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04 Apr 2008, 4:27 pm

Thank you Nan. I did just try my first "fizzy water" last night....I was nervious as heck popping the wippet and not quit sure how to use the thing but it was ggod(I have lime and lemon concentrate to put in it. I use to go through 6 cans of diet soda,most of mylife and the carbination works great but I read some stuff about aspertame that scared the heck out of I did quit soda after 40 years of being a soda junky(yeah me).

I can use your method when I am not working but I can't carry a carbinaated beverage around at work as I am moving around constantly(taking care of the doggies)and they see a bottle as a chew toy(a good one)and they forbid us to have them on us at work..That is when I am consuming the most of these(actually carry a fammy pack with cough drops).

Sorry to hear about your alergies...I had a BF who had them so bad until the snow hit that he sounded like he had a cold all summer(miserable).I guess I am lucky that at least my mucus drains down my throat or I would have a very red nose.(trying to look on the bright side).

I will check t the eucyleptus link...I love it so much I wonder if I'm part coala bear...the smell is awesome and I add it to my bath and have several jars of Vicks I carry with me to "take hits" during the day and before bed.

Xylitol is expenssive. I am just hopeing adding some to my home made drops would help nutralize some of the suger. My whole family is diabetic(adult on-set and weight related)...I need to get a grip on this problem or bad teeth will be the least of my problems.

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04 Apr 2008, 4:31 pm

ouinon wrote:
sartresue wrote:
I do not understand what most of the posters are talking about. Except for Lau. Too much NT (NIT TWIT) talk. Neuro Talk. Jibber Jabber.
I feel like that too. I don't feel hostile about it so much as this is like a group of adults talking about things that I don't get. It's very strange. I've popped in here a few times now and almost never say anything. I don't know where to start, what the subject is, ... and it seems to flit so fast from one thing to another.

About flickering lights etc at public events: have more than once made "nuisance " of self at events asking for doors to be shut, curtains to be pulled, amplifiers on standby to be switched off, people to stop using shrieking/booming/fuzzy mikes and just talk in a normal clear voice, etc etc, or if haven't said anything moaned about it at the top of my ( whispering ) voice instead. :wink:

Gosh, I said something in a formless flow of chat. 8O :D

The thing is that it always feels like I'm interrupting something as a result. :( Like I've blocked everything, put the flow out of joint. Didn't respond to the right bit. :?


Chitty chatty boing boing topic

Sometimes I get overwhelmed by too much sensory stimulation, though I am surprised it happened while I was reading. This is why I do not engage in chat lines. Too much rapid movement. Like Strobe lights. :eew: My body rebels, though it is my mind that interprets the overload. 8O Go figure.

Well, I hope I did not rain on anyone's parade, though I do like gloomy days. Like today. Overcast and cool. 8)

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04 Apr 2008, 4:33 pm

Nan wrote:
Eucalyptus oil - I'd be really careful with that. ... yptus.html

Now that's the sort of thing I was thinking of when i suggested a secondary allergic reaction to the cough sweets. Just because it was originally used for something/condition "as a kid", doesn't mean that a chronic drip of many years isn't now the result of overuse of a powerful expectorant plant oil.

They trigger reactions in the mucus forming walls. Garlic is the same. Too much garlic and you'll be nose bunged, because it works by irritating the mucus membranes, like eucalyptus.


Last edited by ouinon on 04 Apr 2008, 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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04 Apr 2008, 4:41 pm

ouinon wrote:
krex wrote:
Onion. Your logic is flawed. The problem did not start with cough drops. I don't consume dairy and haven't since I was 16. I don't know what is causing the post nasal drip but I have had it all my life;... would require me to eliminate so many triggers I would have to live in a bubble, or worse, get rid of my cats. Quit finger wagging at me :? 8O <---and that does't help.
Sorry. :oops:

There must be something that you can do though, other than sucking cough drops. It's just too awful. :( I can see that cutting out animals from your life would be difficult.


I agree,it is aweful. I would like to make it less aweful by sing something that is a little better but I would much prefer a way to stop the mucus(without making my thoat so dry that it just makes the pain alcohol in most mouth wash garggles.)

I am a work in progress and a sensory mess.

Nan....Thanks for the input. I gave up on the DRs. It's not their throat and I'm not dying,end of story for them.

I have been smoking since I was 21 and I believe it has helped me repress less socially exceptabe stims.Now it is socially unexceptable to(and I do understand why, even I think it stinks),but until I find something else that keeps me from having melt-downs and dealing with sensory issues enough to funtion with a job...oh hell,just another catch22. I can't even talk to a DR about how close I am to "snapping" with out them trying to double my Effexor.

