Questions about you
What is your first name? Tiffany
Age: 44
Location: Saumur, France
Hobbies and Interests: Arts, crafts, science, animals, history, literature...
Why are you here? Starting the diagnostic process, and looking to learn more about people's experiences. I enjoy being part of an online community.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): HSP/smarty pants age 7, anxiety/depression from age 12, OCD age 24, CPTSD age 25, ADHD age 35...
Favorite subjects: Horses, English history 1066 - WWI, the origins of words, making stuff.
Favorite music: anything from 1940s to 2000.
Books: The Count of Montecristo, Jane Eyre
TV shows/Movies: The Big Bang Theory (did Sheldon and his peers help anyone else self-diagnose???)
Instrument: Voice, touch of the piano
Do you like sports? Only if a four legged creature is doing most of the work.
Family: Weirdos. All of them. Don't have one of my own so as not to propagate the folly.
Clothing: Anything soft and comfy.
How did you find this website? Google search
Job: Voice artist
Plans for the future? Learning to live day by day ;p
Any comments? Happy to be here and also feeling a little shy.
I write long-winded posts. I can't help it.
Just starting the diagnostic process -- 147/200 on the Aspie Quizz
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

Joined: 25 May 2024
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Posts: 52
Location: United Kingdom
What is your first name? Michael
Age: 30
Location: UK
Hobbies and Interests: Video Games, Reading, Documentaries, History and a fair few other things
Why are you here? Hoping to chat to people and become better at chatting to people . Maybe there is more to it. I'm not too sure yet.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I must have been around 5. Diagnosed with Semantic Pragmatic Disorder, which I think is now High-functioning ASD.
Favorite music: Country music
Books: 1984, Brave New World and hopefully many more .
TV shows/Movies: Lawrence of Arabia and Fringe
Instrument: Would love to but absolutely lack the talent.
Do you like sports? Used to be more into it, but have fallen off the past few years.
Family: No children, no partner.
Clothing: Pretty old fashioned. Jeans, leather jacket, checked shirt etc.
How did you find this website? Recommended from another forum. Still new to the whole forum business .
Job: Work In Healthcare
Plans for the future? Hopefully give my family a good life and live new experiences.
Any comments?
I hope everyone is doing well.
Pileated woodpecker

Joined: 1 Jun 2024
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Posts: 193
Location: Republic of Ireland
What is your first name? Aoife. (It's pronounced like ee-fah)
Age: 22, turning 23 in September.
Location: Ireland
Hobbies and Interests: Learning languages, eurovision, watching documentaries, colouring, music
Why are you here? To learn and interact with others on the spectrum.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): I was diagnosed with autism level 1 and ADHD (inattentive type) back in May 2023.
Favorite subjects: History and Geography.
Year/Grade: I'm starting college over again after dropping out due to burnout and untreated ADHD. I'll be studying Early childhood and education so I can pursue my dream in becoming an early years educatior.
Favorite music: I don't have a specific favourite genre of music since it kinda depends on my mood. My playlists are all over the place lol
Books: I don't read much anymore. I'd love to get back into it though.
TV shows/Movies: The classics are the best
Instrument: I used to play piano
Do you like sports? Not my thing.
Family: Yes, I do in fact have a family
Clothing: I tend to dress casually. I like wearing hoodies, jeans, leggings, etc... I mostly dress out of comfort.
How did you find this website? Was looking up information about autism and somehow ended up here hehe.
Job: Currently working as a cashier. Studying to become a preschool teacher in the future.
Plans for the future? To finish my degree in Early childhood and education. Get a job at a preschool. Honestly not much else.
Any comments? I think I said about everything.
Dylan the autist
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 13 Nov 2023
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Posts: 47
Location: Republic of Ireland
Name: Dylan
Age: 24
Location: Ireland
Hobbies and Interests: Writing, Mixing & Producing Music, playing with and training my dog, making lists of goals and random trivia.
Why are you here?: to hopefully make a friend.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): Age 4 - Diagnosed Autistic with ADHD.
Favorite subjects: Music, Philosophy,
Favorite music: The Beatles & Michael Jackson
Books: Lots of Music Books I won't list them all!, Epictetus Discourses and Selected Writings, Marcus Aurelius Meditations
TV shows/Movies: Inside Out and Inside Out 2, Taxi Driver, The Godfather 1 and 2, Pinnochio
Instrument: Piano, Singing, Trumpet and Guitar.
Do you like sports?: I don't have friends to play with but if I did I'd love to play tennis, I also like running and swimming and hiking.
Family: 5 siblings 2 sisters 3 brothers.
Clothing: Fashion sense is lacking, wear whatever is comfortable but hope to change this.
How did you find this website?: researching autism forum on a google search.
Job: Unemployed.
