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04 Apr 2008, 3:17 pm

How do you associate a gender with nouns as you learn them? I've tried associating masculine or feminine attributes to items or thinking of them as being pink or blue but neither of these ways seems very successful. Can it be done from sound - e.g. remembering Le x or La x?

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04 Apr 2008, 3:27 pm

TallyMan wrote:
How do you associate a gender with nouns as you learn them? Can it be done from sound - e.g. remembering Le x or La x?
After ten years I find I remember the sound for a lot of them, which is how I think a lot of french learn it, which is why parents and schools put so much emphasis on saying the le/la and noun together right from the start.

It's a pain, not helped by my totally failing to see any good reason for it. :x :? :wink:

I believe that french will die out anyway in the next 50 years. It is already a virtual anachronism, aswell as being one of the languages "poorest" in sound/tone/frequency variation out of all the world languages!

Unlike the germans they are not preparing for it though. Their national pride will not let them consider the possibility. Whereas the germans have been facing this the last 40 years.



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04 Apr 2008, 3:33 pm

cosmiccat wrote:
reika wrote:
My boss just called, have to go wait on 40 people. This lady's 19 year old son shot himself, the funeral was yesterday and today is the "lunch" I'v never heard of such a thing, but what do I know.
I don't know if I'm gonna be able to hold it together if she starts crying all over the place, my daughter was 19 also and Its just gonna make me relive a lot of painful emotions that I'm still trying to repress. And it must be worse when they kill themselves because of all the added guilt (deserved or not theres LOTS of guilt involved in the death of a child) CRAP, I'm NOT looking forward to this. And I can't get out of it.
On a lighter note, glad you liked the Kinks Postpaeleo, the song "Superman" and "Father Christmas" were listened to relentlessly by me for years.
Sorry you can't understand anything the rest of us say sartresue.

My thoughts are with you Reika. I don't know how it is possible to ever get over the death of a child. Just be kind to your self and know that she wouldn't want you to suffer. That's what I try to tell my daughter, but I don't know if that kind of thinking really helps any. The anniversary of Aaron's death is coming up in May. It's hard to believe that a year has gone by.

I don't know if I've told you, you meaning not only Reika, but all in cafe, but in addition to losing Aaron, my daughter also has the stress of raising a 5 yr old grandson (another son's child), which though stressful, requires, or shall I say, demands her to keep herself from falling apart. (Just like your love and concern for mini-Reika, requires of you) But, at any rate, a bitter-sweet little story:

A few weeks ago my daughter got her grandson a parakeet. She took him with her to pick it out. He loved it, and was curious about it, of course, as any five year old would be. He kept it in his bedroom most of the time, and once in a while would let it out of it's cage. Well, he got a little too curious, and the bird wound up missing a few tail feathers. (I should tell you that we are almost certain he has Asperger's. (no - not the bird, the grandson).

Two days ago, while her grandson was in kindergarten, my daughter found the bird dead in its cage. It had been fine, singing, flying about the night before. It was a mysterious death.
She couldn't bear to tell her grandson that his bird had died. He had already lost both of his parents (not due to death but to their incapacity to care for him) and his best buddy Uncle Aaron - so she took the bird out back and buried it and then rushed off to the pet store to get another blue parakeet as close in resemblence to it as possible. And she had to do all this in a big hurry so the new bird would be there in its cage when he got home from school. The first pet store told her that all of their parakeets were under quarantine. (Which probably explains the the parakeets sudden death). The next store didn't have any blue parakeets. She went back to the first store and begged the clerk to please sell her a blue parakeet. When the clerk insisted that she couldn't do that, my daughter broke down and just went to pieces in front of everyone in the store. Fortunately, the clerk, a woman about my daughter's age, held her in her arms and comforted her as she sobbed out the story of Aaron and why she couldn't go home without a blue parakeet for her grandson. The clerk suggested another pet store and my daughter was able to buy a blue parakeet and get it back home in the cage in time.

