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25 Aug 2020, 7:07 pm

Hi Crystal! I had a major horse phase but couldn't do anything about it and eventually took an interest in smaller, more affordable animals instead. What's your preferred riding style? Do you compete?

AQ ave: 29.11 // AQ-10 ave: 7.74
EQ ave: 25.0
rdos averages: Aspie 121 // NT 85.3
RAADS-R: 122.0

Not a doctor.


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26 Aug 2020, 9:30 am

Carpeta wrote:
Hi Crystal! I had a major horse phase but couldn't do anything about it and eventually took an interest in smaller, more affordable animals instead. What's your preferred riding style? Do you compete?

I used to do English riding lessons. Right now I'm more interested in Western riding. I dont compete. I used to want to though. I have not ridden in a while.


Joined: 12 Aug 2020
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26 Aug 2020, 1:51 pm

What is your first name? Kris

Age: 33

Location: Midwest, US

Hobbies and Interests: Animals, learning, puzzles

Why are you here? Get a sense of connection and learn more about coping with life

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Last month

Favorite subjects: Math, science

Favorite music: Rock, typically hard rock

Books: Do not enjoy reading

TV shows/Movies: Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Psych, Monk, Bones, Warehouse 13, House, Burn Notice

Do you like sports? Not really

How did you find this website? Watching some lecture comparing autism and NTs and was mentioned

Job: Engineer

Plans for the future? Own a house so I can foster more cats.

Any comments? Nope


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26 Aug 2020, 2:13 pm

BrailleCat wrote:
TV shows/Movies: Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Psych, Monk, Bones, Warehouse 13, House, Burn Notice

Given how much I love the rest of the shows in your list, I need to try Burn Notice.

AQ ave: 29.11 // AQ-10 ave: 7.74
EQ ave: 25.0
rdos averages: Aspie 121 // NT 85.3
RAADS-R: 122.0

Not a doctor.

quite an extreme

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26 Aug 2020, 2:33 pm

BrailleCat wrote:
What is your first name? Kris ...

Engineer and into math, science and hard rock? 8O Sounds really cool! :sunny:

I am as I am. :skull: :sunny: :wink: :sunny: :skull: Life has to be an adventure!

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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26 Aug 2020, 7:39 pm

Age: 36

Location: Southeast Wisconsin

Hobbies and Interests: Reading, research, history, reenactment, psychology, sewing, making/repairing things, board games, films, musical theatre, cooking, cohousing...

Why are you here? Just got my diagnosis.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 8/17/2020

Favorite subjects: English, psychology, theatre, history...

Books: Heidi, Harry Potter, Name of the Wind, The Juniper Game, The Raging Quiet, Absolute Pandemonium, Letters from Backstage...

TV shows: Star Trek TNG/DS9/Voyager, Great British Bake-Off, The Repair Shop, Are You Being Served?, Father Brown...

Movies: Star Wars, Disney, lots of musicals, lots of films with historical settings, and I re-watch a lot of classic films. Not a fan of horror/thriller.

Do you like sports? No

Clothing: Daily personal uniform, no decisions to make in the morning!

Job: Manager for a small business.

Plans for the future? Build a more satisfying life, make new friends in real life.


Joined: 12 Aug 2020
Age: 38
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Posts: 12

28 Aug 2020, 9:32 am

Carpeta wrote:
BrailleCat wrote:
TV shows/Movies: Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Psych, Monk, Bones, Warehouse 13, House, Burn Notice

Given how much I love the rest of the shows in your list, I need to try Burn Notice.

I recommend it. I am rewatching it right now.