Plans for the future?: Studying Music Production 3rd year in college, struggling at the moment with technical modules but very passionate about my course, I'm in music instrument lessons too and I have a home built studio and hope to bridge all of this together to make a music album and a career as a music producer once I have my own apartment away from home.
Any comments?
Name: Jeff
Age: 41
Location: Michigan, US
Hobbies and Interests: Karaoke, a philosophy I daydream about regarding spectrums everywhere (and I just self-diagnosed this year.. d’oh!), Reddit, Quora, Fatherhood (one 6 year old son), rock hounding for crystals, Veteran
Why are you here?: meet friends, ask for help with an iPhone app that my friend and I created for neurodivergent people related to sharing special interests between each other and building that elusive social support structure.
When were you diagnosed? Age 21 Bipolar Type 1, Age 25 ADHD, Age 41 self-diagnosed autism level 1
Favorite subjects: Physics, math, philosophy, Religion, and Linguistics as they relate to spectrums.
Year/Grade: Bachelors in Business 2009
Favorite music: 90s country: George Strait, Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney, Garth Brooks, the Chicks, Shania Twain, Toby Keith, Leanne Rhimes, Leanne Womack, Other favorites: Selena Quintanilla, Sia, Michael Jackson, Boyz II Men, Matchbox 20, The Ronettes, Spice Girls, the Chipmunks, Mariah Carey
Books: Self Help
TV shows/Movies: Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Lost
Instrument: Voice
Do you like sports?: Yes. Play baseball, soccer, frisbee, minigolf. Watch football, basketball, Olympics, and World Cup.
I will be going to a World Cup game in 2026. Ok, I don’t have tickets yet, but it will happen if I keep telling myself that.
Family: Oldest of 4, 2 bros and 1 sister
Clothing: Army/gym shorts, various t-shirts with button-up in the evening. Ball cap when I’m not feeling the whole hair gel thing. Clean casual overall.
How did you find this website?: Quora
Job: Non-technical app developer, retired military (medical)
Plans for the future?
I am steady working on this app. I want people with special interests to be able to create microblogs in a private social media outlet where they can decide whether or not to share those blogs with everyone in their friends list.
Further, we can make any number of these blogs for our own collection of favorite content or we can exchange our blogs with other people to see theirs. The app is in testing and it looks really great so far.
PM me if you want me to invite you when we launch it for iPhone and visionpro.
Any comments?
I like making friends no matter where they are from. I have a best friend that I exchange audio recordings on WhatsApp fairly often and I like that a lot.
I want to know about your special interest to whatever degree you want to share. I don’t really like talking about my philosophy stuff, but since I feel like this is a place where I can express myself judgment free, I am absolutely obsessed with spectrums and navigating them with my imagination. Ok, you got me on the subject, I will share an example:
Imagine a volleyball. Select a characteristic of the ball. You can choose texture, size, material type, shape, how inflated it is, color, or any attribute you can think of for this ball. I am choosing color for this example, specifically the colors of the rainbow, and I am imagining the ball in each of the colors as I navigate the color spectrum. You can do that with any of the other attributes too. It means you can design the ball to your liking in your imagination.
So what right? Wow, your favorite color volleyball. Imagine if you have been obsessing about redesigning your material realities for nearly 20 years and then AI image generation comes out and you can prompt each of these things into visual existence. I have been ecstatic about this.
It will not be long until you can design and order a manufactured item straight from the AI’s Amazon account, which means it will not be too long that I can design everything around me.
And, if that doesn’t happen, I can still count on some tech company creating this ability in VR and a likely exoskeleton to go with it so I can interact with virtual things.
I can play a game of one on one volleyball against you someday though we are in our own living rooms. I hope you like the color blue.
What is your first name? Dustin
Location: Western Pennsylvania, USA
Hobbies and Interests: Writing my life story, Watching YouTube...Still discovering
Why are you here? Mutual Connection and Support
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):1998 at the age of 13
Favorite subjects:Maps, Phone Books, Information, Local History, Sanitation
Favorite music: I will listen to anything but country and heavy metal /rap. Linkin Park is my ultimate favorite.
Books: Local History
TV shows/Movies: Don't really watch TV, but I do like clips from the Simpsons and Family Guy.
Do you like sports? None
Blended Family of three sisters and a brother, numerous nephews, nieces, great nephews/nieces, and a loving supportive mom and dad.
Clothing: As long as its not offensive, comfortbable and fits. I am more into denim jeans /shorts and slip ons
How did you find this website? My therapist told me about it as many of their clients uses it.
Job: Part time Satisfaction interviewer for recipents of my county's behavioral health medicaid services
Plans for the future? Gain my in-person friend network and connect more overall.
Any comments?
