Magpie_01 wrote:
Chronos wrote:
If you are ashamed then you have a distorted idea of what it means to be on the spectrum, probably one acquired from the false perceptions of NTs, who tend to see anyone not like themselves as being inferior.
If the world were populated by those with AS and we were to try to characterize those who are NTs from our perspective, the diagnostic criteria for Neurotypical Spectrum Disorder would describe someone who is socially needy, intrusive, emotional, and easily frustrated.
Neurotypical Spectrum Disorder
@CF: True. I think acceptance is individual and hopefully one day I'll be better at it. Having different operating systems makes a lot of sense. I read somewhere that in individuals with AS, the brain is suspected to be wired differently. (or, for me, extra-differently, I have epilepsy on top of autism
Hope you're having a great day!
Oh my goodness! I'm trying to stay in my seat at panera to keep from making a scene with my uncontrollable laughter about "Neurotypical Spectrum Disorder"
In addition, form what I've read, autism and epilepsy/seizure disorder is a common combo.
I'm the extra weird one because just in the mental department I am: Autistic, Transgender, Multiple Personalities, PTSD, and have some form of seizure issue the doctors are waiting on MRI for data on it and the EEG results
Ashley B.:
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