Hi everyone,
My real name is Tracey, 23 yrs old, a Dutch/English girl born and raised in The Netherlands. During childhood and puberty I always had the feeling that I was different. I tried to make friendships, but was always the odd one out, which resulted in bullying. What made it worse: I was very good at school, but outright terrible at PE...
When I hit puberty, I was not so much bullied anymore, more ignored... I never belonged to the popular bunch, still the odd one out. I often joked at family birthdays that "I'm a bit crazy but doctors just haven't invented the right pills for me yet".
In my 4th year I had something what I would now maybe call a burn-out... Doctors couldn't find anything physical; I surely wasn't depressed, but I just dind't have any energy in my body and the first two months I slept about 16 to 20 hours a day. As no one believed that there was something wrong, I left school and never graduated.
After that, I took on jobs and started working, more or less because I didn't know what to do with my life. I never held on to a job more than a year, most of the time not more than a couple of months.
In August 2007 I met someone whom I could identify with intellectually and I recognized a lot of the same odd traits I have. We could talk about science and philosophy until 6 a.m... He already had contact with a psychiatrist because of his ADHD, and a couple of months later he was diagnosed with Asperger's as well.
This got me informed about Autism and Asperger's and caused me to try and get a diagnosis as well.
I had some talks with a psychologist and did some tests (including the Thematic Apperception Test). This Monday (19th of May) I will receive her diagnosis...
I am feeling very nervous about Monday, to be honest I'm terrified that she'll say that I'm "completely normal", but I don't know how I'll react when she'll confirm my suspicions of Autism/Asperger's...
Sorry for the long story, I guess it's just the nerves and the need for a bit of understanding...
Thanks for reading.