When her grandson got home and saw the bird he said "Mom-mom, Sky looks different. How did he get all those white feathers on his belly? And how did he get new tail feathers over night?" My daughter said "Well, I guess they just grew in fast cause he's so healthy and sometimes birds' feathers can change color, I guess." He said,"Hmmm, maybe tomorrow he will have some red feathers." This was precocious because he also has a chicken (hen) who is light brown in color and my daughter did a painting of this chicken and made it kind of psychedelic with a lot of red color prominent. Her grandson hated the painting and insisted that there is no such thing as a chicken of those colors.

If I had a dollar for every goldfish I snuck out to replace, late at night.....

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04 Apr 2008, 3:44 pm

TallyMan wrote:
Ouinon I notice you are in France too... I'm still learning French
How long have you been in France?

It was kind of an accident my ending up here. Perhaps not so much an accident my finding a french man prepared to support a non working female partner! :wink:

I find french culture very conventional, old fashioned, but in some ways that is nice. Most of their town centres aren't wrecked yet.
Living abroad, in exile, I now criticise france the way i used to criticise england; that's a very english thing to do i think. At least now i am no longer attacking my own culture! :wink:



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04 Apr 2008, 3:45 pm

Thanks for the link postie. I find having my white-noise(train setting)on at night helps me with the ringing. The $5.000 MP3 plyer that plays elivator muzac.....?I think I prefer the ringing, or my own music on my MP3.

As with most links this one got me lost in ....what else is on this site of use.

PLEA FOR HELP....... So I decided to look for info about post nasal drip which I belief is the root cause of my cough drop addiction(the root canals and caps are eating all my savings and I have put on 30lbs in the past 2 years of addiction....and all because I can not stand the taste of my own "throat" due to the "drip".

Here's how it works....(I know you are all rivited)...Mucus runs down my throat and gets stuck there,it makes me feel like I am gagging/choking and can't get a a full creates a mucus "trampolin" that covers my throat every time I swallow..can you visualize that?...My throat hurts all the time but because I's my fault and the DRs just tell me to quit...OK.So, this mucus holds the smoke,coffee and anything I eat in it and every time I exhale...I taste it(so it seems like I am tasting my own throat...make any sense?)

I have tried gums,mouth wash and they only work for a brief tie masking the taste but don't get rid of the mucus. So, I tuck a couple of cough drops in my mouth at all times and it slowly trickles down my long as I have one seems to flush the mucus down my throat(a little)so I an breath and the eucyliptus masks the taste because it is very strong and also numbs the throat pain.It's the most effective thing I have found to meet all the problems but...comes with it's own set f problems(weight,money,teeth).

SO,I bought several pounds(still with me)of this "fake suger" called Xylitol. All the other fake sugers give me very bad gas and diaria(TMI is my middle name)The label on the Xylitol says it can do the same thing but I'm going to try it and see.Even if I could cut the suger in half,it would help some and the interesting thing about Xylitol is that it is supposed to help fight tooth decay but nutralizing the bacteria created by suger...not sure if all the science is in on this but the Dentist recommended it and it is in my mouth wash.There is a company that sells Xylitol mints and gum but they are very expenssive and the mints are to small to create the "goo run down" to flush out the mucus...(it would take a handful at a time..they are like tic-tac size.

soooo....I have been trynig to find a recipe to make my wn cough drops using this stuff and "some" eucylitus oil because that is the ingredient in the cough drops that seems to cut the mucus and dull the pain....but it is toxic in high doses(it's also reported to lower blod suger and I am wondering how this effects me now as I eat about 80 of these a days..but with real suger.hummmm?

Soooo. If anyone has made it this far...what I need is a link to a web-site of a chemist/health professional/candy maker that might be able to hep me design these. If they wanted to "patent" them I would ask for non of the profit...just a life time supply of a prduct that doesn't currently exist but I think others might like???Cough drops that don't cause diaria,are good for your teeth.

Any thoughts?

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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04 Apr 2008, 3:52 pm

krex wrote:
Any thoughts?

Yes, total astonishment 8O :? :( 8O that you are asking for a candymaker's address rather than investigating how changes in diet might help to reduce your chronic catarrh problem. Cutting out dairy, for instance, if couldn't manage stopping smoking. And who knows how much your post-nasal drip is now the result of the pastilles you suck constantly. :? 8O

PS: maybe posting this in the Health & Fitness Forum might get you some more advice? But I suggest you seriously consider the possibility that it is the cough drops which are increasingly responsible for the drip.


