The Dino-Aspie Ex-Café (for Those 40+... or feeling creaky)

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07 Apr 2008, 11:51 pm

blessedmom wrote:
Ah well.... I was blonde at one point in time. And knowing me I'll get tired of my hair and colour it the same way I've been doing for the past few months. For the record, and so that you don't end up with a bunch of gray-haired cat ladies chasing after you, I know many beautiful women with silver or white hair so I really wouldn't say I "damaged" your image of me. Altered may be a better word. :wink:

My family is good by the way. I've been busy studying my Medical Transcriptionist courses and have achieved an over-all mark of 93% so far. I was very mad that I only got 85% on my last unit test. I got 3 questions wrong and had flashbacks to highschool and college when I just about gave myself an ulcer every time I got less than 90% on anything. I had to remind myself that "perfect" sucks the enjoyment out of life. (Remember that.) And I really want to enjoy what I'm doing.

And what's new in your world?

Thinking positively does help.

I'm still working. I discovered that I was sensitive to the lights used at the store (I don't know if I mentioned it here or not).
fluorescents hurt my eyes. I prefer dark places.

However, I got my eyes tested last week and I paid for sun-sensitive lenses that should be coming in tomarow.

For those who don't know, sun-sensitive lenses change with the lighting. The brighter the lighting in a particular area, the darker the lenses get.

They cost me $300 but it sounds like it will be good for my eyes/

I think I will jave more energy througout the day.

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07 Apr 2008, 11:55 pm

nannarob wrote:
You are in an old fart's cafe, Sam.

It's so liberating for an NT to be an old fart. I am now guilt free about being socially inept, loud, weird. But one thing in my favour is that I know I am breaking the rules (as opposed to those that have to struggle to work out the rules).

That's true.

It's not something I worry about, though. I used to study the bible every singly night (didn't miss one) for ten years. I think it taught me to be ok with myself as is, and leave the things I cannot figure out in God's hands (I still believe he will guide me).

btw, I'm listening to a radio show called "The Greatest Story Ever Told" right now.

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07 Apr 2008, 11:57 pm

SleepyDragon wrote:
morning_after wrote:
I understand the older people get, usually the crankier they get.

The less time you've got left, the less you like to waste it. That's my excuse. :)

This morning I found myself making cheeky faces at one of the kids I know from my son's school, to the amusement of us both. I am soooo going to be one of those eccentric old ladies that everybody crosses the street to avoid. (What? They already do? Oh, shush up.) :D

You, too, huh?

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08 Apr 2008, 12:10 am

krex wrote:
I love that song Postie :D

Thank you all for your personal insights about smoking. I like to hear "all" opinions. I can make my decisions based on what I know to work for such thing as bad information if you have analytical skills to weed through info....(what does "taking everything with a grain of salt mean???or is it a grain of sand???)

Hi pinhead....I had a friend with that "nick name" because of all his face piercings....we were big Hell Raiser fans.

Am I to young or old for my husk?

When I was a kid I thought my peers were annoyingly immature..loud..not logical...boring.I thought I was to old for my skin.
Then I hit my early 30's and began to feel both to old and to young. I liked collecting rocks and punk music and stuffed animals and didn't care about getting married,having kids or 401K........Lawerence Welk still sounded like crap(weird to think it was my parents favorite show when they were in their 30',they were OLD.)Yet my peers seemed to have no intellectual curiosity and very little personal insight or analytical skills....Now I feel to young,because of my interests and lack of interests in the "right things" and because I like to get down on my hands and knees and bark and wrestle with the dogs,BUT...I work with kids in their twenties who have poor work ethic,play stupid drama-mind games and seem very I am to old...?????Perplexing.

I think I see "age appropriate" as being as silly as "gender appropriate"...I like to pick the parts of each gender and age that I think is most positive to me and not have some out side source pick for me. When Jesus said become as the little children..I don't think he selfish and bully people(which is something I saw in many of my peers as a kid. I think he was talking about finding joy and amazement in the simple wonders of life, being honest and "nieve" because we can't imagine why some people would be "mean" or duplicitous. I think those are the aspie traits that make many of us "out siders" in adult society and often "victems" to peer abuse. My mother claimed I was "holier then thou" but I never flet the need to be "better"...I just wanted to understand why others were being so mean...I still don't understand it most days.

CC and Sinsboldly....I wish you both luck in your "psychological" ventures. Every time think of "therapy type things"...I can't block out the voice of Nietzsche....."look not into the abysse for the abyss looks also into you.(poor paraphrase=bad memory)
Yet the abysse is always a both intrigueing and scary to me.

I wrote this as a tribute for Bob Dylan(can't recall if I posted it)

Hey, that's really cool.
I don't think you're too young OR too old. I think you're you, and that makes you a treasure.

I can identify with the feeling older than your peers part. I've been there (especially when I went to school in a town that was all Mormon and they would try to co-erce me into going into their church when I wasn't comfortable there at all.