Dustin (He/Him)
Location: Western Pennsylvania, USA
Diagnosed with Aspergers at age 13 back in 1998.
What is your first name?: Liz
Age: Turning 21 in 15 days
Location: Chicago
Hobbies and Interests: Space, neuroscience, medicine, biology, anything science related really, video games, Star Wars, painting, archery, hiking, rocks, and strength training
Why are you here?: To (hopefully) meet and get to know some other autistic people
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2021 at age 18
Favorite subjects: Neuroscience, astrophysics, philosophy, ethics
Year/Grade: College Sophomore
Favorite music: Anything except country and christian/religious music. (no hate, I just don't like how it sounds)
Books: Fiction: Science fiction, fantasy, and mystery. Nonfiction: Science-related books, history books, and philosophy texts
TV shows/Movies: Star Wars everything, scavengers reign (so good), rick and morty, smiling friends, bobs burgers, idk I'm not a huge movie person
Instrument: Piano kinda; hoping to get better at some point
Do you like sports?: Not a huge fan or anything, but I like to watch women's soccer occasionally
Family: Yes
Clothing: Butchy
How did you find this website?: Googled "autistic forums" and this came up
Job: Student
Plans for the future?: Medical school and a golden retriever
Any comments?: I'd really like to make some autistic friends around my age, so if anyone else is looking for the same thing and is interested, feel free to reach out.
Also, I'm kinda bad with computers and this is my first time using a forum like this, so apologies if I post this wrong or something. I don't really know how this works yet.
What is your first name? Mateusz
Age: 14, 15 in December
Location: Poland
Hobbies and Interests: Football, history, Marvel, Star Wars.
Why are you here? IDK I just was bored and decided to try it
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): When I was 12
Favorite subjects: History, English and Geography
Year/Grade: 10th in September
Favorite music: Rap
Books: Mystery, history and adventure books. And comics.
TV shows/Movies: The suite life of Zack&Cody, anything with Marvel and Star Wars.
Instrument: Drums
Do you like sports? Yes!
Family: Yes.
Clothing: I just wear clothes from kid's section. Random clothes that I like.
How did you find this website? Googled: interesting forums
Job: Student
Plans for the future? Studying law
Any comments? No. Have a good day.
What is your first name? PETER
Age: 49 (50 NEXT MONTH)
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): ABOUT A MONTH AGO
Year/Grade: 1992
Favorite music: GARAGE ROCK
TV shows/Movies: WIZARD OF OZ
Do you like sports? NO OPINION
How did you find this website? POSSIBLY RADIO SHOW (THIS AMERICAN LIFE) ?
Plans for the future? TRAVEL, WANT TO LIVE BY THE SEA
What is your first name?
Age: 29
Location: Savannah Georgia
Hobbies and Interests: Art and storybook creation, Videogames, Trading card games, Fantasy, Ancient and Medieval history and weaponry, Deep life topics, and people's story's in general.
Why are you here?:
To find people like myself that can relate to feeling like you're from another world.
When were you diagnosed?
I'll be getting one, but I have to wait a year.
Favorite subjects: History, Art, and Psychology
Year/Grade: Graduated Technical College with an associates degree in Business Management
Favorite music: Gaming Music, Movie Music, Classical; pretty much anything that's more instrumental than vocals
Books: Parsifal's Page, Knight Templars, Bible (from time to time)
TV shows/Movies: Once Upon a Time, Gladiator, Kingdom of Heaven, Avengers Infinity War, Thor Ragnarok, Sleeping Beauty, Toy Story series (1-3), Samurai Jack, Danny Phantom, and The Last Airbender.
Do you like sports? Nope.
How did you find this website?
Searching for a Asperger's Community
Job: Grocery Replenishment Specialist at Publix
Plans for the future?
Too many failures for me to know currently
Graves Kingdom Come
Name: Halo (I was born with Roger, but worked in a room full of soldiers with walkie talkies)
Age: 62
Location: Musoria (look it up and see under "name")
Hobbies and Interests: Drone construction, ham radio, alpaca breeding, fireworking, archery
Why are you here?: make friends, hope that baring my soul can help anyone in here. I have a crap tonne of unique experience
When were you diagnosed? Age 25 Ehlers Danloss III, Age 39 self-diagnosed Asperger's, Age 62 offered confirmation but refused
Favorite subjects: sorry... Have to put sex in #1, Electronics, Coding, Pyrotechnics, Russian and Chinese weaponry,
Year/Grade: ummm the last was Certificate IV in multimedia
Favorite music: I'm a bit of a thrash puppy, so
Sum41, Lillingtons, Teenage Bottlerocket, *The Meanies, *Cosmic Psychos, Blink, Bad Religion, Chixdiggit, *Exploding White Mice, Lagwagon, Gimme Gimmes, Pulley, *Splatterheads,
*The Eastern Dark, Offspring, Rezillos, Veruca Salt, L7
* = Australian...if you're into the rest, you ought to check them put
Books: Sci fi
TV shows/Movies: Sci fi
Instrument: Bass guitar
Do you like sports?: Doing... Archery, Watching.... women's soccer, women's AFL
Family: Only 2 brothers remaining, 1 up and 1 down and a niece and nephew
Clothing: zip up work boots, T shirt and jeans or army pants (Swedish are my favourite)
Leather Bike jacket
How did you find this website?: Search engine
Job: Defence contractor/Alpaca breeder
Plans for the future? Sell up and move to a beach, travel (my partner's idea... I'd prefer to die on this farm).
