Is there any hope at all for autistic men to find love in the usa? My loneliness is beginning to catch fire, and from it a burning rage and smoke of hatred is forming. I am actually starting to hate the usa to satanic levels because all i get is rejection, rejection, rejection, and 90% of the time i am told because im autistic. I feel like i just want to use my fathers gun on myself, and no, id rather be burned alive, slowly than get help from anyone like a dr or mental dr. I am so sick of of the fact that it is harder to make friends in the usa than it is to become an astronaut. I am losing all hope, i have even trying to summon biblical demons, researched dealings with Lucifer himself to try to make some kind of deal even at the expense of my soul just to have friends, i don't even care if they are demons in human form at this point, i have prayed my hole life to Jesus for help escaping my loneliness and he doesn't give a f***ing Sh*t, so f*k him! I was however to successfully meet a biblical demon last night, and i am seriously, seriously considering taking her up on her offer if something doesn't change, i am 38, never been kissed, hugged, or even around a girl and there is no excuse why it is this hard for an autistic guy to find a girlfriend, i have spent $11,000 in my lifetime so far on dating sites, at public places to try to meet people, but nooooooooo, I'm too socially awkward, I'm autistic, well if god would not have created me with this deeply satanic curse i wouldn't be born this way, its not my F***ing fault, its gods. Yet im jusged for it, i swear iff the demon of lust offered to be my friend, id accept in 0:00:00 seconds. i don't know what else to do besides turn to demons, it seems they are the only ones who will actualy talk to me and spend time with me.