Questions about you
What is your first name? Sarah
Hobbies and Interests: wildlife, nature, art, music, fantasy fiction, psychology, travel, hiking, reading about various cultures/histories
Why are you here? Asperger's/ASD
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): A week ago.
Favorite music: Dream folk, folk, ambient, modern classical, metal, indie pop,
Books: LOTR, Game of Thrones, Art and Physics, Future Primal, Becoming Animal, The Spell of the Sensuous, The Hobbit, Man's Search for Meaning
TV shows/Movies: movies- LOTR, Tracks, The Fountain, The Dark Crystal
shows- GoT, Stranger Things, Planet Earth
Family: Parents, sister, nephew who is autistic
Clothing:cozy, soft, but put together
How did you find this website? internet search
Job: wildlife artist
Plans for the future? Travel the world, create portraits of the planet's most beloved and critically endangered species to put into a book to be published, find some close friends, write a book
Any comments? Very new to the community, and just recently diagnosed. It makes sense but I'm trying, and struggling, to wrap my mind around it.
What is your first name? : /
Age: 16
Location: Groningen
Hobbies and Interests: The Internet, reading (once and a while), Music (only listening)
Why are you here? I have mild autism
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Yesterday
Favorite subjects: Don't have one
Year/Grade: 11th grade (5e klas)
Favorite music: Mostly rock and metal and the rest a mishmash of the other genres
Books: A Song of Ice and Fire, The Ranger's Apprentice
TV shows/Movies: A:TLA and i loved the first four seasons of Game of Thrones
Instrument: I only know the first bits of Für Elise on the piano. I don't think making music is something for me.
Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: I like to play hockey, soccer and dodgeball with P.E., but I don't play sports.
Family: My mother, my stepdad (Biological father died when I was 4) and a dog.
Clothing: Nothing special.
How did you find this website? Through Reddit
Job: Not yet
Plans for the future? Nothing
What is your first name? Eloise
Age: 15
Location: England
Hobbies and Interests: Listening to or playing music. Watching Sherlock Holmes.
Why are you here? I have Asperger's Syndrome.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 13th February 2017
Favorite subjects: Any humanities subjects.
Year/Grade: Year 10
Favorite music: Anything by Keaton Henson
Books: Not much of a reader, but I enjoyed All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven.
TV shows/Movies: Sherlock!
Instrument: Piano.
Do you like sports? No way.
Family: - - -
Clothing: Jeans and a t-shirt usually. I like Jack Wills clothes and Converse shoes.
How did you find this website? I researched Asperger's when I was diagnosed.
Job: I don't have one.
Plans for the future? No idea!
Any comments?
What is your first name? Mark
Age: 57
Location: Houston, Texas
Hobbies and Interests: Tech
Why are you here? Just diagnosed with ASD
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): March 10
Favorite subjects: Computers, anything that can be done on computers, Music
Favorite music: Classical (Beethoven, Bach, Strauss, Aerosmith)
Books: Mostly technical manuals, but also the occasional Stephen King, Clancy, Clavell, and others...
TV shows/Movies: Shows like Walking dead, Supernatural, and any science fiction...
Instrument: Keys (Piano, Synth), Reeds (Clarinet, Sax, Oboe), Strings (Guitar, exceptionally bad violin)
Do you like sports? NO
Family: Wife, Mother, Stepfather
Clothing: Things that I can allow to be ruined in an industrial shop...
How did you find this website? How could I not?
Job: Automation Systems Engineer...
Plans for the future? Not really...
Any comments?
I am profoundly affected by this news, and not really sure what to do.
Age: 57
Location: Houston, Texas
Hobbies and Interests: Tech
Why are you here? Just diagnosed with ASD
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): March 10
Favorite subjects: Computers, anything that can be done on computers, Music
Favorite music: Classical (Beethoven, Bach, Strauss, Aerosmith)
Books: Mostly technical manuals, but also the occasional Stephen King, Clancy, Clavell, and others...
TV shows/Movies: Shows like Walking dead, Supernatural, and any science fiction...
Instrument: Keys (Piano, Synth), Reeds (Clarinet, Sax, Oboe), Strings (Guitar, exceptionally bad violin)
Do you like sports? NO
Family: Wife, Mother, Stepfather
Clothing: Things that I can allow to be ruined in an industrial shop...
