Hey folks, Dave here. After learning of the site's existence, I immediately came over and created an account. And hey, Merry Christmas! Your gift is... some random internet stranger! Lucky you!
I'm home sick on Christmas with the flu and couldn't spend time with the family, a bummer -- but as I'm sure many of us here will be able to identify with... it really wasn't SO bad staying home from the social chaos of the party scene... heh.
So, why am I here? To meet folks, to join a community of like-minded humans. Make friends, you know the deal. Share my own perspective with the hopes it will help others, and benefit from y'all in yet-unknown ways. Geography isn't so important to me in friends; it ranks a million miles behind that awesome vibe I only seem to find with my fellow neurodivergents!
As an (recently discovered) Aspie with (long-time known) ADHD, my list of special interests would probably crash the servers if I tried to type it all out. Let's just say it's been a busy buncha years finding a new thing then going reeeeeal deep. I'll name some (specifics) for flavor.
I guess some of the highlights would be: provider of reportedly uniquely valuable perspective and advice for friends and family, big fan of comedy (George Carlin), lover of science (Carl Sagan), pursuer of holistically healthy worldview (Derren Brown), musician (trumpet, vocal and electric bass), ex-hardcore gamer (Final Fantasy and MMOs), motorcycle track day rider (Triumph Street Triple), car modifier (Chevy Impala SS), amateur psychologist, proponent of inner soul-work, Muay Thai practitioner, advocate of deep human care and connection both with others and oneself, anime enthusiast (Cowboy Bebop) and novice dancer of Argentine Tango.
So, lots of stuff.
I've grown to see value in all walks of life, and I believe that we should all take great advantage of the limited time that we have in this world.
/end soapbox
Oh, and of course there's my cat Zero aka Zero the Hero aka Zero the Immortal aka Zero Fuchs aka Bahamut Zero aka Zeros the Heavy Metal Prince. It may be hard to conceptualize since you've never met him, but he is in fact the world's greatest cat. I sense I'll get some pushback on that, but... it's all good, you're uninitiated
So cheers, y'all. Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, or happy Hanukkah, or happy anything! And for my fellow Humanists, happy HumanLight!
[obligatory Festivus reference not found]
Stay true to you, even if some folks ain't always into it. There's only one "real you" and it's up to you whether it ever sees the light of day.
Dave and Zero