who doesn't belong anywhere.
I had a realisation recently which was that my perception and evaluation of myself has been mostly inaccurate or poorly grounded. Example: I almost never talk, so when I have a conversation I compare that against me not talking at all and decide I'm probably not autistic. But (my realisation) I should be comparing myself against normal people, and compared to normal in conversations I'm a textbook case of autism (bad eye contact, reciprocation, gestures, vocal/facial expression).
Signed up to compare my perspectives with others' to hopefully improve my self-evaluation.
I was out and very drunk with a group of people I don't know very well and I'm also quitting smoking and I noticed that I still wanted to go outside on my own every half an hour or so, even though I didn't feel like I needed a cigarette. So I found there is a reason why I smoke in social situations and that's because it gives me an acceptable reason to wander away when ever I want
I'm not convinced of an autistic angle here. Perhaps drunkenly indifferent to the company of unengaging strangers, and introverted with the perfect excuse to go get some time alone and away. Autistics more likely would just wander, not knowing or caring about having a socially acceptable reason.
I do often just wander away. The socially acceptable part was part of my analysis afterwards. Fact is I still wanted to wander away and it wasn't related to wanting to smoke. If it does link into autism the link is probably fairly loose, but it was very interesting to me to find out. No one else around me seemed to want to disappear and come back all the time. Usually people just stay together all night.