How did you find this website? How could I not?
Job: Automation Systems Engineer...
Plans for the future? Not really...
Any comments?
I am profoundly affected by this news, and not really sure what to do.
Always great to meet a fellow Houstonian!
Who’s better at math than a robot? They’re made of math!
Name: Sky
Age: 19
Location: Texas
Hobbies and Interests: Science, politics, history, dinosaurs/paleontology and I dabble in art. I enjoy the simple things in life like cuddling, cooking, watching netflix and youtube, exercising, playing video games, drawing/sketching and coloring. I used to love reading and writing but not so much anymore. Definitely a cat person, even though I'm allergic I still love them.
Why are you here? I was recently diagnosed major depressive disorder and bipolar 2 disorder. I was told I'm very likely somewhere on the autistic spectrum. I also have major anxiety and traits of OCD and PTSD.
Favorite subjects: History, science, politics, biology, technology-related, music.
Year/Grade: Graduated high-school almost a year ago.
Books: The Communist Manifesto, Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, Value, Price and Profit, Essential Works of Vladimir Lenin, Guerrilla Warfare, Biography of Che Guevara.
Do you like sports? Not particularly. But as a side-note I used to love Yugioh.
Job: None, I can't hold one down due to my mental disorders. About to start collecting social security/disability soon.
Plans for the future: To continue my therapy and stay on top of my medication and working on myself.
I just want a girlfriend to date or move in with me who understands and accepts me and also enjoys the simple things in life. I love long distance relationships.
Comments: The Amazing World of Gumball, Voltron: Legendary Defender and Ben 10 are some of my favorite shows ever. I love punk, rock, rap, rapcore, grunge, metal and some electronic/electro-swing music. And my favorite movie ever is 9 (2009) by Shane Acker and Tim Burton. I also love the Fast and Furious and Lord of the Rings movies.
What is your first name? Tianna-I prefer Tia-
Age: 15 (I'll be 16 on April 4th)
Location: Canada
Hobbies and Interests: cats, competitive swimming, reading and writing, math equations and polishing things and history
Why are you here?
I wanted to make some friends who understand me more
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): age 11, 2012
Favorite subjects: history, arts ed(drama/choir) and life trans
Year/Grade: 9(I stayed back when I moved to catch up which is ironic because now I am more than caught up)
Favorite music: anything that sounds good
Books: Harry Potter, Chris colfer's books and many others
TV shows/Movies: SVU (special victims unit)
Instrument: voice
Do you like sports? Only competitive swimming
Family: two parents, a ADHD, OCD brother who also has Tourette's, and two older half-brothers who are undiagnosed but are 90% likely to have aspergers
Clothing: whatever I feel like that day
How did you find this website? I was searching autism forums
Job: I volunteer at the library
Plans for the future? Get into nationals for swimming (I'll update you on that after provincials)
What is your first name? Sondre
Age: 23
Location: Norway
Hobbies and Interests: Videogame design
Why are you here? Uh.....i have autism -_-
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2011
Favorite subjects: none
Year/Grade: im done with school
Favorite music: Trailer music
Books: I hate books
TV shows/Movies: Uh.....i liked Total Recall at least
Instrument: none
Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: Tae-kwondo
Family: Yes, i have a family
Clothing: casual
How did you find this website? I googled "autism forums"
Job: Works in a grocery store at day, makes videogames at home
Plans for the future? I hope to make a hit game
Any comments? No
What is your first name? i will not say
Location: 7 CIRCLE
Hobbies and Interests:
OMG...TOO many ...
Why are you here? be with people like me
When were you diagnosed - 1 years ago
Favorite subjects: arts, history, philosphy, literature ...many things
Favorite music: Sopor Aeternus Slayer The Vision Bleak Moonspell Nirvana
Books: Shakespeare for example
Do you like sports? No
Mother brother
Clothing: i dont care...j
How did you find this website? Through a popular search engine.
Job: Translator
Plans for the future? Survive .