Last edited by ouinon on 04 Apr 2008, 3:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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04 Apr 2008, 3:56 pm

Ahh, damn does this mean I can't start a flame war? I mean we went zipping by the offensive remarks so fast. Hardly more than a page to it. And it was handled so politely, I damn near threw up. :cry: Life in the Cafe, what ya gonna do?

So'k, it's all written out and saved. They almost always show themselves again.

The good side is, I had to use a dictionary for a phrase and not just any ordinary dictionary but a dialect dictionary. I'm just so proud of myself. I was pretty sure I knew what it meant, but I had no idea it was from where it was. Live and learn. It turned out to be way more offensive than I could have ever hoped for. Maybe there is a god. :)

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.


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04 Apr 2008, 3:57 pm

Ouinon - We've been living in France for nearly three years now. Typical English buying a wreck of a house and slowly doing it up while trying to earn a living and pick up the language.

I love the slower pace of life here in France - except for the shops shutting for two hours every lunch time - that is really annoying. It is like a time warp going back to the past. People are much friendlier here and more courteous (generally) than in England. In England everyone is rushing around madly except when they get in their cars then it is a stop start race through congested traffic, road rage etc.

We watch French TV (via TNT) which helps with hearing the language somewhat. Lots of Brits don't make the effort though and just get UK Sky and watch English television and make no effort to integrate or learn the language. I think it is important to try to integrate. I'm sure that if an Aspie can integrate then NT's could!

Talk to you again... We're off to bed now, it's late.

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04 Apr 2008, 4:09 pm

postpaleo wrote:
Ahh, damn does this mean I can't start a flame war?

Who with?
I mean we went zipping by the offensive remarks so fast. Hardly more than a page to it.

And it was handled so politely, I damn near threw up. So'k, it's all written out and saved. They almost always show themselves again.

The good side is, I had to use a dictionary for a phrase... It turned out to be way more offensive than I could have ever hoped for.



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04 Apr 2008, 4:11 pm

ouinon wrote:
krex wrote:
Any thoughts?

Yes, total astonishment 8O :? :( 8O that you are asking for a candymaker's address rather than investigating how changes in diet might help to reduce your chronic catarrh problem. Cutting out dairy, for instance, if couldn't manage stopping smoking. And who knows how much your post-nasal drip is now the result of the pastilles you suck constantly. :? 8O

PS: maybe posting this in the Health & Fitness Forum might get you some more advice? But I suggest you seriously consider the possibility that it is the cough drops which are increasingly responsible for the drip.


ouinon, how did I know you were going to say this? :D :D Just as I was reading krex's post I said to myself "I know what ouinon would say about this. :D No offense. I believe that you have done a lot of research and know of what you speak.

My husband is kind of in the same boat as krex. Constant post nasal drip and cough drop addiction. He loves his dairy products, especially ice cream. He doesn't smoke though, but is constantly blowing his nose, or coughing up phlegm. Has been this way ever since I first met him. Also,constantly making a strange noise through his nose trying to open up his air passage because of a deviated septum. It takes so much energy just trying to breathe.


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04 Apr 2008, 4:14 pm

I love Musac. Yeah, well 5 grand is more than steep. Someone will bust the patent on it, backwards engineer it and pretty soon it will be affordable. I have no idea what mine is from, guns, rock music, machine noise, all of the above? Maybe teachers yelling for me to pay attention in class? But my hearing loose isn't enough to warrant hearing aides. My wife would probably disagree. I have more trouble with doing my Aspie zoning into my thoughts than anything the noise blocks out.

Post nasal drip. Yeah I have some thoughts. I think it's the only reason I'm alive today and not dead from alcohol poisoning. It almost always gagged me at some point before I reached toxic levels. Which was as often as I could afford it. And I lived only to afford it. Interesting way to survive is it not? It's still a pain in the butt and I sure don't look at it as a life saver (ooo good one, well I liked it). I ignore it, just like the ringing in my ears. Well, I was ignoring it till now. :wink:

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.


