Hi everyone. I'm 22, a female, and have many interests, which I won't bore you about now.
For years now I've been feeling very at odds with myself and the world - 'wrong planet' is the perfect sentiment.
I haven't been diagnosed with AS, in fact I've kept almost everything to myself but after another meltdown on Saturday I attempted to tell my mum how I felt (i.e. that I'm not like everyone else, I don't understand the unwritten rules of relationships and have never had one..... etc etc etc). I'm booked in to see a doctor next week and am going to try and tell him everything if I can get the words out.
If I am AS, I don't think it's too severe, I mean I've got to now without appearing too unusual to people. Sure I'm seen as a bit 'quirky' and maybe shy, but any dialogue I have had with people has required massive efforts that people don't realise. I think I probably got quite good at faking enjoying being out with groups of people, when in reality I probably hardly ever talked. Now I've left university, I've realised that I was only going out to be polite and it was making me unhappy, so now I'm past caring and don't make a lot of effort so have become more isolated.
The reasons why I think I have AS are these:
I hate eye contact, I hate groups of people (I just don't speak if I can help it), I get very obsessed with stupid things and want to know every single bit of information about whatever I'm obsessed with, I can't understand what people are saying instantly because no-one is precise enough and everything seems ambiguous to me (really frustrating!), if I know I've got to go out in the evening I can't do any work in the day because I know there's going to be an interruption, if I get interrupted while I'm doing something it really makes me angry, I'm sensitive to touch, smell and loud, sudden or high-pitched sounds, I'd rather spend the night in a library than a club any day.... the list goes on really.
Oh and it's probably worth mentioning that I'm a total workaholic. I work a full-time job, and then spend every spare second starting new projects and taking on other jobs. I don't know whether that's part of AS or whether it's just a coping mechanism to make me try and forget what's wrong.
Anyway, that was a very long and boring intro sorry!! Great site though, I know I'll be spending a lot of time here trying to figure out how to cope with things better.
Last edited by googlewhack on 05 Feb 2008, 10:36 am, edited 1 time in total.