What is your first name? Barbara
Age: 38
Location: Switzerland
Hobbies and Interests: DJing, clubbing and organising parties, sci-fi, reading, collecting music, collecting stickers, videogames, surfing the internet, colour by stickers, pixelart and colour by numbers drawing books for adults, improve my English skills, psychedelics, board games (Monopoly, Descent, Hero Quest, Mage Wars...)
Why are you here? I just figured out I have asperger tendencies (or maybe more than just tendencies)
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): never...
Favorite music: lots of techno, deep house and progressive stuff and also trance and goa but I listen to nearly all styles. Some of my favourites besides the electro stuff: Cranberries, Rod Stewart, House of Pain, Billy Talent, Guns'n'Roses, Billy Idol, Marillion, Sookee, Austra, Patent Ochsner, Kraftwerk, Depeche Mode, Faces...
Books: Sci-fi is my favourite genre, I like the technical stuff and everything post-apocalyptic and dystopian, I also enjoy non-fiction books about history, natural science, aercheology, economics, evolution and genetics and the likes. Regular fiction stuff I like: Thomas Mann, Simone de Beauvoir, Remarque, older Stephen King novels (It, Tommyknockers), Douglas Coupland, David Foster Wallace, Ben Aaronovitch, Bret Easton Ellis, Irvine Welsh, Umberto Eco, Tom Wolfe
TV shows/Movies: OISTNB, Roseanne, X-Files, Stranger Things, Bones Movies: Goonies, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Donnie Darko, sci-fi in General, Stand by me, The Perks of being a Wallflower, Heavenly Creatures, Alice in Wonderland
Instrument: I can DJ with CDJs (manual beatmatching) and I'm pretty good at playing Guitar Hero. I can't play any real instruments tho.
Do you like sports? I used to play football (Soccer for the americans) in a club for fifteen years but I rarely watch games on TV anymore.
Family: My mom died more than 10 years ago, my dad is still alive and kicking (I got the interest in sci-fi and science from him as far as I can tell), none of them has had an official diagnosis of any kind of mental disorder. But my mom had a drug induced psychosis (a rather light one) when she was overdoing drugs in the 70ies. No sibblings.
Clothing: Casual, mainly jeans and shirts but I don't mind wearing button-down shirts for work when I have to meet customers. Absolutey no woman's clothes btw (besides the bra) since they simply suck.
How did you find this website? Google
Job: Tax expert
Plans for the future? Quit my job for two or three years and take a time out (depends if I can get the money from my retirment fund)
Any comments?
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 117 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 112 of 200
What is your first name? LaDeena
Age: 22
Location: United States
Hobbies and Interests: I only have one hobby or interest at a time. At the moment the only hobby or interest I have is watch YouTube videos about moving. My husband wants us to move so now I'm obsessed with watching videos about it. Hopefully I find a new thing to replace that. Last month it was learning everything I can about bearded dragons.
Why are you here? I am almost certain I am on the autism spectrum.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): not professionally diagnosed as of yet.
Favorite subjects: English
Year/Grade: college freshman I'm going for my BA in psychology.
Favorite music: depends on my mood.
Books: series of unfortunate events, and Frankenstein.
TV shows/Movies: Walking dead and game of thrones right now.
Instrument: none
Do you like sports? No
Family: I am married. My parents and younger sister shun me.
Clothing: I wear a lot of jeans and t-shirts.
How did you find this website? From another website but I cannot remember the name.
Job: I work full time in a hospital
Plans for the future? Get my BA in psychology then start on my Masters
AQ - 37
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 161 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 47 of 200
What is your first name? It's Arin, but sometimes I prefer Ryan.
Age: 17
Location: Wisconsin
Hobbies and Interests: drawing, painting, stuffed animals, 3DS games, Stardew Valley, Sims, Pokemon, psychology
Why are you here? I'm like 80% sure I'm autistic and a friend told me she had an account
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): not diagnosed
Favorite subjects: art, psychology, computer science, algebra
Year/Grade: senior/12th
Favorite music: Gorillaz, Marina and the Diamonds, Against Me!
