So. Somewhere along the following lines I will sound like a hypochondriac who has discovered a new and fashionable condition he has to have.
I'm 39 and I've never been diagnosed. Since I learned about the existence of Asperger's some years ago, everything I read about it (including many of your posts here) provides me with an explanation for several upsetting aspects of my life, particularly in my childhood and teenage years.
I'm glad I was never diagnosed when I was younger because, in the time and place I grew up in, I'd probably be stamped with some other label and be "dealt with" in ways that would do me more harm than good. I don't want to be diagnosed now because I see no point. It's too late to change or guide my development in whatever way, the biggest issues I had in the past I learned to live with or control somewhat and I'm also afraid of getting a "no, you're not in the autism spectrum" evaluation because that would mean: "Forget the answers you think you found. No answers for you. The only answer is that you're inadequate and a failed person."
So that's it. And I know that raccoons are mammals. But they secretly wish they were birds. Just look at those eyes and tell me you don't see a secret desire to fly and lay eggs.