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03 Apr 2008, 4:12 pm

Stimming away in Lurkistan....

Life! Liberty!...and Perseveration!!.....
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03 Apr 2008, 4:20 pm

Hi Lau!


I think there must be some chronic learning disability that is so prevalent among NT's that it goes unnoticed by the "experts". Krex

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03 Apr 2008, 4:24 pm

lau wrote:
"Come and join us... but we'll flash this distracting display in your face so you cannot hear us saying that."

I was unimpressed. I think I got my point across. I hope they will never commit such a gross blunder in future.

*round of applause*

Deacon Blues,

I have felt so bad about my error in my video that I made this:




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03 Apr 2008, 5:05 pm

Helen...that was the best video yet!! !!I think you guys dance great...tapping the chaos of the uiverse with your toes and booties(behinds or arses in some areas of the world)


Postie and good to read you again. lau,some days I would ahve sat there and fumed about the whole wrongness,some days I would have left out of rage,some days I would have gotten up and unplugged the damn thing even knowing I might get in trouble...some days I think I might be MPD.

I buried my cat Buddha(in my avatar)in my small plot of dirt out side my apartment(he was gonna thaw soon). Hoping the landlord doesn't have anyone spying on us...we're already "on notice" for my collecting "compulsion". Also found some cool obsidian fragments while out there which makes me want to go to the nearest parking lot and search the parking lot islands for agates(we have some really cool rocks in MN used for decoration) other words....

Spring has finally come to Minnesota...yeah

RIP Buddha,I miss your furry face.

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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03 Apr 2008, 6:53 pm

You will have to get another cat, Krex. Just one!

Helen. Helen. Helen. As fame and fortune come your way I would like to remind you of Elvis. You do not want to follow in his footsteps, my girl!


I think there must be some chronic learning disability that is so prevalent among NT's that it goes unnoticed by the "experts". Krex


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03 Apr 2008, 7:18 pm

[quote="nannarob"]You will have to get another cat, Krex. Just one!

I did something very...unNT,I think? After crying for a week , I looked at the Human Society(homeless cat place to get new pets)and found one that looked a bit like Buddha...names Cat Ballou....He was very sick and cuddly and cute and now he is healthy and a big fuzzy trouble maker(thank goodness)but he ain't no Buddha, so I still miss my first friend but in spite of the experts...wait and feel your full grief before you try and get a new pet...I couldn't take the empty feeling and I don't regret getting this kitty.

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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03 Apr 2008, 7:26 pm

nannarob wrote:
Helen. Helen. Helen. As fame and fortune come your way I would like to remind you of Elvis. You do not want to follow in his footsteps, my girl!

You are giving me advice???

This from the mother who loudly discussed thrusting penises into vaginas loudly in the supermarket with my Science Teacher!! :lol: :lol:

On another note, I've finally sent my the forms in to register the boys with to Autism Queensland. My husband's been against this. Don't know if it's ongoing denial.

However considering I'm the one that goes to all the medical appointments and school meetings I've decided I'm going to ask for more help.

I'm also filling out the paperwork to register with Disability Services.

It's amazing, Autism Queensland is a not-for-profit organisation. To register with them was simple. I filled in an easy 1 page form, attached a copy of the Paediatrician's diagnostic report and put it in the post. Our fax is playing up so I couldn't fax it.

To register with Disability Services is a nightmare. The boys are already registered with 2 other government departments as having Asperger's and I'm receiving a Carer's Allowance from the government.

But noooooooooo. That's not enough. First I had to buy a wheelbarrow to push around the huge stack of paperwork I have to fill in ..... again with the same information .... again.

The quantity of information they ask for is outrageous .... do they really need to know what colour my belly-button lint is?? :lol:



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03 Apr 2008, 7:39 pm

That is what confuses me about computers and's like some one invented the wheel but people are using it to floss their teeth....

Why,don't people use these computers to talk to each other when we give them permission to do so? Why can't orginization one send the information to orginization two...why?

The minds of humans needs to catch up with the technology.Save the trees,please.

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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03 Apr 2008, 9:15 pm

TallyMan wrote:
I'm beginning to regret using that name :-( It's toxic.

Oh no! Not so! There is a character named "Tally" in Blue Champagne, the novella by John Varley. (I really enjoy John Varley's work, in case this has never been mentioned... :roll: :lol: ) So yeah, the Tally in Blue Champagne is female, but regardless, cool name, way cool character. At one time I considered using "Tally [random surname]" as a nom de plume.

