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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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27 Aug 2007, 10:00 am

OK... I got reverd here by another forum. The admin asked me if I suffer from "Aspergers Syndrome". I didn't even know what it is, so I went and googled it. All I've read so far is this.

Most of the stuff is true, even the part about not likeing people touch my hair. It's weird I've been like this my whole life... did'nt even think it's some kind of "Syndrome". So what is this? some kind of mental disease?

And is it weird of me to just hate everbody? or does that have nothing to do with Aspergers Syndrome?

O. and hey, hello. I'm Epsi.


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27 Aug 2007, 10:04 am

Welcome to WP!


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27 Aug 2007, 10:13 am

Welcome to WrongPlanet! :D



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27 Aug 2007, 12:13 pm

Welcome to WP :)

Epsi wrote:
The admin asked me if I suffer from "Aspergers Syndrome".

You will find here that most of us do not suffer from Aspegers Syndrome, we suffer from the nurotypical masses. :P

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27 Aug 2007, 12:15 pm

Hey welcome to WP! Aspergers syndrome is not a disease, its a form of autism. Here, you aren't different, and nobody will think your weird. Here are some more sites about Aspergers if you want to find out more...
http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/tc/A ... e-Symptoms


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27 Aug 2007, 1:04 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

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27 Aug 2007, 3:09 pm

Welcome to WrongPlanet Image

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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27 Aug 2007, 5:15 pm

Epsi wrote:
OK... I got reverd here by another forum. The admin asked me if I suffer from "Aspergers Syndrome". I didn't even know what it is, so I went and googled it. All I've read so far is this.

Hello, and welcome :)
Excuse my directness, but - how weird to get referred here from another forum, may I ask what the forum was about? (As I said, I'm usually very direct, and I don't expect an answer - just curious.)
Epsi wrote:
Most of the stuff is true, even the part about not likeing people touch my hair. It's weird I've been like this my whole life... did'nt even think it's some kind of "Syndrome". So what is this? some kind of mental disease?

Neither did I, until I discovered it a few weeks ago and suddenly, I felt like all my questions about life had been answered. I wouldn't classify it as a disease, because diseases can be contracted and usually cured too. Depending on your point of view, I'm sorry to say that AS is a disorder that cannot be cured, but it's not all bad either (to be honest, I focus on the strengths instead of weaknesses, and that makes it hard not seeing Aspies as superior to neurotypicals, but I'm getting the idea that it's just liked different "cultures"). Anyway, the mere assumption of somebody you only know online that you might have it is no substitute for a full diagnosis, so it's really up to you to decide whether you have it or not, and whether you want to pursue a full diagnosis. Either way, people will welcome you here, at least that's my experience :)
Epsi wrote:
And is it weird of me to just hate everbody? or does that have nothing to do with Aspergers Syndrome?

That's not how I feel towards everyone else, but depending on your circumstances there could be lots of explanations for that. Heck, I didn't grow up in a very understanding environment either and it could have turned out that way for me quite easily, I'm just lucky that it didn't (yet). Since I arrived here I discovered thast Aspies differ even more from each other than people in general, and that's a good thing :)

Either way, make yourself at home at WP :)

Best wishes,

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Aug 2007, 6:51 am

xanadu wrote:
how weird to get referred here from another forum, may I ask what the forum was about? (As I said, I'm usually very direct, and I don't expect an answer - just curious.)

It was a gameing forum. I made a comment that grown men should not play SIMS. Then the forum started bitching about women rights, and how playing with dolls doen't mean you gay... and some other crap I can't even remember. After 3 days of discusion the admin asked me if I have Aspergers Syndrome. I don't know why he asked, so I went and looked it up. Then it all made sense. It takes me time to get sarcasm or irony, Also I have great diffuculty in saying what I want to say... and a few other things.

Please don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm against women, or gays. It's just I am not one... so why the hell must I care? Anyway I'm not useing Aspergers Syndrome as an excuse to be a dick. I have just always been "socialy retarted". Thing is I know what a jerk is... and I'm not, but I come accros as one.

And don't worry about being direct, I don't get why people are indirect in the first place.

Also I did the Online test and got 36 out of 50.

For those that want more info. I'm 20, live in South Africa, and I'm s colledge student. I'm 2 months away from finnishing my Information System Engineer course. Ironic since I read most people with Aspergers Syndrome tend to go into the Engineer direction. Also my first language is Afrikaans, not english. So excuse my horrible spelling and grammer.


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28 Aug 2007, 6:55 am


So what is not to hate about people? From the Repo Man, " Look at them, ordinary people, I hate them."

Think about it, where do aliens come from?

AS is not. There are millions, given the same label, and no two alike.

Too smart to put up with human stupidity Syndrome.

Autisum is where the sense of self overcomes herd mentality,

I do not live in my little world, I live in The Universe.

Every one else wants to be like everyone else,

I want to be like The Universe.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Aug 2007, 7:03 am

Inventor wrote:
I want to be like The Universe.

Deep words. But I have always just been myself. Coudn't care less what other people think.. do... wear... rub under their arm... or eat for lunch. As long as they can accept themselfs, it's fine by me.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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28 Aug 2007, 2:44 pm

Epsi wrote:
It was a gameing forum.

Funny, how such an innocent discussion can plant the idea of you having AS in someone. Don't get me wrong, but I would never suggest such a thing without having met the person "in person". Even then, I guess I'm to prejudiced and could possibly see traits in everyone, so I won't.
Epsi wrote:
It takes me time to get sarcasm or irony, Also I have great diffuculty in saying what I want to say... and a few other things.

Me too.
Epsi wrote:
And don't worry about being direct, I don't get why people are indirect in the first place.

Thanks! Me neither :)
Epsi wrote:
Also I did the Online test and got 36 out of 50.

43 here.
Epsi wrote:
I'm 2 months away from finnishing my Information System Engineer course. Ironic since I read most people with Aspergers Syndrome tend to go into the Engineer direction.

Once I read that Aspies differ even more from each other than NTs - I guess the unknown quoted person was right. But IS is not ironic at all, I'm sure you'll discover many who specialize in that here. I've got a lesser IS/IT degree myself.
Espi wrote:
So excuse my horrible spelling and grammer.

It's perfectly understandable :)

Best wishes,