Thagomizer wrote:
Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown. BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and smack the jerk upside the head.
That's so beautiful a tear came to my eye.
Here's one that should depress a good amount of people given the population this is being told to (but it's interesting) (the following is a verbatim quote from "Authentic Happiness", which I am reading for a class and not of my own volition, I swear):
"Women who have stable sexual relationships ovulate more regularly, and the continue ovulating into middle age, reaching menopause later than married women in unstable relationships."
((Sweet god, as I typed this, the news on TV started talking about ovarian freezing and then retransplanting. FREAKY.))
Another one I from the same book:
"There are two kinds of smiles. The first, called a Duchenne smile (after its discoverer), is geniune. The corners of your mouth turn up and the skin areound the corners of your eyes crinkle (like crow's feet). The muscles that do this, called the
orbicularis oculi and the
zygomaticus, are exceedingly difficult to control voluntarily. The other smile, called the Pan American smile (after the flight attendants in the television ads for the now-defunct airline), is inauthentic, with none of the Duchenne features. Indeed, it is probably more related to the rictus that lower primates display when frightened than it is to happiness."