Joined: 31 Aug 2020
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Location: Wallstrasse 28, Hessen, 35321, Laubach, Germany

31 Aug 2020, 2:34 am

Hessen, Germany
Fishing and Traveling
Gather information.
Nothing in particular
The grapes of wrath, Invisible man, As i lay dying
Breaking Bad, American Gods
Yes - Football
Mom, Dad, and a small brother.
Nothing in particular
Through Alex
Principal nurse
Still planning
Nothing much to say. Let's see whats happens in the future.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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02 Sep 2020, 2:35 pm


Everything that exists on earth is but the transient form of appearance of some celestial agency. Everything terrestrial has its prototype, its primordial cause, its ruling agency in heaven. The Chinese philosopher, looking at the beauties of nature, the variety of hills and plains, rivers and oceans, the wonderful harmony of colour, light and shade, sees in it but the dim reflex of that more splendid scenery frescoed in ethereal beauty on heaven's starry firmament. He gazes at the sun, that dazzling regent of the day, and recognizes in him, as his terrestrial reflex, the male principle of creation, ruling everything that is under the sun. He lifts up his eye to the moon, the beautiful queen of the night, and sees her reflex on earth, in the female principle, pervading all sublunary forms of existence. He observes the swift rotatory course of the five planets, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury and Saturn, and sees their counterpart on earth in the ceaseless interchange and permutations of the five elements of nature, wood, fire, metal, water and earth. He contemplates the spangled firmament at night, and compares with it its dimly-reflected transcript on the


Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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05 Sep 2020, 10:39 am

What is your first name? Prefer not to say

Age: 29

Location: western europe

Hobbies and Interests: sports, lost interest in most things

Why are you here? Finding people who understand and learn how to cope with difficulties and life in general

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): currently undergoing the process

Favorite subjects: science

Favorite music: nothing in particular

Books: historical novels, crime

TV shows/Movies: Big Bang Theory, mash, friends, Lucifer

Do you like sports? Usually yes

How did you find this website? Looking for resources about ASD, there was a link mentioned

Job: education in molecular biology, just started working in science communication

Plans for the future? Not really. Would love to have a dog one day but I dont have the space.

Any comments? No

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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Posts: 173

07 Sep 2020, 4:29 am

What is your first name? Prefer not to say

Age: between 40 and 50

Location: Europe

Hobbies and Interests: a lot, some for a long time (maybe lifetime), some changeing over the times

Why are you here? I had the dutie to do some research

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I have some diagnoses with not fit properly in important points. I'm still back in the process to sort out how I could built my life, so that it doesn't overburden me. Luckly I remeet a 'doctor' who made the proposal to let me test on Asperger's. He knows me many years (with long gaps) so I'm nearly sure I will say: "yes, let's test". But I nearly always thought I have some kind of parts of 'autism light' since I know about autism. When I learned about it was before the therms of Asperger has been. With this last week of research it is now kind of: I know. It's most parts of my beeing are discribed in books in my own 'secret' words. It is kind of scary and good in the same time

Favorite subjects: crafting, repairing, playing games (with simlpe rules) and lots more

Instrument: None

Do you like sports? No, absolutely no!

Family: birth family, no contact

Clothing: comfy, with pockets

How did you find this website? research

Job: Yes

Plans for the future? Want to be satisfied with my life

Any comments? No

--- Don't Panic! ---
Do you know ?


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03 Oct 2020, 5:06 pm

What is your first name? Luna

Age: 20

Location: Louisiana, USA

Hobbies and Interests: Jeopardy, Pokemon, the Supreme Court, intend to get back into indoor cycling

Why are you here? I have autism and I want to find a community

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2002 or 2003

Favorite subjects: Creating writing

Year/Grade: Third year in college

Favorite music: Video game music and R.E.M., and I really like a song called Supreme Girl by The Sterns

Books: The Nine by Jeffrey Toobin

TV shows/Movies: Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune

Instrument: None, used to be piano

Do you like sports? No

Family: Close relationship with parents, strained relationship with younger brother

Clothing: Dresses, sometimes with butterfly patterns, lace jabots

How did you find this website? My mother told me about it one day

Job: Student, intend to return to data entry

Plans for the future? Accounting or data entry

Any comments? No

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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04 Oct 2020, 1:17 am

What is your first name? aaaaaaaaaa

Age: 28

Location: NZ

Hobbies and Interests: behaviour of dogs, wolves, people, and the cosmos. drawing, printmaking, rollerskates, bikes, going fast, swimming, books, words, language, music, catching busses in loops, philosophy, astrology (for comedic purposes).

