Hi and welcome Abi
. Yes, prior to diagnosis, it can be a case of just getting on with things as best you can, finding your own workarounds with any difficulties. Then, when you discover that what’s been affecting your life has a name, it can be very confronting. Especially when you realise the many ways that it’s affecting you, that you might not have fully realised. I always wondered why it was so hard for me to travel anywhere I’d not been to before, and how high my anxiety levels would shoot to. Now there’s an understanding that when it comes to autism, we are referenced to people, places, settings. That changes to any of these, can bring about a disintegration of our sense of self. This world is not an easy place for us to live in, but we can make it more autism-friendly, and even push through some of the barriers, increase our levels of self control and comfort over time. It’s good to have you with us.