Hi everyone!
First of all, I'd like to say that it's great to have found such a valuable resource of real-world first-hand accounts of people with Asperger's Syndrome so easily accessible on the internet!
My name is Andrew and I have a 19 year old younger brother who has been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. I myself am 21 years old and we live in Melbourne, Australia.
My family had always known that there was something "different" about my brother ever since he was very little. He did not start speaking until quite late (as I recall, he didn't start until he was at least 3), did not have many friends at school, had trouble communicating with people, had difficulty concentrating at school, etc.
However, it wasn't until he was about 12 or 13 when we were told that he had Asperger's. My parents decided to not tell him for a few years (until he was about 16) as they were unsure and worried about how knowledge of it it would affect him at such a young age. We did not know of any other families who had kids who were Aspies (I picked that name up here) and were going on the advice of the professionals we had met with. I myself have never been involved directly with the counselors/psychologists that my brother meets with so I thought a great place to learn would be from a forum like this.
I have a whole list of questions that I would love to ask about how people live with Asperger's and, more importantly, how I myself can help my brother. I realise that this is an introduction thread so I will not post any questions here and just wish to make everyone's acquaintance.