Gromit wrote:
Nan wrote:
my life would be a bad sitcom, if i wrote it down for real.
Not a
bad sitcom. We're lapping it up. Perhaps it's the way you tell them?
Do Californians ever copy interior styling hints from boats? So that things don't fall out of storage?
You'd think they would, wouldn't you? But I've never seen it anywhere. They do have kits for strapping your large appliances and large furniture to the walls, though. So they don't walk or fall over.
They say that the strain from the last big rumblie has transferred to the Elsinore fault, which hasn't ruptured in 100 years. But that the probability is low for a major incident on that fault. Then why tell us? It's not like it's going to matter. They don't know when one's going to hit, and can say things like "there will be major aftershocks for a period of years after a large quake." Woot. As if we haven't got that.
Eh, whatever. Hopefully senile cat will have been awake all day and so will sleep all night regardless of what she hears/feels. She slept through the big Easter quake, dammit! We found her curled up in her basket. She just stretched and gave us the "hello, huuuumans, what are you doing?" meow when we went to see if she was dead in there or not.