Why are you here? I got diagnosed with autism but I'm skeptical

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2019

Favorite subjects: philosophy - epistemology

Year/Grade: adult of the city

Favorite music: recently ic3peak lmao, diane cluck's oh vanille / ova nil, angel olsen's new stuff, aldous harding always, weyes blood's latest album, david berman's last work. historically and also always, radiohead, pj harvey, portishead

Books: the melancholy of resistance - laszlo krasznahorkai (and everything else they have written), atmospheric disturbances - rivka galchen, david mitchell's slade house, number9dream, ghostwritten, the bone clocks , etc. murakami's sputnik sweetheart, hard-boiled wonderland and the end of the world, etc.

TV shows/Movies: portrait of a lady on fire was Really Good

Instrument: guitar I guess

Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: recently roller derby, rollerskating, ocean swimming, cycling

Family: hmm

Clothing: lol looking like a black hole

How did you find this website? researching autism

Job: none

Plans for the future? to never think the world is separate from me, to always be free

Any comments? Hi to any other girls with autism around my age I'd like to chat

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

Joined: 28 Dec 2019
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04 Oct 2020, 5:07 am

What is your first name? Dave

Age: 59

Location: E.Cheshire, UK

Hobbies and Interests: TV, film, Computer Games, Computer Graphics, Digital Art & 3D Modelling

Why are you here? It's one of the few places where I can talk to people who understand me

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Autism/Aspie about 2 years ago

Favorite subjects:

Year/Grade: Not sure there's a grade that applies to my age!!

Favorite music: I like all types from JS Bach to Rainbow.

Books: The Bible. Artemis Fowl Series by Eoin Colfer.

TV shows/Movies: Edge of tomorrow and other Time Travel Films

Instrument: I play the Fool quite a Bit...

Do you like sports? Other than martial arts, no

Family: Only two left, dont really see them now.

Clothing: Quite often, as it tends to get cold in the UK

How did you find this website? Internet Search

Job: Primary school caretaker

Plans for the future? I'd like to have one!!

Any comments?


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04 Oct 2020, 6:25 pm

^^^hiya Scouse :flower: welcome to WP 8)

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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10 Oct 2020, 12:32 am

What is your first name? Too unusual to reveal

Age: 37 (despite what the sidebar thingy says)

Location: San Francisco, CA

Hobbies and Interests: Walking and hiking, audiobooks and podcasts, video and word games, origami, wondering what my cat is thinking, photography, drawing, and making lists.

Why are you here? Diagnosed high-functioning autistic (don’t love that nomenclature but I haven’t fully explored alternatives) at 36, struggling with depression and anxiety as well. I guess I am looking to connect with people who are “like me” and as a child of the internet 1.0, this is delightfully reminiscent of message boards of old.

When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Last November

Favorite subjects: I am not in school anymore but I definitely loved any class in which the teacher demonstrated genuine enthusiasm and I think that is true across all disciplines

Year/Grade: I’m in 31st grade

Favorite music: Oh man this question is so nostalgic UGH. I love a good singer-songwriter, a whiz at the ol’ turntable, a wordsmith of the hip hop persuasion, and also lots of classic rock

Books: I am mostly a fiction person, but lately I’ve gotten into memoirs from people dealing with psychological challenges, plus treatises on race in America. Best book of recent memory is Tyll by Daniel Kehlmann

TV shows/Movies: TV: The Big Four (The Wire, Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Mad Men), Twin Peaks, Seinfeld, Orphan Black, Bojack Horseman, plus anything that is different from what I expect. Movies: I have so many favorites. The three movies I’ve seen the most number of times are Blue Velvet, The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert, and All That Jazz.

Instrument: piano, voice (learning drums too)

Do you like sports? I’d like sports a lot more if sports fans weren’t so terrible. I was on the swim team in high school.

Family: Nuclear growing up, presently just my partner and my cat.

Clothing: Modest but well-fitting

How did you find this website? I honestly can’t remember

Job: electricity policy analyst and fraud investigator

Plans for the future? Uh, just survive for now

Any comments? Discovering my autism was my first step toward accepting and forgiving myself for so many things from my past that I’d assumed happened because I was a bad person. Is that too personal? Also I am not good at boundaries haha