DeaconBlues wrote:
My best recipe:
1. Cut chicken into approximate cubes (exact cubes take way too long, trust me).
2. Melt some butter into a nonstick frying pan. When melted, add chicken.
3. While waiting for chicken to brown, get distracted by someone doing something amazingly stupid on TV.
4. Get tired of stupid person, start playing video game to pass the time.
5. When smoke alarm goes off, remember chicken on stove.
6. Pause game, rush into kitchen, put out small fire.
7. Toss charred remains of cubed chicken into trash.
8. Call Papa John's Pizza, order large spinach alfredo pizza.
NOTE: Only prepare this recipe when there is enough money in the bank to pay for the pizza.
NOTE 2: In step 5 above, it is important to ensure before you begin this recipe that the batteries in the smoke detector are still working. Otherwise, you may ruin the pan.
heee heee hee, that's even better than exploding the baking dish by putting it on top of a burner while letting it "cool off" - but forgetting the burner is on.
actually have another really good, easy recipe but no time right now. got it from the kid's diabetic cook book. surprisingly edible, the stuff is.....