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09 Apr 2008, 9:46 pm

Lurking and Learning... :idea:

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09 Apr 2008, 10:06 pm

Nan, you might want to slip your post over into the computer section here. I don't use Firefox, as you know, but a short search brought this page up.

They list a couple add-ons, plug ins if you will, to watch out for.

Adobe (Macromedia) Flash
Real Player or Real Alternative
VLC Media Player
Yahoo! Application State plugin for Yahoo! Mail

There are some more suggestions as well. One has to do with making sure, in some cases, you're running in Win 2k that one I wouldn't know how to do.

Even if you don't use Bills version to use the net, sometimes updates are needed for other things, check the windows update site for anything current and always use the custom search on it for updates. Hell ya already paid him for it, might as well use it. You did pay him didn't you? :lol: Now it kinda makes sense if you've updated Firefox recently, one of the plug ins might need updated as well. I get a problem with some apps, like Quicktime not being up to date and bouncing me out of the net when I hit a certain type of page on it. And since that is an Apple product if I try and auto download it, Windows won't let me, gee now there is a surprise. Just try to remember the last couple changes you made before the problem started, working backwards can single them out sometimes. Run your anti virus? Done a hard drive check? It's a right click on your hard drive letter, properties, and then under tools. Is it plugged in and did you put film in the camara? Don't forget the lense cap.

You checked to make sure your fans are all running? Cleaned it lately? Although if you can run Explorer fine, it does sound like a software glitch and not over heating.

I finally got my new video cards in and damned if I didn't start getting the freakin BSOD (blue screen of death) it turned out letting windows do the update from the old to the new card type wasn't a good thing to do and I knew it. I did it the right way, problem solved.

Like the guy said the other day over in the computer section....I use to be a computer geek, now I'm just an idiot.

Miss you, get well soon.

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.

Last edited by postpaleo on 10 Apr 2008, 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.


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09 Apr 2008, 10:20 pm

Ya know with this whole unsettling thing with that unnameable web place and the whole unspeakable organization, I'm reminded of something. You can judge yourself, by the enemy's you keep. Not a real sound way to look at yourself, but bare with me. I'm better than that, I've decided I don't even want them on my enemy's list.

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.


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09 Apr 2008, 10:29 pm

SleepyDragon wrote:
Okay, show of hands, who has read Up the Down Staircase by Bel Kaufman? Young, idealistic English teacher takes job at inner-city New York high school. Frustrations, laughter, and enlightenment ensue; everyone learns valuable lessons; blah-dee blah-dee blah.

Remember how Sylvia, in a radical move, puts a suggestion box into the classroom and invites her students to comment anonymously? And she gets all these scary letters from some entity who styles himself "The Hawk"? And after a whole year of threats and menace, "The Hawk" reveals himself to be the timid little kid who sits in the corner by himself and never speaks to anyone?

The Internet, for better or worse, has allowed many unobtrusive, inoffensive-seeming people to unleash their inner Hawk. There's little difference between Sylvia's suggestion box and yer average discussion forum on the Web, except that the Web is faster, and more people are involved.

So here we have this discussion thread on Autism Speaks. It starts off as a warning to members of that forum that one or two "well-intentioned but misguided young people", said to be members of Wrong Planet, are posing as parents and stirring up trouble on the Autism Speaks boards. Several people who haven't put much study into the matter, but who know that they don't like WP, throw in their two bob's worth. And less than 32 hours later, there is already dire talk of civil unrest, insurrection and bloodshed, and the following priceless gem:

pezar wrote:
1) WP posters have serious mental illnesses in addition to HFA
2) They hate doctors and do not take meds when somebody does drag them to a doctor
3) They hate cops and authority figures in general
4) They feel isolated from the world and only get along with other aspies

At the very least, I would be careful what I said around such people, so as not to give them any ideas.... many WPers refuse to take their meds or go to docs.... The sort of behavior we see from the WP crowd on AS is symptomatic of untreated mental illness. Maybe most of them aren't dangerous, but it only takes one.

I sit here at my keyboard, a middle-aged mum and certainly no threat to world order, and I have to laugh at the utter absurdity of it all.

Comments like that disturb me if for no other reason than the political power AS has.

Excuse me, maybe I haven't been here long enough, but I have never seen anything like that.

But if they can get the right people to believe in that nonsense, where would the harassment stop?

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09 Apr 2008, 10:34 pm

DeaconBlues wrote:
Yes, in high school I was depressed and angry, and even had violent fantasies regarding my so-called "peers". Why didn't I snap, and shoot up the school?

Because I'm not actually bugfrak insane.

AS has no bearing on one's degree of sanity - in either the psychological or legal sense. In fact, I'd wager we run saner than average, since most of us are so bad at lying to ourselves about the nature of external reality. (Not all of us, by any means - I've been involved recently in a theological discussion with a couple of people who don't seem to be able to differentiate between internal and external reality - but most of us.)

And with AS, any form of violence would basically be a way of trying to communicate something. We don't just up and take to hurting people. Something has to cause it.

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09 Apr 2008, 10:36 pm

blessedmom wrote:
richie wrote:
lemon wrote:
oooh, what is going on ?
someone bother to update me?
(not with 20pages though please ;) )

We are discussing "Autism Speaks" as if the word speak can be assigned to verbal flatulence...
lau wrote:
I.e. the pattern of people that don't make any posts isn't so different. As I calculated before, we are rather gabbier than the Autism Speaks bunch.

Anything else they do on that forum besides plot to turn that puzzle piece into the next yellow Star of David?