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04 Apr 2008, 4:15 pm

krex wrote:
Thanks for the link postie. I find having my white-noise(train setting)on at night helps me with the ringing. The $5.000 MP3 plyer that plays elivator muzac.....?I think I prefer the ringing, or my own music on my MP3. As with most links this one got me lost in ....what else is on this site of use.

PLEA FOR HELP....... So I decided to look for info about post nasal drip which I belief is the root cause of my cough drop addiction(the root canals and caps are eating all my savings and I have put on 30lbs in the past 2 years of addiction....and all because I can not stand the taste of my own "throat" due to the "drip". Here's how it works....(I know you are all rivited)...Mucus runs down my throat and gets stuck there,it makes me feel like I am gagging/choking and can't get a a full creates a mucus "trampolin" that covers my throat every time I swallow..can you visualize that?...My throat hurts all the time but because I's my fault and the DRs just tell me to quit...OK.So, this mucus holds the smoke,coffee and anything I eat in it and every time I exhale...I taste it(so it seems like I am tasting my own throat...make any sense?) I have tried gums,mouth wash and they only work for a brief tie masking the taste but don't get rid of the mucus. So, I tuck a couple of cough drops in my mouth at all times and it slowly trickles down my long as I have one seems to flush the mucus down my throat(a little)so I an breath and the eucyliptus masks the taste because it is very strong and also numbs the throat pain.It's the most effective thing I have found to meet all the problems but...comes with it's own set f problems(weight,money,teeth). SO,I bought several pounds(still with me)of this "fake suger" called Xylitol. All the other fake sugers give me very bad gas and diaria(TMI is my middle name)The label on the Xylitol says it can do the same thing but I'm going to try it and see.Even if I could cut the suger in half,it would help some and the interesting thing about Xylitol is that it is supposed to help fight tooth decay but nutralizing the bacteria created by suger...not sure if all the science is in on this but the Dentist recommended it and it is in my mouth wash.There is a company that sells Xylitol mints and gum but they are very expenssive and the mints are to small to create the "goo run down" to flush out the mucus...(it would take a handful at a time..they are like tic-tac size.

soooo....I have been trynig to find a recipe to make my wn cough drops using this stuff and "some" eucylitus oil because that is the ingredient in the cough drops that seems to cut the mucus and dull the pain....but it is toxic in high doses(it's also reported to lower blod suger and I am wondering how this effects me now as I eat about 80 of these a days..but with real suger.hummmm? Soooo. If anyone has made it this far...what I need is a link to a web-site of a chemist/health professional/candy maker that might be able to hep me design these. If they wanted to "patent" them I would ask for non of the profit...just a life time supply of a prduct that doesn't currently exist but I think others might like???Cough drops that don't cause diaria,are good for your teeth.

Any thoughts?

I found that carbonated water cuts the "throat slime" quite well. I have chronic sinus infections - the poor dears are a bit malformed, and tend to trap things when my allergies kick up. Which they do regularly. We are having the absolute worst pollen season in recent history out here, due to the fires killing the "regular" vegetation and the "post fire" plants throwing off pollen to an amazing degree (we literally swept it off into piles on our front steps last evening). I've also turned out to be a bit allergic to cats. Now, that's a problem. {sigh}

Eucalyptus oil - I'd be really careful with that. ... yptus.html

If it's a painful throat, I'd try to get the slime coat off and then gargle with warm water that has a little salt and a little baking soda mixed in, several times a day. After you get the slime off.

I find that some nice seltzer-water, with a squirt of lemon (or some other juice or some crushed up mint in it to give it a little flavor) does cut the slime well. It's also no-sugar, no sugar-substitute, doesn't mess with my metabolism, doesn't rot my teeth, and doesn't stain my clothes if I spill it. It's also not terribly expensive. Lots cheaper than Xylitol (trust me, the kid's diabetic - we make a lot of stuff with that and it gets pricey). Xylitol is a sugar alcohol, a different chemical form of sugar that the body only partially metabolizes - hence, it does count as a "carb" or "sugar" for a diabetic, but only about half as much as "regular" sugar would.

