Notable areas of stress:
1. If you're my friend, and you don't talk to me for 1 week...that's it. That alone is stressful as f**k.
2. If we're new friends, and you don't respond to my most recent text...
3. You're a woman of relative attractiveness and come within 10 feet of me...
4. Dating. Nuff said.
5. Asking someone to hang-out...
6. Texting anyone for any reason and them not responding immediately...
7. ALL OF THE ABOVE except I actually said something awful and the person is actually pissed off, but also too proud of uncomfortable to tell me exactly what it is that I did...
I am fixated on reciprocity more than any other aspect of social transaction. Sometime I would like to start a thread about that but my fear of getting 0 responses cripples me.
Challenges: hyperosmia, hyperacusis, migraine, dysbiosis, anxiety, sulfur and glutamate intolerance, anorexia, dysnumia, ocd, hypergraphia, novelty seeking, derealization, depersonalization, hyperfocus, chronic vitamin D and magnesium deficiencies, hypermobility, orthorexia
Strengths: empathy, mechanical ability, openness, music, design, composition, language, Socratic teaching method