The Dino-Aspie Ex-Café (for Those 40+... or feeling creaky)

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25 Jan 2011, 3:35 pm

Having some work done here in the house....Had the management company that I rent from send a maintenance man to fix and unclog
my drain pipes, and my housemate now tells me we now have a few uninvited guests living in with us...a family of squirrels has made a nest
on the second floor somewhere between the sub-floor and the ceiling and are now trying to claw their way in. There may be a house of
my own in the future but not this one. It has been up for sale over the past two years and so far no one has shown any interest in it.

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31 Jan 2011, 6:21 pm

Lurking....Image Stimming....Image...And bumping threads

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01 Feb 2011, 5:01 am

oooh Bubble Bobble, fond memories :)

Regarding uninvited house guests:
once upon a time, a family of ants honoured my apartment with their presence.
As they were of an egyptian royal heritage, I was humbled.
The apartment house as a whole was less enthousiast and sent in the poison army.
One creaky fellow (not me, I swear!) did not sign the army support form, so they loitered around the hallway for a while.
Sometimes I would gather a bunch of the critters (the ants) and allow them a swim in the aquarium.
The fish thrived.
Then the army came in anyway.
It was not the same anymore and I moved out.

I hope it is okay that I chat here, 40 is approaching but not yet reached, but I like dino's alot, so that is bonus points, right?


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01 Feb 2011, 3:08 pm

I don't mind at all. I'm usually hanging out with the younger WP members anyway. But I don't discriminate against anyone's color, age or sex to determine who I hang out with, unless they want to kill me just for being who I am and not who they want me to be, I'm fine with anyone.

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01 Feb 2011, 3:36 pm

Hello again.



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04 Feb 2011, 5:05 pm

cute rabbit :)


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09 Feb 2011, 12:26 am

good lord, the postal is still alive up in the frozen north!

we're getting our stuff together for a trip to find the loch ness monster next month. assuming they don't have to pour me out of the airplane after the flight - my back is still not exactly "healed" but ya gotta git back on da horse sometime.... and this is due to happen on Saturday, hope we can find somewhere I can spread a blanket out to watch. supposed to be a 2.5 hour flyover, biggest assembly/flyover of planes since WWII. ... ight-open/

hi lauri - kid wants to know if you konw know where we can get queensland connection yarn distributed by anyone other than knitting fever?

ooooohhh, seeds.....


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09 Feb 2011, 10:33 am

Hi, Nan. :)
So so sorry to hear that your back is still giving you a hard time. I've been busy, busy, busy with kids in the dayhome, all of them have either ADHD or are somewhere on the Autism Spectrum and of course, my own 4. You warned me the joy of parenting doesn't end at 18.... or 20...... :roll:

I will have a search for the yarn the Kid would like. I know I saw it somewhere but will have to look through a few sites. So much yarn, so little time.

Speaking of time.... back to the itty bitty people routine I go.

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09 Feb 2011, 1:27 pm

Nan, I did find some of the Queensland Collection on WEBS..... WEBS - Queensland
I've ordered from them a couple times and always had great service. For the most part the other sites carried very few yarns from the collection so she may have to check out Diamond Yarns and then the online stores that are listed there.

It's great that she's still knitting. I didn't get much of a chance for almost a year but I've made up for it this winter. 12 pairs of socks, 2 sweaters, 5 kids hats and the mitts or gloves to go with. You can tell I don't get out much. :)

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10 Feb 2011, 10:40 am

Winter came back, but the Chinook was nice while it lasted.


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13 Feb 2011, 12:16 am

It took us two hours in traffic to get back from the Navy Flight Centennial, and we weren't even on the base to watch it. (I told the kid we needed to be down there by the bay absolutely no later than 10:00 to get a place - she was still putting her makeup on at 10:20, and everyplace within a mile of the bay was packed when we got there at 11:00). It started at 1:00. So we ended up going up to Ft. Rosecrans National Cemetery to watch from there. It's on a penninsula, which is basically a high hill, the overlooks the harbor. It's really beautiful up there. Very peaceful - in the best sense of that word. The kid knitted, and I watched sailboats in the harbor while we waited.

