searsdp04 wrote:
My question for everyone is I struggle with nonverbal communication and well as other communication issues. I have been told to get therapy for that. Part of me wants to, but then I look at it and realize I do have a MA and a decent job. I'm contemplating going back for a couple more masters. I know therapy would help, but wouldn't hinder as well? Whats it like?
i was diagnosed at the age of 4. my most major hurdle at that time (and still may be) was verbal communication and body language.
i took speech therapy for 13 straight years. from that year when i was diagnosed up until graduation day, high school when i was
finally emancipated.
when you are made to participate in it against your will for that long, you are bound to resent it and thus you'll have difficulty seeing the benefits of it.
a year and a half after graduating, though, i can see that it brought to my attention some of the more important nuances used in effective communication. it was my own fault i didn't take them to heart.
if you feel like knowing that can help you, than by all means it is good. but it's up to you to apply it.
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