Books: i don't really read anymore
TV shows/Movies: Rick and Morty, Steven Universe was my SpIn but with all the discourse around it lately it just makes me really sad and uncomfy
Instrument: i used to play flute lol
Do you like sports? no but i like ice skating
Family: the only people in my family i really care about are my brother and my grandpa :/
Clothing: my favorite clothes are leggings and big shirts but since i'm trans i like to wear joggers and t-shirts to kinda pass when i'm around people. also i really like pajama pants and zip-up sweatshirts/hoodies.
How did you find this website? i've known about it for a while idk
Job: i only volunteer at the food pantry and school store currently
Plans for the future? going to college for something in psychology, getting some kind of diagnosis and new medication (hopefully no regular therapy i hate therapy), and increasing my collection of Pokemon plushies to a ridiculous size
Aspie-Quiz score: 127 neurodiverse; 70 neurotypical; "You are very likely neurodiverse."
RAADS-R total score: 142
What is your first name? Jackie or Jackie
Age: 28
Location: Virginia, USA
Hobbies and Interests: Hiking, travel, reading, music, playing with my kids and my dog
Why are you here? Self-diagnosed AS after having my 3 year old son evaluated.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Self diagnosed in the last 2 weeks, trying to figure out if a professional diagnosis is worth the time/effort/money
Favorite music: So much...Everything from Bach to Neon Trees traditional bluegrass to Flogging Molly to Shinedown to Pop Country
Books: So many things. My favorites from childhood have been Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Harry Potter, The Hobbit and Narnia. As an adult, I read less but still love Tolkien and CS Lewis. Bronte. Poe. Ann Rice. Homer.
TV shows/Movies: SOA (the violence is super triggering to me in the past 6 months though...long story), Justified, HIMYM, Deadwood, Supernatural, Smallville, Breaking Bad, Star Wars, LOTR, still Disney (I have kids so it's totally not weird, right?)
Instrument: Mandolin, guitar, upright bass, like 2 songs on piano.
Do you like sports? No. I'm completely intimidated when asked to play and I can't stand to watch them on TV. I watch the Olympics every 2 years and that's it
Family: My mom has depression and PTSD, Dads quiet but good. They're great parents. My younger sister (25) has an anxiety disorder. My husband has PTSD and anxiety. My oldest son (3) is in the midst of the extensive eval for ASD and my youngest (15 months) is 100% NT as far as we can tell. I guess he's kind of the weird one
Clothing: Depends on how I'm feeling. Usually jeans and a tshirt but in the summer I wear lots of maxi dresses and sun dresses. Went on a slight lularoe kick over the winter and loved the softness of the leggings. Definitely no sense of style and I look to my sister for guidance a lot
How did you find this website? I took the Aspie quiz and this was listed as a reference
Job: Pediatric ER Nurse. Weirdest job ever for an Aspie. I love what I do so much but the multitasking, overstimulation, crazy interpersonal dinamics and constant deviation from established rules makes me so stressed out I can almost not function after a 12 hour shift. Luckily I have a 15 minute walk followed by a 60 minute drive to get home where I just sit in silence and talk to myself until I'm more myself when I get home
Plans for the future? Grad school to be a Nurse Practitioner. We're also shopping for a large bit of land to build on in the future
Any comments? Ummm this is my first post, so hello and thanks for having me
What is your first name? Gopal
Age: 33
Location: Gainesville FL
Hobbies and Interests: mycoligy, travel
Why are you here? I am believed to be on the spectrum
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): not truly diagnosed, I am moving in that direction.
Favorite subjects: finance, foreign policy, Nepal, Gaudiya Visnavism, religion
Year/Grade: 2001
Favorite music: Dubstep
Books: Journey of the Soul
TV shows/Movies: 12 Monkeys
Instrument: I cant even clap
Do you like sports? No
Family: ...
Clothing: um... I like the brand of shoes called Rockport
How did you find this website? An agent of sources I will not name recommended I come here because its believed that I have a place on the spectrum
Job: extra help
Plans for the future? ...
Any comments? Hey everyone, I am new here! I did not think I may have some autism for most of my life and now its starting to look like I very likely have it and I barely understand what it is. I had thought I was just an add mild and depression guy. I discovered that how I think and engage is very autistic from the writings of autistic people on the internet. So this is where I have landed, what now. Give me some direction. I wish I had autistic associates, I love how we think.