Lau, good to see that you've survived first half-term in one piece. Well done looking after the person with the seizure. 8)


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03 Apr 2008, 10:24 pm

I don't recall Blue Champagne in any detail, but if it was one of the Eight Worlds stories, Tally may have only been female at the moment - it was often regarded as perverse for someone in those stories to insist on keeping one gender his/her entire life... :nerdy:

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03 Apr 2008, 10:59 pm

Nan wrote:
daylight come
and me want go home....

which fiend planted that in my head?????

muuuahahahahahah!! !

here kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty. . . .

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03 Apr 2008, 11:15 pm

DeaconBlues wrote:
I don't recall Blue Champagne in any detail, but if it was one of the Eight Worlds stories, Tally may have only been female at the moment - it was often regarded as perverse for someone in those stories to insist on keeping one gender his/her entire life... :nerdy:

After thinking about it, I wonder whether Tally appears in Blue Champagne itself, or in one-or-another of Varley's short stories. Certainly she is in the same fictional universe as Megan Gallagher:

In "Blue Champagne" [Megan Gallagher] is a "trans-sister", a quadraplegic who leads a celebrity lifestyle with the aid of a sophisticated device which enfolds her entire body in a net of golden alloy threads, which move her limbs for her. The device also records sights, sounds and emotions as she experiences them. These are then sold as virtual reality experiences, known as feelies, for an audience of vicarious thrill-seekers. (From the "Eight Worlds" Wikipedia article)

Tally is also a megastar feelie reporter, a pop celebrity with a huge and dedicated fanbase.

There is a riotously funny scene in The Golden Globe where the protagonist, Sparky Valentine, finds himself playing Mercutio and Juliet in the same performance of Romeo and Juliet. Unfortunately, the actor playing Romeo, who knows Sparky only in his role as the male Mercutio, is a dedicated heterosexual (i.e. he's "queer") and therefore he is unable to *ahem* rise to the occasion in a certain key bit of the performance. The two of them improvise onstage with dialogue pilfered from The Taming of the Shrew — until the assistant stage manager sneakily jabs Romeo in the butt with a syringe-full of some Viagra-like substance. Whereupon Romeo and Juliet consummate their encounter, to roars of approval from the audience.

Varley is made of awesome! :thumleft:


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03 Apr 2008, 11:31 pm

lau wrote:
"Oh! You must have been shocked/scared/worried." I had to think a little, but I wasn't at all. I was concerned for the safety of the person, and a little careful that I didn't do anything wrong, but I was not in the slightest panicked.

This is good!

lau wrote:
Also went to the NAS (The UK's National Autistic Society) launch of their new(-ish) "I Exist" campaign. It was supposed to be a couple of hours in the afternoon. I got completely lost, and arrived 40 minutes late. Then I had to sit through several talks, that I would have liked to listen to, but...

There was a projector that they had used for some presentation, earlier on, I gather, but it was showing the Windows screen-saver. The one that keeps displaying a box in a different position every few seconds. I sat through several talks and a lot of "question time", desperately trying to cope with not being able to look towards the front, because the screen-saver was distracting me so badly. I am still unhappy that I didn't do anything during that time - e.g. to TELL someone to unplug it. I couldn't understand how, in the room with well over 50 people, of whom some proportion were autistic, I could be the only one affected.

I sat, feeling embarrassed, as I had arrived late, and, to everyone else, I'm sure I must have looked as if I wasn't taking any notice of the speakers, as I was looking in any direction BUT toward the front - or I was closing my eyes and/or covering them.

The previous night, at our social group, I had met one of the area managers, so she bore the brunt of my "outburst", straight after the formal part was over. I think I got it across to her - how I felt I had wasted a few hours of my life, coming to an event that had chosen to merely annoy me. She introduced me to another manager, who also received an earful.

The utterly worst bit didn't sink in until a little later. One snippet of the discussion that I had managed to hear was talking about how they were trying to bring more autistics into the organisation (their council has always had autistics on it, I believe, and their board now has one (at least?)). But... on thinking about that part - I felt that they, in effect, were saying it in a way that I was only lucky to catch. "Come and join us... but we'll flash this distracting display in your face so you cannot hear us saying that."