Anyway, thank you for understanding.

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04 Apr 2008, 4:45 pm

I think you could be right ouinon. I maybe having a sort of rebound effect from my dependence on it. May require a cold turkey approach...but it is so scary to give up something that has offered me some relief from the symptoms.

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04 Apr 2008, 4:49 pm

Krex, what about apple cider vinegar & honey? Have you ever tried that? Just remembered that my father-in-law used to drink a bit of that every morning for his throat. It's supposed to be good for post nasal drip.

Apple cider vinegar destroys bacteria in your digestive tract, helps the kidneys and bladder, helps in weight loss, chronic fatigue, chronic headache, high blood pressure, dizziness, sore throat, absorbs mucous. It's considered a cure-all in some places.
Try this... cider vinegar and honey in equal amounts... add a heaping tablespoon to 8 ounces of water. Also, rinse your mouth out with clear water to save teeth.

Another source says:
This is the recipe I have recommended for years. Everyone who has used this drink reports different results; the best reason I can determine is their state of health before using Honeygar:

Recipe for Honeygar:
Place equal amounts of raw unfiltered honey and apple cider vinegar (about one tablespoon each) into an 8 ounce glass of water that is just warm enough to melt the honey. Stir until clear and drink immediately. Do not take with anything else in your stomach, i.e., about 1/2 hour before a meal or 2 hours after.

As a cleanser, take three times a day for a week. But be forewarned: If your system is full of toxins from smoking, alcohol, etc., you will spend a lot of time in the bathroom. In the case of one of my clients, he was also physically ill with nausea and vomiting -- but he stuck with it and reported that he never felt better in his life than he did after completing the treatment. In his case, he had used alcohol and tobacco to excess for years.

When first used, it acts on the system as both a diuretic and a laxative. It can be used three times a day (as above) as a detoxifier, then I recommend taking it daily for maintenance.


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04 Apr 2008, 5:06 pm

About eucyliptus info Nan provided.........slowing of the mind and nervous system.......maybe this is why I like it?It sounds like it could be "addictive" for someone who has an over active nervious system(can you say "aspie").

I guess I really have to rethink my current eucyaliptus approach.I had seen some "warnings" but I wish I had read Nans link BEFORE I ordered several pounds of the leaves to make myself some tea... :oops: I think I will use it to stuff some of my rice and herb heat packs....maybe that won't be as "toxic"?Why do they say "cold turkey"??off to wikki....

Postie...on "learning to live with it"....hats off to you. We are survivalist by nature. Unfortunately for me...I am also a compulsive "problem solver" with out the basic intelligence to come up with good solutions...(I think alcohol kept me alive for years....a good solution?Not,but probably a "less bad" one then the suicide solution which appeared to be the only other solution I could think of it at the time.)

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04 Apr 2008, 5:18 pm

Thank you CC. At least those ingredients are inexpenssive. Not a big fan of viniger but I can hold my nose and drink.

The part that worries me is...I still smoke...will it help if I'm still putting poisen in my system? Also...killing gut bacteria....would acidophilus do the same...I do take that(when I remember)as I have had problems with yeast(yes,it LOVES suger)I read a bunch of stuff on endimic yeast infections and still think this maybe causing a lot of my problems...but haven't been able to kick the suger fix necissary to rid my system of it...just use the acidophilus to cut it down a bit.

On honey...note of interest to me.....One recommendatio for alergies is to buy locally produced raw honey(I do worry about bacteria these may have though...worry,worrry).The pollen in this local honey is supposed to act as a kind of "innoculation" against alergies to local pollen.Seemed like an interesting theory,not sure of the science behind it.

As some one who already deals with off and on IBS,(cleared up a lot when I stopped drinking diet soda)this is a draw back.My job doesn't allow frequent bathroom breaks,(Sometimes work 4 hours with no breaks and no,that isn't legal but what ya gonna do.)

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04 Apr 2008, 5:46 pm

I love the cafe. It is a place of peace and harmony for me.

In the past, when there has been a disagreement or harsh words, the posters disappear for a while and then call a truce. We are very protective that our cafe remain a haven.

SleepyDragon has been considering what type of aspie posts here. We are waiting her learned findings. I suspect that the posters are less rigid in their thinking.

We accept one another. We listen. We support one another.

I am sorry that you find it overwhelming, Satresue. I look for your posts and I enjoy your ideas and your humour. I also like the way you care about other people here. I hope you will stay.


I think there must be some chronic learning disability that is so prevalent among NT's that it goes unnoticed by the "experts". Krex


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04 Apr 2008, 5:48 pm

Smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarette topic

Krex, quitting cold turkey is not impossible. I did it 27 years ago in February of this year. But there isa laser therapy treatment that some have used to kick the habit. You might want to check that out.

