Newly Diagnosed "High Functioning" Female

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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12 May 2016, 11:41 pm

Colorou wrote:
He's from France ^_^

Nice. You should have gone over there and visit him

Snowy Owl
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13 May 2016, 7:59 pm

I wish I found out I was Aspie at your age. Would have helped me avoid many mistakes and false expectations.

What I'd like to know, however, is whether you understood what was going on at your workplace before you got your diagnosis. On looking back after my diagnosis this month, I understood so much more and was better able to come to terms with my "workplaces" as an antitrust and then in-house corporate attorney.

So I wrote a post entitled "Workplace Tips for Aspies" on the blog "The Art of Autism" (actually, wrote it a week before my formal diagnosis). Please take a look and tell me whether you agree!


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15 May 2016, 4:00 pm

I laughed reading your words because they were too familiar. However I view Autism as a Neurological difference, not a social disability. With that in mind I think training us to think and act like NT's hurts more than it helps. As Women especially there will be other factors ON TOP of Autism that affect us in the workplace. Our sex, level of physical attractiveness, personality variations, etc. all come into play when dealing with other people and I refuse to accept that I'm the "problem".

Speaking like an NT? I can't process this.

Don't be honest. People love to hate the truth especially the biggest liars of them all. Evolution will happen slowly to a small portion of society, I think it's unwise to tame this trait. People need the truth, more now than ever. I'm here to observe and speak my truth, even if it is a hard path. The right people will and do follow. Because of my complete honesty in every workplace I have been there is always a small group of open minded individuals who tell me they want me to open my own Store and to work for me. Many great figures who spoke hard truth's were also not very popular. You disappear when you blend in, taking away what makes you different. It's what they all want....for you to be "regular"... "normal".

Choose a Role to Play When Speaking With Your Boss
This section was insightful and I greatly appreciate that. I will apply this in the future but know the ultimate solution is likely to be my own Boss controlling the Bigger Picture.

Socialize at Work.
Easier for Men than Women. Women will tear eachother apart. They dont like me because I'm blonde, too curvy, too smart, my nice is "fake", the guy who works with us is attracted to me.... blah f*****g blah >< There is always at least ONE or two more genuine women who befriend me and see my value despite differences. Women especially enjoy seeing me as competition. Top in Sales? Sabotage her.
Do you know what I truly see when I try to alter myself to fit the hostile work environments these "people" create among themselves?
Monkeys Incapable of loving one another as they are. Selfish and out for their own motives they think I'm the same and apply their Primitive social rules to me. Initially I approach everyone with an incredibly open mind and Love. I protect others, so much so that I cannot stand by and watch someone be bullied. There's one in almost every group, one predator that tries to pick off the rest. I will always be this person's enemy.
Maybe it's partly my strong personality. I know I'm not wrong though, just with the WRONG "people".
So I break free and search for more. Creating room for people who truly know Love.

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Snowy Owl
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28 Jul 2016, 12:35 pm


I don't know how I missed your reply until now. Sorry!

When I read your response to my article, I realized that I wrote it from the male point of view. All my workplaces have been predominantly male, as was my schooling. I was friends with the female Medical Director at my last corporate position, but she was the only black officer and no more NT than I was.

I've always been afraid of NT females. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you to have to socialize as well as work with them.

Emu Egg
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29 Jul 2016, 12:28 am

I have never heard a strong story from anyone, anyways, you are pretty though..................

Feel free to talk to me, if you wish. :)
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29 Jul 2016, 12:43 am

Welcome to the forums.

Colorou wrote:
I told him there's nothing wrong with him and that it sounds like an "over diagnosis" of an individual with high IQ.

Too common. We're not idiots, we're more like "Macs vs PCs". While some with autism can hardly tie their shoelaces, some of us have very complex jobs that cannot be done by the normal idiots.

Colorou wrote:
I had the highest sales and most experience but was consistently sabotaged and demeaned.

Quite common. People do not like others that put their own skills to shame.

Also, MBTI is very blunt, it's far from being a psychological diagnosis instrument.

"It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring" (Carl Sagan)


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11 Aug 2016, 7:21 pm




He is my half ah haha ^___^
Deeper and deeper everyday :heart: :lol:
It's incredible to be with another on the same part of the spectrum *.*

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13 Aug 2016, 3:07 am

Hello there and welcome to WP! :D