I used to be eccentric and a bit of an outcast at school. To deal with this, I liked to write stories. A couple of them concerned aliens that were chased off their home planet by people trying to kill them and they come to earth to live. Thier ways were at the very least treated as eccentric. The reason I would include aliens like this is because I kind of felt like them.

Interesting that you mention the comment from Jesus. I used to be taught that he was telling people to love everyone, with the belief being that small children are incapable of hatred on account of their innocence. I've also heard it being used to tie in with the idea of having faith like a mustardseed, on account of children not having learned scepticism.

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08 Apr 2008, 12:14 am

krex wrote:
Thanks Blessed. Interesting link with suger.Yeah,I had a horrid reaction to Wellbutrin which sucked the more because I never flet better then two weeks I was using it.

I think I use nicotin in part to deal with symptoms of aspergers(social phobias)and ADD(helps concentration).I really don't understand why it isn't offered as a medication instead of only an add to quiting smoking. Why is it worse then other anti-anxiety medications that are as or more addictive?It's not good for you?I've read the side-effects of many perscription drugs and none of them seem particularly good for you. I really think the scientific community is over looking a potential chemcical just because it is associated with "that evil devil weed". Or perhaps the tobacco company still has some influence?

Why s that gum so damn expenssive and will it ever be excepted as any thing more then an "aid to quit" instead of an aid for people with AS/ADD?

Krex, I also want to let you know that I am always available for a hug or a prayer.

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08 Apr 2008, 12:21 am

This place, the Cafe, had to have some kind of thread name and with outgoing into the history, other than to say there was another before and if you think this is long, if that were included, YIKES!!, we're mouthy. If I had started this place I'd still be hemming and hawing over it's title and it would have never got put up. I don't know about others here abouts, but I always hung out with people much older than I was, when younger. I was more at ease and in thinking about it now, I think I understand the earlier reasons why better. I do think the title of this place does tend to make some younger folks shy away and that is bad, but, like I said it had to have something put up and you'll never make everybody happy with this kind of thing. Anyway glad to see others that have decided this just might be a little hole in the wall for them as well.

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.


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08 Apr 2008, 12:32 am

krex wrote:
I love that song Postie :D

I'm still playing the damn thing. There is a shorter version for a car advertisement here in the states. It's about high gas economy for the car it's selling and it shows people pulling up to the gas pumps and going through all kinds of contortions and car movements because they forgot which side of the car the gas tank intake flap is. That is sooo me. If I know I have to put gas in the car and I remember I check which side it's on before i get to the station so i don't embarrass myself too badly. I normally forget and am often seen getting out of the car to look. If I forgot to do that, I pull far enough ahead of the pumps to stretch the hose across the back. More often then not, I don't get that right either. Then again I'm libel to forget the gas anyway, because I'm so wrapped up in thought and go by it. If the wife is in the car, she usually reminds me to get it, and I'm driving I ask her where the damn thing is. SwampBlossom (The Wife) does most of the driving now and other than my sheer terror with that (she has lead foot and I eat a lot of drugs before I get in the car), it's probably for the best.

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.


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08 Apr 2008, 12:39 am

postpaleo wrote:
krex wrote:
I love that song Postie :D

I'm still playing the damn thing. There is a shorter version for a car advertisement here in the states. It's about high gas economy for the car it's selling and it shows people pulling up to the gas pumps and going through all kinds of contortions and car movements because they forgot which side of the car the gas tank intake flap is. That is sooo me. If I know I have to put gas in the car and I remember I check which side it's on before i get to the station so i don't embarrass myself too badly. I normally forget and am often seen getting out of the car to look. If I forgot to do that, I pull far enough ahead of the pumps to stretch the hose across the back. More often then not, I don't get that right either. Then again I'm libel to forget the gas anyway, because I'm so wrapped up in thought and go by it. If the wife is in the car, she usually reminds me to get it, and I'm driving I ask her where the damn thing is. SwampBlossom (The Wife) does most of the driving now and other than my sheer terror with that (she has lead foot and I eat a lot of drugs before I get in the car), it's probably for the best.

I'm like you were. That's why I like the cafe.

Anyhow, I go to the pump and pull the car up so that the pump is on the wrong side to this day.

btw, I've been driving the car basically for ten years.

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08 Apr 2008, 12:53 am

:D reading and lurking,
Thanks for the "Torchwood" opinion Lau.

Did I dream this belief, or did I believe this dream?
Peter Gabriel

If only closed minds came with closed mouths. Lau: "But where would they put their feet?" Postpaleo: "Up their ass."


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08 Apr 2008, 12:57 am

morning_after wrote:
I'm like you were. That's why I like the cafe.

It was only logical that we did and you cannot deny good logic. Let us look at this closer.

When I was younger I thought I should hang out with those older, so I did. Now I often hang out with those younger. I feel it has balanced out. That and it's getting harder to find anyone older, less of them. It just logical. It was good I did and I feel this has contributed to my very balanced life. :roll:

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.


