Hey, hi, hello.
Seeing as this is my first post, I'd like to introduce myself.
My name is Jackson, better known as Alienigenis online, and on PSN: ReturnToTheDawn.
I'm an aspie, and I'm damn proud of it. Some see it as a hindrance, but I see it as my own kind of X-Men style mutation that gives me the amazing power to be creative, and focused… but also makes me about as sociable as a flea (i.e. not very).
But this is the internet, where boundaries are broken down and I can speak freely about my obsessions and unusual habits without being stared at from across the room by neurotypical Earth-folk.
Anywho. About me… hm, let's see…
I am an artist, a writer, a gamer, and a lover of East Asian cinema. I'm a Capricorn. I wear toques. I'm pro LGBT and even Transgender. Did I mention that I love doing accents? Because I love doing accents. I roleplay a lot, both live and online. I'm obsessed with my lab coat (and anything to do with lab coats). I can even sing the periodic table of elements thanks to YouTube.
…I think I've said enough, so…
It's nice to meet all of you. Here's hoping we get along great, and maybe even become friends. If not, perhaps we'll be wonderful acquaintances.
Peace, darlings!