Any comments? Seriously... You probably don't want to know. Check the Adult Autism issues section if you have to.
What is your first name? Mayor
Age: 57
Location: AZ
Hobbies and Interests: None at the moment
Why are you here? In my pantry hiding from conflict
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): At age 46
Favorite subjects: Theoretical Physics and other physical sciences, math, language, history
Year/Grade: Seriously? Is this site only for people in Grade School?
Favorite music: Taylor
Books: Don't read much
TV shows/Movies: They call me Sheldon from Big Bang Theory
Instrument: Guitar, Piano, Saxophone
Do you like sports? Kayaking, Hiking, Climbing, American Football
Family: Estranged parents are dead, estranged sister might as well be
Clothing: I wear shorts and t-shirt
How did you find this website? Many hours of frustrated conversations with AI yielded this site
Job: Software Engineer
Plans for the future? Get out of this room... I found a dojo right down the street
Any comments? Not sure of the point of this.

Joined: 17 Jul 2004
Age: 50
Gender: Male
Posts: 117,605
Location: In my little Olympic World of peace and love
What is your first name?
Western Canada
Hobbies and Interests:
Music, arts & crafts, old TV shows, the Summer and Winter Olympics. I'm a lover of Germany and German things and people.
Why are you here?
Because I don't like social media
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder):
At the age of 5
Favorite subjects:
None. I'm no longer in school
I graduated college in 1996
Favorite music:
Schlager music and the music of the 60s British Invasion. The Kinks are my favourite band.
Do Archie comics count?
TV shows/Movies:
Hogan's Heroes and The Monkees.
The kambala
Do you like sports?
The Summer and Winter Olympics and real football where you score goals instead of touchdowns.
There's my mum, dad and I. My sister is married and I have a brother in law and a niece. I also have a mother and father in law. I also have two older male cousins that I hardly ever see these days.
Lose and comfortable. Black, red and yellow. Blue and green
How did you find this website?
In an news article
Flea market vendor
Plans for the future?
Get a part-time job as a greeter somewhere.
Any comments?
Go Duetchsland!
The Family Enigma
What is your first name? Keith
Age: 47
Location: US, Florida
Hobbies and Interests: Precision, Creation, Organization, Problem Solving, Leadership
Why are you here? I don't know.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 2024
Favorite subjects: Technology, Business
Year/Grade: Masters
Favorite music: 80s
Books: Technical Manuals
TV shows/Movies: The Accountant
Instrument: None
Do you like sports? No
Family: Yes
Clothing: Preferably not.
How did you find this website? ChatGPT
Job: Geospatial Software and Systems Engineer
Plans for the future? Overlord Supreme Ruler of Plant Earth, but in a nice way.
Any comments? Every person in the world has mental disorder. Those who don't, have a mental illness. I don't believe autism is a disorder. I see it as the application of coping skills to an every changing landscape of varying mental and emotional characteristics. A person experiences autism. It's not something a person has, and it doesn't define them. In some estimation every person experiences it. Some of us just experience it more often and or more significantly. And only that person can fully appreciate the experience as it is ineffably beyond words to convey.
Age: 13
Location: America
Hobbies and interests: playing bass, reading, drawing, typology
Why are you here?: ADHD, c-ptsd
When were you diagnosed: ADHD, 12 still in the process of getting diagnosed with c-ptsd
Favorite subjects: social studies
Grade: 8th
Favorite music: shoegaze
Books: fyodor Dostoevsky, dazai osamu, franz kafka, inio asano
Tv shows/movies: shameless, the end of the f**king world, sex and the city, neon genesis evangelion, nana, saiki k, death note
Instrument: bass guitar
Do you like sports?: no
Family: mom with adhd and gad, dad with bipolar and possibly autism or adhd, 7 year old brother with adhd, 11 year old brother with npd, intermittent explosive disorder, and odd (highly masking)
Clothing: vintage 90s/2000s clothes
How did you find this website?: I searched something up and found a forum from this website
Job: middle school student
Any plans for the future?: no unfortunately
ADHD and c-ptsd

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