hartzofspace wrote:
I've been alright, Nan. Thanks for asking! How are you? BTW, I read where you tried out Acupuncture. I'm so glad that helped you. I am due to start having it again, and it really helps me, too.
I just honked up trying to post, so if this is like a triplicate, sorry!
Acupuncture worked well for the torn/strained muscle pain. Got them out of spasm in 20 minutes. Would limp in, get wired up to the electrodes, and walk out normally. Leg is now healed, for all intents, and I'm starting to be able to climb stairs normally. Slowly, but doing it. The accupuncture is not doing as much for the disc issues - we are dropping my lung meds dose down (it may have contributed to the back thing anyway) and as it drops the pain in my back/leg intensifies exponentially. Apparently that med inhibits inflammation, which is an issue right now. So, damned if I stay on it (maybe blow some more discs) and damned if I don't (it hurts worse now). Am using a big bag of frozen cut corn on my back every hour for about 10 minutes and you would not believe how much it helps. Also doing PT twice a week, with written homework for exercises/stretches to do and things to avoid. Am about to start swimming-aerobics for geezers, as being in water would be good - less strain on everything. On the good side, they'll all be older and look crappier in a swimsuit than I do....
Have had two accupuncture treatments specifically aimed at the discs (traditional, not electrical stim) and felt a little better that night, but in horrific pain the next day. Days that followed brought rapid relief, with improvement to better than prior to treatment. Since pain is such an issue, and since the only thing the "regular" docs will offer is surgery or heavier pain meds, I've decided to just back off on the accupuncture for a bit until the back and the pain are more stable. Will then return to let her "mop up" what's left. Just cannot handle that kind of searing pain. Wow, it was like being stung by bees, constantly. No more for meeeeee!
And the "docs" - jeez, their answer is always "let me write you a script for something stronger". The Kid says that if I wanted to I could make a WHOLE lot of money passing those things along. I have avoided taking them unless necessary and always pass on the "something stronger". Stretches and a bag of corn seem to work, so why chance an addiction to something nasty?