Hi, longtime member here who didnt start posting regularly till less than a year ago.
I have been homeless most of the last ~5 years, cept for time with my Mom, which may have been the worst and hardest part of the whole experience.
Anyway, I was posting in ass-p's tribute thread as a fellow hobo and drama queen, but started making it all about me as queens do, so made my own thread.
The_Znof wrote:
so its time to try temp work again, thinking they will give me broom pusher or flaggers helper if Im lucky -
but its front desk at a womans' low cost housing in the DTES.
anyway, turns out it is a unisex shelter, and the shifts are available to me till I quit or get fired.
Also, the people who run the shelter also run decent low income buildings, so if things dont go to s**t quite fast, I may be housed soon.
I have worked two shifts, first suspected autist discovered on second shift.
Since the guests may not appreciate being immortalised here by me, I will keep details vague, and favor autism related posts.
At first I was quite scared of having to narcan people, but after reading up to get the ticket feel much better.
Perhaps I could make it my special interest, to be a good anti-overdose emt around here.