Found this site a few days ago and thought I should join! I really like forums. A little about me...
-I like aquariums, digital art, 3D art, owl city, sims & other games.
-I was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome a little over two weeks ago. It has explained a lot. I always had issues with friendships. Everyone said it's okay, I was doing fine academically, I was just shy and need to try harder. I grew up very anxious and quiet. I tried participate, but it just never worked. I messed up too many times.
-I also, like many aspies, love my routines. As I researched more into AS I realised that neurotypical people dislike them, a very strange realisation. I also found out that I am, in fact, a very rigid thinker. (There's a lot of stuff that I uncovered.)
-I am sensitive to sound, I get very exhausted from it. I always liked certain textures, I'm a huge visual stimmer - as a kid I watched washing machines, and I've had a life long obsession of anything with water inside.
-I used art as a means of compensating for not having friends. And art has become a talent as a result. My other hobbies included animals - and I would draw them repetitively.
So yea, those are some of my traits. Nice to meet you all!