Castillian wrote:
My son Dylan was diagnosed just 2 days ago. He is almost 15.
I just wanted to say Hello and that I am looking forward to learning from all of you, aspies and parents. It feels really great to FINALLY see that Dylan is not alone in his behavior, his quirks, his personality. He is so darned COOL and SHARP!
These past few years have been such a struggle for all of us, but now more than ever I understand what he may have been going thru,
I want him to come in here and inmerse himself in the information you all provide. I want him to be interested about AS but it has been 2 days only since his "preliminary" diagnosis. May I ask you all something?: what do you suggest, based on your experiences, we should do to get the info to him? To get him interested about AS? I DON'T WANT to push him at all!! ! (using caps for emphasis, not screaming.)
Thank you ahead of time.
Hi and welcome to WP
Maybe print out some information, or get him to read some online about AS. Just ask him if he wants to though. Or you could order a book from Tony Attwood, his books are good and informative.
If he wants to he could join up here to this website. I'm sure that he would learn a lot from being here. I was diagnosed when I was 15 and I am 16 now so a similar age to your son. I can say that from a teenagers perspective, coming to this site was great to meet others like myself. Your son might find the same thing.
I = Vegan!
Animals = Friends.