I am a radio station program director which requires a great deal of interaction with a myriad of different personality types. Without learning to adapt, I never would have made it this far. Like "thinking in pictures", being able to "think in the sounds" of the various elements that create good radio has been of great benefit to me. There are some things about AS, that when you find how they can be applied, can certainly enhance your success. The key is being lucky enough or focused enough to reap such benefits. Sure, personal interaction is always a challenge, more so for many folks, but in my position it cannot be avoided. My Aspergers would be considered mild by some standards, but clinically very classic in its manifestations. I believe the whole course of my condition has lead me right to the point where I am now, in that my perseverances have been focused, like a driving passion, culminating in this successful career.
Onward Through The Fog!
Sacred Cows make the tastiest hambuger.
visualize whirled peas