TheMinx wrote:
Thank you, Tim_Tex. I understand wanting to be sexy. It helps to ground me in my body's femininity.
Kiprobalhato, the directive of the post asked us to post a pic of the real you.
I thought about this awhile...and came to the conclusion the real you...which would be me in this multifaceted and takes many forms. Not just the way I look, which doesn't say much in and of itself, so I thought to show the "real me" I'd need an array of photos to display, since that isn't feasible, I decided to display pics I felt represented core facets of my personality.
I will explain the purpose of each pic, starting from the bottom and moving up:
1. Whenever my father scolds my hilarious little niece, she sticks her tongue out at him. I've watched this interaction unfold multiple times...and decided this particular gesture demonstrates her irreverence for his authority and subsequent ability to influence her behavior, which seems to have the effect of simultaneously pissing him off...yet also endearing her more to him.
This is often how I see myself in this world. I am irreverent of its (and its people's) authority and desire to influence my behavior. I try not to take it or its people too seriously. Which seems to result in pissing people of...yet often endearing them to me.
2. The finger in the mouth is another gesture of irreverence I've observed, which usually has the effect of pissing people off...without the added benefit of endearing them to the person making the gesture...but instead causes them to react negatively...
....which is more often the case with how people react to me...though I've usually not made the gesture intentionally. I do understand the gesture in the pic above is overt...but I'm unsure what it is I do to piss people it feels unintentional. And since I can't show you what I can't see...this seemed an appropriate approximation of what I'm told is their interpretation of how I conduct myself.
3. Like Tim_Tex, I often want to be sexy. I've learned a woman sitting on a chair with her legs crossed is seen as sexy.
4. I liked this pic cuz I'm wearing braids and my glasses...and as much as I hate my glasses, they are a core part of who I am...even if I try not to wear them in most pics. And the braids...cuz I still don't feel like I've grown up. Not completely. Even at 41.
I like the way you think.
“Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.” ― Bertrand Russell