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08 Apr 2008, 1:15 am

I just spent the last half an hour editing and re-editing this post about Autism Speaks....(link provided by Semelina)....I think my way of thinking is probably why my mother called me "holier then thou" get a bit preachy at times,lol. Most my life people ask me if I'm tired (or in a coma) then out of no where (to them) a topic arises that actually speaks to one of my interests and I become "animated"(like flipping a switch) and they say..."calm down,why are you so mad,you are to intense,etc"...sigh :roll:

There maybe only ADDers on here tonight but anyone who can make it through my post...can you give your opinion if I am being "logical" or "emotional" in my reasoning(or lack of it)...I have a hard time telling?Most times I don't even try and explain why I think a certain way.....much easier to just credit it to my "intuition" then to explain it...but I tried.

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Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:01 am Post subject:


Thanks for posting the video help reconfirm what I "thought" but was not certain of....The founders of Autism Speak are only interested in projecting an image of "caring" and their real agenda is to make money and have personal influence. How could I know this with certainty? Because they are masters of double-speak and only people who are trying to deceive incorporate such techniques.

"Making deals with the Devil"

Through out American history, out government has made "deals" (most of them covert) with fascist dictators, if we thought it might benefit us in some"lesser of evils" ideology. They have all ended badly and soiled the reputation of America (at least for the minority of persons who bothered to educate themselves about the dealings.) Two examples that comes to mind are Saddam Hussein, (who was willing to fight out enemy Iran) and Al Qaeda fighting our enemy (the "Evil Russians")....need I say more?

There have been many other historical examples of minority groups that have joined with more influential or socially acceptable group in the hopes of raising their own publicity or empowerment, to find the opposite effect. I consider this the "Divide and Concure" approach and I think it is the mostly likely thing to happen. If they can divide the AS community into low and high functioning or only present the highest functioning to validate their personal agenda of "society doesn't need to assist people on the high end of the spectrum, cause look how smart and successful they are"....who benefits? Not us.

In my mind the whole concept of high and low functioning is much to complex to make a good poster or 30 sec advertising spot, which appears to be there marketing technique. They are not about in-depth analytical thought, they are about emotion laden double speak to manipulate concerned and empathetic individuals into opening their check books. You really think a few examples of married or employed aspies is going to change their mind set? Did you listen to her words? She can't even wrap her mind around the concept that autism is anything but a disease,dysfunction or disability...this is not a "bright person" and I for one have no trust or respect for her or her group.

I also don't think her offer is based on anything but wanting to create an illusion of being a caring open-minded person. It was spoken in response to someone pointing out how negative their presentation of autism is.....It was not something she thought of her self out of a change of mind or gaining some empathy of autistics experience. It is called "saving face".

I can not say this strongly enough.This is NOT a trust-worthy person who has our best interests in mind. It is a money raising brain-washing organization based on manipulating reality to meet their agenda. To believe otherwise is wishful thinking. Rather then waste one minute on this organization, we are better served to join ones that already respect us as humans or create our own. As more and more adults and children are DXed with aspergers, our strength can grow from within(look at the numbers for WP since it began)...patience not compromise, is called for.

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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08 Apr 2008, 1:27 am

morning_after wrote:
krex wrote:
Thanks Blessed. Interesting link with suger.Yeah,I had a horrid reaction to Wellbutrin which sucked the more because I never flet better then two weeks I was using it.

I think I use nicotin in part to deal with symptoms of aspergers(social phobias)and ADD(helps concentration).I really don't understand why it isn't offered as a medication instead of only an add to quiting smoking. Why is it worse then other anti-anxiety medications that are as or more addictive?It's not good for you?I've read the side-effects of many perscription drugs and none of them seem particularly good for you. I really think the scientific community is over looking a potential chemcical just because it is associated with "that evil devil weed". Or perhaps the tobacco company still has some influence?

Why s that gum so damn expenssive and will it ever be excepted as any thing more then an "aid to quit" instead of an aid for people with AS/ADD?

Krex, I also want to let you know that I am always available for a hug or a prayer.

As much as I appreciate the offer(in all sincerity),I'm not to fond of hugs and my "prayers" are between me and the things God creates that lets me look him in the eye. I dislike religion and most peoples concept of prayer in general because it clouds my ability to see Gods eye....I know for many others it inhances that ability...each to their own.

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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08 Apr 2008, 1:30 am

I am not responding to your post with only logi - though to me it is a logical conclusion. I respond to it as a call to arms!

If we want to build our strength as a lobby group, there are many groups who believe in the right for autists to be heard. If we want to present a positive autistic image we do it on our own terms: autists speaking about autism.

Well done Krex!


I think there must be some chronic learning disability that is so prevalent among NT's that it goes unnoticed by the "experts". Krex


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08 Apr 2008, 1:43 am

Thanks Nanarob...but I know in you already feel/think the it's a bit of" preaching to the choir."I seem to be filled to the brim with "homonyms" tonight.Is that the right word for that Nannarob...?

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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08 Apr 2008, 1:47 am

BF says it is metaphor...You know your with an aspie when you ask him this and he runs to the other computer to goggle it for you(and you didn't even have to ask him to :wink: )

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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08 Apr 2008, 1:52 am

OK :lol: Now he says it is an idiom(I know you are all rivited..will keep you up dated on any further developments.

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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