The Dino-Aspie Ex-Café (for Those 40+... or feeling creaky)

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As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
Then—in my childhood, in the dawn
Of a most stormy life—was drawn
From every depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still:
From the torrent or the fountain,
From the red cliff or the mountain,
From the sun that round me rolled
In its autumn tint of gold,
From the lightning in the sky
As it passed my flying by,
From the thunder and the storm,
And the cloud that took the form (When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view.
From Childhood's Hour
Edgar Allan Poe
I have a book of Edgar Allan Poe stories and poems, and I've finally started reading some of it. I've noticed that some of his characters seem a bit autistic in certain ways. I'd give a few examples, but I made the mistake of reading several half-stories in close succession, so I've gotten a lot of them mixed up with each other.
I've always been aware of the stories of Edgar Allan Poe,but I never realised he wrote such good poetry as well.At one time he went to school in Scotland,at Irvine which isn't far from me and I'm now of a mind to read more about his life and writings.
I have lost the will to be apathetic

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Location: Bandon-by-the-Sea, Oregon
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final exams are two weeks away. this is not good.
my gawd, Nan, that brings back old memories. I lived in San Diego in 1969 and we pregnant girls in the peace resistants army would hold the American flag over the big mud puddle near the camp intake for USMB Pendleton. Heavy traffic in favor of the war (what war? all wars, I suppose ) were glad to drive into the ditch splash muddy water on the protesters. So we pregnant girls would hold Old Glory over the puddle and dare them to splash that!
but no, seriously, Nan - Just because I have fond memories of it doesn't mean it isn't seriously crazy stuff and hardly the safer choice for anyone. No one you know in the fray, is there?
all your birdies and beasties and daughters safely accounted for?
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon
Hi Merle - The kid is under orders to stay on her side of campus (she's across the freeway from the main campus). She's been wanting to take the bus over at lunch to go to the library and bookstore, but those are the epicenter. It's gotten an ugly tone to things, but so far no violence against persons.
Hey, Merley, if you're near the ocean, go inland today ok? There was a huge earthquake overnight in Chile (8point8) and there are tsunami warnings for the Pacific basin. They've verified a tsunami was generated. Due to hit Hawaii around 1:00pacific, don't know about the times for us - they've got the warning out on the media here to stay away from the beach, but are not giving times (not helpful)..... I feel for the Chileans. I think the worst I've been in was a 6.5 and that scared me pee-less. The damage must be unimaginable.
Last edited by Nan on 27 Feb 2010, 10:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
as to campus, what's happened (as far as i can tell) is:
there was a party held off campus. some of the hosts were frat boys. they invited a comedian, jiggaboo jones (you can google him for his brand of humor) and they put on a "compton cookout" to parody all the black history month stuff, which some people feel is way overdone.[that is, there's not a native american month, or an asian-american month, or an irish-american month, etc.] mr. jones is black, by the way.
a young lady in the black student association found the open invitation on facebook and went ballistic, told all her acquaintainces about it and said it was a frat party. people were very upset. (remember, this is off-campus and not a frat sanctioned party). they pitched such a fit that the administration came out with one of their "we are not amused" letters (not pleased with the Cookout) and tried to soothe things down.
the BSU folks got up a list of 30+ demands and presented them to the chancellor at a meeting she invited them to. some of them were immediately doable - extra tutoring, etc. - and some are not (they want more black faculty on campus. we are in a hiring freeze and are letting people go due to the budget situation. and, actually, there aren't that many black candidates of high enough quality to hire - at least in the field of the dept in which i work. the very few that are out there are snatched up by the private unis, who can pay an arm and a leg - which we can't due to the restrictions on salaries we have as a state university. i can't imagine what else will have to be cut to pay for the tutoring. most of the other tutoring has been cut already. they are actually getting ready to fold some of the smaller programs into larger departments and to lay staff off because there is no money to fund them. i haven't been able to find out what the other demands were, the BSU server is perpetually down. but the kids are completely out of touch with the fiscal situation, in any event. they seem to think the money is just sitting there in a vault waiting for whomever wants it.)
anyway, the chancellor called for a campus-wide "teach in" where everyone could sit down and discuss the issues. the BSU came, and then got up and walked out after hurling insults at the chancellor about an hour into the meeting. the meeting had cost the university, i'm guessing, about $6,000 - $7,000 to hold, as they gave staff two hours paid time off to go if anyone wanted to go and all the top brass were there. (judging from how many staff went, it was costly.) as far as i can tell, the BSU walked out because they were not having their 30+ demands directly and immediately addressed and approved. but i'm not sure, i wasn't there. it was a slap in the face to everyone not BSU who went there or who had supported having the meeting.
after that point, our on-campus bad-boy newspaper/tv show, the Koala, lampooned the BSU and used the "N" word to call them ungrateful whiners. now, the Koala insults everyone. i can't think of ANY particular group/ethinicity/special interest/demographic they have not insulted in the decade or two i've been there on campus. that's what they do. free speech doesn't always mean you have to like what's being said, but they've the right to say it. the Koala definitely pisses people off on a regular basis - usually in the most tasteless way imaginable. it didn't help things.
anyhow that sent everyone into a tizzy - the campus shut down all student media (a couple of dozen orgs), the ACLU started firing off letters about free speech, the local media picked the story up with various degrees of accuracy (and some creative license)... the republicans apparently wrote some sort of rebuttal to the BSU's demands that the BSU didn't like - I am not sure what was said, I can't find that anywhere. more hysteria.
the BSU and supporters did walkouts and started marching through campus, the usual stuff. at that point, some nimnuts girl (who is rumored to have been accompanying two boys) left a noose hanging in the library. the crap hit the fan then -
people are crying about feeling unsafe on campus (all races), the police involved, outside students are busing in to participate in more rallies and marches... several students took over the chancellor's complex and stood on the tables and counters pounding on drums and chanting (the chancellor and staff just went to lunch and left them there). [i'd bill the BSU for any damages, if it were me.]
i've gotten at least a half-dozen "we are not amused, this is awful" letters from various persons in the upper administration in my email this week. i haven't seen one letter that says "stop this nonsense, every one of you, regardless of who you are, and we'll discuss the situation like adults." i strongly suspect that's the chancellor's mistake there....
the campus cops sent out a message that they had the person(s) who left the noose - their message came out five full hours after we all read about it in the local media (so typical). when i was leaving yesterday i saw an unmarked sedan with exempt plates parked up on the sidewalk... looked like a federal government transportation pool car to me.
anyway, i'm told that next thursday is to be a flashpoint day - don't know why, but my source is very solid so i don't intend to be on campus for it.
this has gone well beyond stupidity. now that they know they've got a good target they can prod, there are some people who are not fans of the BSU who will be sniping at them every little bit until something truly tragic happens.
i wish i could retire, but i have a few more years to put in.