I was unimpressed. I think I got my point across. I hope they will never commit such a gross blunder in future.

I calmed down, eventually. I had my coffee and doughnut. I left, got lost for another half-hour, and finally got home.


Morning - drama, crisis -> calm and thoughtful.
Afternoon - comfy talk in nice hotel, trivial distraction -> panic and fury.


so00000 often I pat myself on the back for not pointing out some glaring error like that! I have memories of many times that I have, in the past, with out understanding I am AS and thinking I was speaking for all to 'please turn out that over head light!, it is shining in our eyes.' I remember that those I informed actually took a vote from the group asking if anyone else had a problem with the light being on. I was voted down by majority. I dimly perceive now it was to 'handle' me with 'peer pressure' and humilation. I was clueless at the time, and as we all know, when we are clueless we are undaunted in our determination.

sorry your day was so roller coasterish. At least you have half term to stim in peace!


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04 Apr 2008, 1:36 am

sinsboldly wrote:
postpaleo wrote:
blessedmom wrote:
I always wonder who will take an interesting post and run with it! :D

I use to take interesting posts and run with them. Mom would yell, stop that, you'll fall and poke your eye out. I ran with scissors, knives, posts and anything else that wasn't nailed down, including nails and never poked my eyes out. I did find running with your shoe laces undone to be far more dangerous, no matter what was in hand. Thank god and NASA for Velcro and old age, I don't have shoe laces, I can't run as fast anymore, nor do I want to. I'm not so sure NASA has anything to do with old age, but I might be wrong.

Wonder no more.

NASA has nothing to do with Velcro, either, Postie

The hook-loop fastener was invented in 1945 by Swiss engineer, George de Mestral. The idea came to him after he took a close look at the burrs (seeds) of burdock which kept sticking to his clothes and his dog's fur on their daily summer walks in the Alps. He examined their condition and saw the possibility of binding two materials reversibly in a simple fashion. He developed the hook and loop fastener and submitted his idea for patent in 1951 and the patent was granted in 1955.[3] De Mestral named his invention "Velcro" after the French words velours, meaning 'velvet', and crochet, or 'hook'. The uses and applications of the product are numerous. Today, the trademark is the subject of more than 300 trademark registrations in over 159 countries.


I like the urban myth version better then burdocks and dog fur. Probably wet dog fur at that. How unromantic. You can't trust those Swiss anyway, hell they still control the Vatican with their army. (FREE THE POPE!!) And if it isn't Swiss chocolate, it isn't. Colonial Capitalists and don't EVEN get me started on their banking system. Merle I'm shocked you would be so unAmerikan and give credit where credit is due. Everybody knows NASA invented Velcro and that is why we need NASA to begin with. Who knows what other sticky stuff they'll invent.

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.

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04 Apr 2008, 1:59 am

reading and lurking again
The Tony Knowles bike trail has ALMOST melted off, hopefully by the end of next week I'll be able to ride again. Miss it so much. Allready took the studded tires off.
Everytime I try and write this is what I hear.

Did I dream this belief, or did I believe this dream?
Peter Gabriel

If only closed minds came with closed mouths. Lau: "But where would they put their feet?" Postpaleo: "Up their ass."


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04 Apr 2008, 3:01 am

ooo-ooo-ooo da Kinks. Good stuff. Still love their first album release in the US. Cadillac, Bald Headed Woman, Drivin on Bald Mountain, and yeah the hit You Really Got Me, but the B side of the album was just oh so good. Well the whole thing actually, raw, rough, bluesy, with the very distinct Kinks touch. My album long gone but finally found a cd that's true to the recording. Now I just need to get the thing. This isn't so bad to be stuck on, I've certainly been on worse. Thanks for the song.

Side 1
"Beautiful Delilah" (Chuck Berry)
"So Mystifying"
"Just Can't Go To Sleep"
"Long Tall Shorty" (Herb Abramson, Don Covay)
"You Really Got Me"

[edit] Side 2
"Cadillac" (E. McDaniel)
"Bald Headed Woman" (Trad/Arr Shel Talmy)
"Too Much Monkey Business" (Chuck Berry)
"I've Been Driving On Bald Mountain" (Trad/Arr Shel Talmy)
"Stop Your Sobbing"
"Got Love If You Want It" (Harper)

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.