SaveFerris wrote:
The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
The simple answer is I don't experience any sensory issues with my beard. My beard isn't even itchy when it first grows in.
I use a beard+face wash every day, condition every three or four days, I use moustache wax when I want the mo out away from my mouth or to handlebar it and I use beard balm over beard oil as it nourishes and helps with styling whereas beard oil just nourishes.
Thank for the tips dude , especially the wax , I hate pushing hair into my mouth when eating
No worries man. I had the same problem the first time I grew my beard long with my stache getting in my mouth when eating, and I ended up just lining it up at the lip at that time. The trick is you've got to train/comb the moustache hairs to sit horizontally rather than vertically, allowing for more length without them getting in your mouth. I use moustache wax from The Bearded B#stard and it's probably the best wax I've ever used. Good hold, and really helps keep hair out of your mouth when eating.
Facial hair has probably been my most long-standing and signature 'special interest', starting from when I was a very young kid, so I've become pretty knowledgeable about it over time.