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Hey, Merley, if you're near the ocean, go inland today ok? There was a huge earthquake overnight in Chile (8point8) and there are tsunami warnings for the Pacific basin. They've verified a tsunami was generated. Due to hit Hawaii around 1:00pacific, don't know about the times for us - they've got the warning out on the media here to stay away from the beach, but are not giving times (not helpful)..... I feel for the Chileans. I think the worst I've been in was a 6.5 and that scared me pee-less. The damage must be unimaginable.
Fortunately I have the coast range between me and the immediate ocean, but I am shaking in my boots for Hawaii! I lived in an area that was in a tsunami in the 40s that was still just wiped out, clean beach with beach scrub foliage and sand for miles and it had been the Spreckels sugar plantation and town at one time. That tsunami hit in Waikoloa, Maui on April 1, 1946. They didn't have much warning, but legend has it that someone called one of the Spreckels family to warn, and he disregarded it thinking it was an April fools joke. He actually floated back in from the sea clinging to his grand piano that had been washed out with him.
I am dreading the ramifications of all of this, Nan, and glad your daughter is being sensible.
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon
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No, it really doesn't. There's a very different feel to it. The campus is heavily polarized, and I don't remember that from the 70s. Of course, I'm getting old, so I could be forgetting the ugly bits.
I'm glad my kid isn't attending there. It's a freaking zoo. I just don't know who's going to start it first - are the Asian kids going to go off on them, or will it be the Mexican kids....
Last edited by Nan on 28 Feb 2010, 9:23 am, edited 3 times in total.

Joined: 21 Nov 2006
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you know, the "Teaparty" gatherings remind me more of the protests of the seventies, Lelia. The call for domestic revolution, the arming of militants, the fracturing of the Republican party (as the Democratic party was in the 70's).
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon
maybe it's because i'm european, and maybe also because i don't understand the acronyms,
but i don't understand a thing of what is written, it often happens here (and even more anywhere else)
but i never mention that.
But i thought maybe people think i'm not interested in what is said because i don't write anything,
which is not true, i simple don't understand.

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I think the student uprisings of May-June 1968 in France and other parts of Europe may have been slightly before your time, Lemon. These protests that Nan is talking about do not sound much like that era, though. Fancy the Black Student Union wanting preferential treatment and separation from other ethnicities on campus. All those killed in the fight to end apartheid in South Africa must be rolling in their graves.
I'm along with Lemon - I have been guessing what BSU stands for.
I've looked on Wikipedia, and that doesn't seem to have heard of it.
So I tried and that seems to confirm my suspicion: Black Student Union.
(And Wikipadeia still has no trace of it.)
Having perused the first page of links provided at Acronym Finder, I can only see the webpage for the Auburn group as sounding positive:
The other eight I looked at seem to range from making their aims obscure, through plain racist, to militant racist.
The organisation has no existence outside the USA.
Have I got that right?
"Striking up conversations with strangers is an autistic person's version of extreme sports." Kamran Nazeer
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