It seems a bit odd to have been sitting under a tree surrounded by dead servicemen to watch an airshow, but we were with a batch from the Spanish-American war so I don't think they cared too much that we were there. I'd like to think they enjoyed the company - I don't think they get many visitors anymore. Beautiful view of the bay from up there. (Stopped in and visited with the relatives after, over on the other side of the cemetery.) It really is staggering, though. So many gravestones. Row upon row, upon row. For miles. So sad. The place is meticulous, every blade of grass in place, and very well tended. Thankfully.

Anyway, we couldn't see all the airshow demonstration stuff from up there, but we saw a lot of the planes coming out of the harbor after passing the USS Midway and the grandstands. Got some nice photos of a B-17 passing by us. ... Island.jpg

I have never seen that many aircraft flying at one time. They had passes by everthing from a Stearman to the Douglas Dauntless, to Corsairs, to a MIG, a SAC bomber (amazingly large and amazingly silent), and the hottest stuff they fly right now. Typically in multiples. Apparently, had we been able to get onboard North Island, they had static displays of pre-WWI aircraft over there as well as unmanned drones and helicopters, etc. But by the time we were leaving home, traffic over the bridge was at a dead stop (they had to search each car coming onboard the base, so it took a while). So we ended up sitting up there on top of the hill, under a nice eucalyptus tree, on a lovely spring day with absolutely not a cloud in the sky, with a light breeze coming off the Pacific.... it was quite pleasant.

Just as we thought it was over, there was a flyover from behind us (out from over the Pacific) that came out of the sun right over where we were on the hill. I couldn't get all the aircraft in view in my camera. I later learned the flight was a mile wide, and they had to have it come in in two waves because if they'd tacked them all in one it would have violated Mexican airspace. Looked like something out of a WWII movie, only with modern planes. Apparently it was everything the carrier could carry, all coming over at once in formation. If they wanted it to be impressive, they succeeded. I've got a 20 seconds of video of it, but it doesn't do it justice.

Last edited by Nan on 14 Feb 2011, 11:19 am, edited 3 times in total.


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13 Feb 2011, 12:21 am

i'd hate to be the one who had to pay the bill for all that aviation fuel. omg. 8O


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18 Feb 2011, 3:26 am

The ol Man never talked about the war, much. Guess it kind of bummed me he didn't much after I was in either, not that I did either. I'm a B-17 brat, he was a waste gunner in one,. Lots of medals and crap, ya know. Bad stories I only know about because of odd things that happened after, etc. I suppose he hid the crap as best as anyone could, but you never really can, not kind of leaks into ones life, no matter what you do, good and bad, righteous or try and he did well, I think.

We walked through the belly of the beast (B-17) and I said "I always thought it was bigger", he said "no" and I learned something that day. I don't know if he did, I don't know if he had anything more to learn.

I asked him one time, I said, how did you do it, how did you get into that thing (B-17K) and know that they were going to throw at you, do what you did? He said, "I was young and stupid" and there were no better words that my ol man could have ever said to me. I felt better about my own crap. Right or wrong, medals or not. I no longer felt like I needed to beat him, he had been beaten before. God love em, I do.


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18 Feb 2011, 3:36 am

Nan wrote:
good lord, the postal is still alive up in the frozen north!

Ya I R and still owe you an email and sooo late and so much happening, where do I start and end?

When can I expect company from Cali? You all'sleep on the damn floor, but the soup is excellent, I swear....this woman can cook soup like you have never tasted.

She still doesn't know what a Haddock is, but can catch and cook a damn cat fish before it even knows it is awake. She'll make a man out'a me yet.

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18 Feb 2011, 4:46 pm

Hello Postie, still cold up there? We had a little heatwave here 72°F it climbed up to....But we are back to 30s and 40s next week.
I am now on a two week furlough from work. Our economy is really fickle, Wall Street says one thing Main street says another...
I just hope this doesn't turn into a permanent layoff.

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25 Feb 2011, 2:13 pm

Ah Ritchie, I hope your furlough is just that and that soon you can be complaining about conditions at work.
Bright sunlight here and ice. The daffodils look like they wish they had waited another week to bloom.
Our houseguest has fallen for the last time in our home. He is in rehabilitation now. I need to visit him sometime today. He will be going to assisted living when he can. I will miss his presence around the house. I should be helping my dad move to assisted living, but the ice and snow in Longview seems to be much worse than it is here in Vancouver, no, not that Vancouver, the first Vancouver on the Columbia River across from Stumptown.
Anyway, a publisher is looking at my trilogy sf with an aspie heroine. Hope to hear good news soon.