PseudointellectualHorse wrote:
Okay, against my better judgment, I'm going to give this a try...
Well I'm the mom to a kid who has Asperger Syndrome. Does that mean I'm allowed to know the tricks?
My husband has a lot of asperger tendencies but it's really hard to tell because his little bag of tricks is so full and convoluted. I figured it out after my son got his diagnosis. Then I remembered my husband saying, "I did everything right, so why are they mad at me." Because human beings often don't follow the formula you're using to guide your behavior. Still, most of the time his formulae are very successful. When he was a kid he wanted people to like him so he went and looked up the meanings of everyone's name in his class. People LIKE that kind of thing so with these kinds of strategies people tended to give him the benefit of the doubt even when he was being "different". I don't have enough asperger characteristics for a diagnosis. I tend more toward ADHD, but I have a lot of sensory stuff. Anyway, so I'm here. I really enjoy watching the videos and talking to people with asperger syndrome which, I assume, is why I ended up married to the man to whom I am married. Once a counselor told me "I don't think he has it in his programming to cheat on you." It's so true. LOL. It's sometimes difficult, but there really are a good number of positive things I know I can always expect. He would rather be at home with his wife and kids than "out with the boys". He doesn't have friends like that.