Hi Chris!
Welcome to Wrong planet!
Since you said you were happy to answer questions I have a few for you.
Hi! INTP and 20-years qualified Myers Briggs Consultant here!
Are you able to view it with objectivity after doing it for twenty years? For most people doing a thing for 20 years doesn't result in heightened objectivity, it results in emotionally needing certain things to be true...which haven't been proven to BE true and that is called Bias. So I would like to know if you think you might be biased, and also if you are able to validate the test logically, which you should do since people are taking it and it is effecting their self perceptions. I get that people feel lost and it feels good to have a sense of certainty about who they are and that it feels like a license and a validation but I happen to know that nobody can hand that to anybody because who a person is, is decided by them.
It's OK to take MBTI more than once in your life, but maybe not more than once a week! Scores in the questionnaire may vary because of context (work v play?), life situation, etc.
Is it not ok because people might realize that a 1970's mood ring works pretty much the same and looks prettier? I am being silly of course but it's a serious question. Suppose I take the Myer's Briggs once every 4 hours every single day for a few years...what's the risk? Will I potentially come to believe that my personality is fluctuating violently? Is it somehow unhealthy to check up on one's own personality frequently? And what makes data samples that are very far apart in time somehow more accurate than ones close together?
That's not usually how a science works.
What exactly is it about restricting individual identities to strictly predefined types that helps human beings in a world where being less easy to define is often advantageous?
It seems to me like the structure of assigned individual results is not applicable to the test takers at all but is instead a property of the structure of the test it's self.
I am sure my skepticism will not be popular with all, I even expect that I will get some hate PM's
maybe a warning, and possibly banned....wouldn't be the first time. And I won;t be surprised if my post is removed for being off topic...although MANY topics veer off topic and they get left alone completely. However...I do think SOME things need to be questioned, and this is definitely one of them. I hope everyone appreciates that I cannot just say nothing....everyone just says nothing...doesn't seem to be making the world better, and here we are. Also it's an Autism forum and anyone who doesn't like patiently explaining things to people who don't understand should self examine...because that's...pretty much most of us.
This doesn't mean the result is 'wrong', because the questionnaire is actually only the first stage in establishing your 'type'. It produces the correct result immediately in about 70% of cases, but there are two further stages to go through before you get a really reliable outcome.
What are you basing this "70%" on? Even my well payed psychologist denies that the human personality has fixed parameters, and can be identified and neatly tucked into boxes according to a system, So I am curious. "70%" makes it sound like there is some mathematical basis for the "theory" of personality. There isn't one (If I am wrong please direct me to it) . Do you base it on whether or not people agree with the results? That cannot be true because stage psychics get better percentages than that and that's just a trick. Is it based on how often people can be convinced that they are one thing mostly and only, and can grow into more but only with immense struggle? Everyone has a profound hunger for identity. it just seems to me like this test and the businesses behind it capitalize on the people who who aren't sure who they are and need a sense of security and self value and don't know how to find it on their own. The people who are scared that if they don't know who they are they might not exist. If it's true, wouldn't it be better to do something like offer coaching and encouragement to people who need to find themselves and help them understand that it isn't hopeless?
The first of these is what's called a 'best fit exercise', where the Consultant explains the theory and invites participants to self identify (before being given the results of the questionnaire),
Are you saying that you sell validation to people because they decide how they are more than the test?
then finally a client MUST be offered a proper 'one-to-one' with a qualified person to resolve any particular personal questions.
What does that consist of?
Without all three (potential) stages it may be entertainment, but 'Myers Briggs' it ain't, sorry!
(Happy to answer questions, here or by pm)
It makes sense that it wouldn't be "The Real Myer's Briggs" unless you payed for it.
Not the good kind of sense though.
Thank you for allowing an honest skeptic a his questions. If someone wants to ban me or report my post I can't stop you but it's fair to leave a reasonably respectful post in it's place when it's pretty close to on topic and just happens to be minority perspective...especially on a forum for people with pretty much minority perspectives...I would think.