Good luck. And yep, you need to stop smoking. :wink:

Last edited by Nan on 04 Apr 2008, 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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04 Apr 2008, 4:16 pm

Postie...I am lost. What are you talking about...the comments about how we are NT chit chatters?

Onion...Thanks for no help. Your logic is flawed. The problem did not start with cough drops, cough drops were a rememdy to a problem I have had since I was a kid. Yes, smoking has made it worse and no, I can't seem to quit though I have tried multiple times every method I know about. I don't consume dairy and haven't since I was 16 and had no one around make me drink milk, because it agrivates my IBS.

I don't know what is causing the post nasal drip but I have had it all myl ife so I am assuming I am alergic to life. I have investigated alergy information(after having a particularly bad reaction to some medication that was supposed to help me quit smoking) and found that most of the tests are considered inconclussive or would require me to eliminate so many triggers I would have to live in a bubble, or worse, get rid of my cats.

Quit finger wagging at me :? 8O <---and that does't help.

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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04 Apr 2008, 4:19 pm

ouinon wrote:
postpaleo wrote:
Ahh, damn does this mean I can't start a flame war?

Who with?
I mean we went zipping by the offensive remarks so fast. Hardly more than a page to it.

And it was handled so politely, I damn near threw up. So'k, it's all written out and saved. They almost always show themselves again.

The good side is, I had to use a dictionary for a phrase... It turned out to be way more offensive than I could have ever hoped for.



Naw wasn't even close to anything you said. You weren't and have never been offensive in the least.

I'm waiting for more on your topics here. I've passed by you in other threads and never said hi, that I enjoy your posts around these here parts.

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.


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04 Apr 2008, 4:26 pm

krex wrote:
Postie...I am lost. What are you talking about...the comments about how we are NT chit chatters?

Onion...Thanks for no help. Your logic is flawed. The problem did not start with cough drops, cough drops were a rememdy to a problem I have had since I was a kid. Yes, smoking has made it worse and no, I can't seem to quit though I have tried multiple times every method I know about. I don't consume dairy and haven't since I was 16 and had no one around make me drink milk, because it agrivates my IBS.

I don't know what is causing the post nasal drip but I have had it all myl ife so I am assuming I am alergic to life. I have investigated alergy information(after having a particularly bad reaction to some medication that was supposed to help me quit smoking) and found that most of the tests are considered inconclussive or would require me to eliminate so many triggers I would have to live in a bubble, or worse, get rid of my cats.

Quit finger wagging at me :? 8O <---and that does't help.

Krexie - It can be anything up to, and including, having over-active mucus production for no real reason. Going from cold to warm rooms (or the reverse). Sunspots.

Been there, done that. I've been tested for everything under the sun. Taken most (if not all) of the available meds. Changed foods. Changed lifesyles. Changed climates. Been prayed over. Chanted. Incensed. Poked with needles. Massaged. Anti-biotic'd. Lavaged. I could write a book on the things people have thought would help. None of 'em made any more than a temporary difference.

I still get "the gunk" - my sinuses are a bit malformed and they just don't drain as they ought to. Been like this since birth, really, though it did improve the older I've gotten. The only thing the docs can offer me is to "rotor-rooter" 'em out - laserblast new channels through the scarred tissues. Which hurts like hell, I'm told, and only actually improves the situation for about 50% of the people it's used on.

Just keeping it off my throat, during bad times, to keep it from getting really irritated, helps. Once the throat goes south, it seems like they feed off each other. Odd. Warm water and salt gargles, for the pain, once the slime is off. Good luck!

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04 Apr 2008, 4:26 pm

krex wrote:
Onion. Your logic is flawed. The problem did not start with cough drops. I don't consume dairy and haven't since I was 16. I don't know what is causing the post nasal drip but I have had it all my life;... would require me to eliminate so many triggers I would have to live in a bubble, or worse, get rid of my cats. Quit finger wagging at me :? 8O <---and that does't help.
Sorry. :oops:

There must be something that you can do though, other than sucking cough drops. It's just too awful. :( I can see that cutting out animals from your life would be difficult.


Last edited by ouinon on 04 Apr 2008, 4:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.