Good luck. :)

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04 Apr 2008, 6:11 pm

Thank you Sartruse...I have never heard of this and will do a goggle. I know that many people have quit cold turkey but the few times I have tried it was not good...I quit alcohol and soda that way without much problem but the cigs...I have panic attacks even considering not smoking..literally,just the words quit leave me shaking.

I think part of my problem is cognitive as I am very afraid of going "insane". All my energy goes into jus keeping on funtional level so I can go to work and pay my rent and not end up homeless....maybe some RET therepy would help,now that I know I'm aspie. I am considering it.I really,realy want to quit,it effects my life in so many negative ways. I think I am coming close to "trying again",it seems to cycle with me.

Tahnk you all for your advice and information,I really appriciate it. :D

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04 Apr 2008, 6:26 pm

And here NASA can come to the rescue too. Duck Tape, everybody knows NASA invented it (go away Merle) and I've never seen an astronaut smoke in space yet, so it must be so. I have worked out my Duck Tape (TM) stop smoking therapy or as I now refer to it, the DT's method. Hey it could work!! I'll let you know krex. If you feel the need to hold your breath in eager anticipation for my exhaustive research to reach it's conclusive, beyond a doubt answer, try to do it with out smoke in it. Now excuse me I must tape my hands and fingers together and put said tape over my nicotine craving mouth. (try to hold the applause down)

And don't encourage me CC but thanks for the complement. It was a complement wasn't it? :wink:

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.

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04 Apr 2008, 6:40 pm

Nan wrote:

I found that carbonated water cuts the "throat slime" quite well. I have chronic sinus infections - the poor dears are a bit malformed, and tend to trap things when my allergies kick up. Which they do regularly. We are having the absolute worst pollen season in recent history out here, due to the fires killing the "regular" vegetation and the "post fire" plants throwing off pollen to an amazing degree (we literally swept it off into piles on our front steps last evening). I've also turned out to be a bit allergic to cats. Now, that's a problem. {sigh}

We are having a really bad pollen season here, too. There is so much to sweep off the porch steps, every day. I have had a severe sinus headache for three days, and felt sicker than I have in a long time. Thank God for salt water and my Neti pot! I also gargle with salt water first thing, to kill all the bacteria from the post nasal drip, and then drink warm tea with honey and lemon.

Nan wrote:
I find that some nice seltzer-water, with a squirt of lemon (or some other juice or some crushed up mint in it to give it a little flavor) does cut the slime well.

I didn't know that about seltzer water. I'm going to try that, too. I always learn something new, in the Cafe! :)

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04 Apr 2008, 8:07 pm

I look forward to your scientific test results Postie. If we don't here from you for awhile,I will assume it is because you are out biking and doing other healthful nonsmoking activities...and rush out to get my duct tape.

I am looking into getting a netti pot but I can't say I am looking forward to the insueing gagging noises that will follow it's use...Even when I swim I never put my head under water because I forget when to breath and when to not....very messy business follows...coughing and sputtering. Of course salt water won't burn as bad as clorine but is there a technique you have for using nettie pot without drowning yourself(I hear they are banning water boarding and I don't want to break any laws :wink: )

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04 Apr 2008, 8:08 pm

I have to go wrestle puppies now but will check back tomorrow for all scientific clarifications on duct tape and nettie pots

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04 Apr 2008, 8:31 pm

Quoting Postpaleo:

And here NASA can come to the rescue too. Duck Tape, everybody knows NASA invented it (go away Merle) and I've never seen an astronaut smoke in space yet, so it must be so. I have worked out my Duck Tape (TM) stop smoking therapy or as I now refer to it, the DT's method. Hey it could work!! I'll let you know krex. If you feel the need to hold your breath in eager anticipation for my exhaustive research to reach it's conclusive, beyond a doubt answer, try to do it with out smoke in it. Now excuse me I must tape my hands and fingers together and put said tape over my nicotine craving mouth. (try to hold the applause down)

:lmao: You crack me up. But try to be more explicit. How long do we have to hold the applause down for and then what do we do with it?

And don't encourage me CC but thanks for the complement. It was a complement wasn't it? :wink:

Of course it was, oh learned one. :hail: oops, sorry for the typo. That was supposed to be "old learned one". :D

Now excuse me I must tape my hands and fingers together and put said tape over my nicotine craving mouth. (try to hold the applause down)

I think you should think about reversing the order of your plan. Or better yet, get some help from SB.
(for newcomers, PP's wife, SwampBlossom)