Glad you liked it to, i saw it and HAD to have it. Found it at "photobucket"which was reccomemded to me, to be the easiest way. Thanks so much, would put it on a t-shirt if I knew how. Is that possiable, can anyone help, I'd love that, i'd put it on everything.Tfinn04, As for hand drawn stuff I'm the LAST person to ask, all i can do is ask my daughter, but i'm sure someone here can help you.they were all great trying to help me.
Thanks again everyone.just called my daughter,she says you need a scanner, or have someone else w/ a scanner ,email it to you, then save in a photo album you can find it in, when you go to set your avatar go to browse, search thru albums till you find it,click on it and click open...there ya go, she also says i need to learn shorthand, darn kids, hope that helps she says, shes a good kid Just saw greatbalzoffire instructions, so much better than mine, my daughter knows she has to explain it to me "the Computer Idiot" so she uses lay-mens (lay-womans, lay-persons???)terms. curious to see your new avatar now. Would love to find that spiderman dancing again. made me LOL that's all the shjorthand i know.
Did I dream this belief, or did I believe this dream?
Peter Gabriel
If only closed minds came with closed mouths. Lau: "But where would they put their feet?" Postpaleo: "Up their ass."