as quoted from the well known documentary, "I Made a Monster and It Eats Muffins and Drinks Massive Amounts of Coffee". True story. Is too , I saw it on TV and then read about it on the net to make sure.
*Skip this next to the bottom if you want the condensed version. Think of it as condensed soup with no water. You'll die a horrible death if you don't drink it all, I promise, because according all scientific papers, and other notable sponges, you need at least 1000 gallons of water a day and 1 can of condensed soup to stay healthy. At least lie and say you did. I lie and I'm not in hell, yet, so that means you can to.
It's alive? Ya, well, we're alive and weathering the winter ok. Richie's area is and has been getting hammered with foul weather far more then we have. We haven't escaped the cold, but as I mentioned to Merle, natural gas heat is much better then the Kerosene deal we had going last year, a much more consistent and cleaner way to go. Besides, big rush on in the area to grab it out of the earth, cheaper here. Now if they'd just sink a nice little pump in the back yard, wow, what a splosion I could make.
As for me and all of the initials that seem to matter to other people that they tack in my med records, (Of Biblical size to those that may not have had the pleasure, or displeasure, of me in the Cafe' before. War and Peace maybe, but I don't know which is the larger of the two. The title of the latter fits much better though. Either way it's epic, I mean it has to be, it's filled with muffin love, squirrel fishing, witch hunting, visions, and me. And fond memory's of many here in the Cafe', [Except Chuck, something not quiet right about him...humm, nothing right about any of you and that's why I think of all of you with admiration and fond thoughts, you too, clown lover.]) they, the meds, seem to still work as best as they ever have. In other words you weigh the pros with the cons, the good with the bad, and try and go with the flow. No more therapists for me, mutual come togetherness on all party's involved. Sweetness, but I admit I miss talking about string theory and other little tidbits that I know absolutely nothing about but seem important in the moment. Maybe they got tired of it, never could pay attention in class. Oh yeah, ADHD, what should they expect? Cut way back on the shrink visits which, ironically, has settled me much more. The constant monitoring of my mood changes and attention to all of the fine details, trying to sort out what is doing what and why, I no longer do.... errrr as much of. Mainly because I don't have to report in every month to a place that brings back and stirs up an awful lot of emotional turmoil to begin with. Welcome to the Vets. Admin. and besides, that Doc is now gone too, so no Doc at the moment, again, and that's fine by me. But she was a good one (damn hating loosing this one) and we did some things that she would very seldom recommend to someone on the Bipolar Spectrum, which in my case was Ritalin and I wanted to do it and thought of it to begin with. It freakin worked too. I do think I saw a brief glimpse of that thing the uninformed call normal. Guess what, I didn't like it in the least. It had side affects, as all of this does, and we both came to the conclusion it just wasn't needed. Given a different set of circumstances, such as the need to work or school, it would still be the way to go, but I don't, so I like it fine as is. The Anxiety Disorder, as they like to call it, well it still is needed to be treated with Valium, but making headway dealing with it without. On the good days that is. Right now good days are far and few in between but for reasons that were coming anyway. I'll leave it at that bit of crypticness for here. As to the rest of the initials after my name? As they say in Tropical climes, screw it, let's go to the beach. Maybe that's b***h and not beach, I dunno, don't live there. Doesn't make much sense to go to a b***h anyway, but hey, things that are supposed to do one thing often do the opposite to me. Go figure.
*Ok condensed version...we're fine, I don't like winter, love to all of you. If you did read all of the above, some of it you may not understand, don't worry about it, loose sleep over where you'll get your next can of water for your condensed soup and not what I wrote. There will be a test, just pick all of the above, you'll ace it.
Bop a gopher and win a can of SPAM(tm) and watch out for..... SNARK!! !!
Last edited by postpaleo on 16 Feb 2010, 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.