:) That's exactly what I was thinking this afternoon after reading a few threads at AS. They aren't going to cure autism anymore than they are going to cure any other genetic condition or state. Reading some of the posts over there, I almost got the feeling that some of the members, in the event of no cure, would support eugenics.

That is scary! 8O

I wondered if some of them had something diagnosable themselves.

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09 Apr 2008, 10:42 pm

SleepyDragon wrote:
My favourite part of the "There's a fungus among us!" thread on Autism Speaks is this:

Lucas McCarty wrote:
Lisa782 wrote:

I think the intent and manner in which [the constant voicing of an opinion] is done is what makes it cross over the line into the realm of harassment.

I agree, I just don't think you go far enough. The intent and manner in which a stigmatising and perniculous portrayal of Autism was repeated over and over for decades before Autistics were able to speak out against it with the rise of the internet pretty much does amount to harrassment.

Awesome, dude. 8) :thumleft:

krex wrote:
Why take all the time and energy to kill us when they can just ignore us and deny us services long enough that we end up doing it ourselves...I almost helped them with that goal at 17...

Yeah, it does seem a little excessive.

I've just been entertaining myself by identifying all the logical fallacies contained in that most informative thread. And wowie-zowie, they are all there. Argumentum ad antiquitatem. Argumentum ad hominem. Argumentum ad ignorantiam. Argumentum ad misericordiam ("appeal to pity"). Argumentum ad populum. Complex (i.e. "loaded") question. Cum hoc ergo propter hoc. And so on, and so on, and especially this crackin' tactic:

Red herring. This means exactly what you think it means: introducing irrelevant facts or arguments to distract from the question at hand. ... The term red herring is sometimes used loosely to refer to any kind of diversionary tactic, such as presenting relatively unimportant arguments that will use up the other debaters' speaking time and distract them from more important issues.

I cannot make myself believe that this sort of argumentation is being made purely out of stupidity, though I concede that it's possible. :)

What can I say, it beats cleaning the bathroom.


I think you should consider pointing them all out.

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09 Apr 2008, 10:51 pm

I think it may be time to stop posting on the AS site.

Maybe read their comments, but otherwise leave them alone.

I say this because I saw the comment about us harassing them. I've had to deal with that sort of attitude before and learned the more we respond to it, the more we feed it. The funny thing about the internet is that it sees a certain type of individual that will push and prod and say all sorts of things and make all sorts of comments, but the worst ones only come when they don[t see any attention. Why is that, other than that they crave and will do anything for attention?

The types of comments people are commenting on there are the types that I have personally seen come from cyber-bullies. When I quit responding to them, like they said to do, their comments got nastier and more persistent, in a way that indicated they wanted me to abuse them just so they could be the center of my attention.

If we're going to deal with the ideas they put forth about autism, it maybe best to either stick to what their leadership asks us to do, or just deal with it on this site or other ones like it.

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10 Apr 2008, 12:20 am

morning_after wrote:
I think it may be time to stop posting on the AS site.

Maybe read their comments, but otherwise leave them alone.

I personally have only lurked there. (And quoted bits & pieces here.) I agree with Postie that attempting to engage in dialogue is an exercise in futility. Anyone who does wish to post there, however, ought to be at liberty to do so.


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10 Apr 2008, 1:39 am

Hi y'all. We have just picked up a young Canadian from err ..Saskatachawan!! !! ! anyway prairie country. She is on a Rotary Exchange. At present she and Jim are practising the Canadian and Australian antems on recorder. No doubt they will perform at the dinner tonight!


I think there must be some chronic learning disability that is so prevalent among NT's that it goes unnoticed by the "experts". Krex


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10 Apr 2008, 2:47 am

Move over Nan, I'll pull your hair out and you can pull mine. Humm, might not be fair, you have some and I don't. I'll be damned if I didn't hook the second video card in the other machine, fire it up and GEEZE LOUISE!@% &%$^*! !! !! I have never gotten a chassis intrusion error in my life. So me being all smart and all that, I take out the card I had added in SLI and fired it up with just the original card. GEEEZE LOUISE!! *&%$$&* ^%$$@@! !! Same freaking error. I'm lost, upset, down right lethargic about life and thirsty. I can fix one of those and maybe the others, but not a damn clue under the bright blue sky why the f**k that error is freezing the start up. The door is closed and so what if it is open, the pins are disabled!! GRRRR!! ! :cry: See there is a logical reason I have two machines, I make my own and one is always broken. Oh well I may have to learn to clear the CMOS or if I get really lucky get into my BIOS, so far no, and hope I can disable the sob from in there. Worthless fail safe on a home system if there ever was one and I can't even blame it on Gates.

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.


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10 Apr 2008, 3:11 am

Gosh my heart goes out to both of you....national mutinies...when will it all end?

On the bright side...that whole sentence above passed spell check with no errors :D :D :D Hope that info makes you both feel better about life.

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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10 Apr 2008, 3:13 am

krex wrote:
I just noticed on our front page that one of our advocates..writtn several books to assest aspergers individuals.....but whom I had never heard about before...had commited suicide. Does anyone know about this individual or read her books?

Yes I have several of her books.

There is a tribute to her here ... e-edmonds/

A Google search of her name would bring up a few things too - she was quite well known.


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10 Apr 2008, 3:50 am

Thanks Kaleido,

I'm off to bed in a few minutes but will do a goggle tomorrow.

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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10 Apr 2008, 5:51 am

@nannarob: Please say hello, from me, to your visitor from So-Scratch-Me-One! kd lang is also in Australia, she performed live on TV this morning! (Maybe Channel 7 only showed it in Sydney.) kd comes from a small town in Alberta, close to the Saskatchewan border.


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