The Dino-Aspie Ex-Café (for Those 40+... or feeling creaky)

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I was wondering what you meant by dramaturge I guess


Joined: 21 Feb 2007
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Ok, what he said but,
I have no idea what kindling costs. Had a small ton of it I had left over from house parts during remodeling, so I paid nothing, but at one time just saved my small pieces after splitting the main fire wood... Make your own, minor investment. You need a wedge, splitting wedge, sizes vary, costs vary, look them over. Hammer, so to speak, don't want one too heavy, least not at the high end of the scale, (don't think you need a post maul for it, but depends on how far you want to take this), a single handed will work, but some weight to it, maybe 5 pound or so, but heavy enough to do the job, claw hammer too small. Basically what you want these for is to split down, in size, what you already have for burning wood. While I was never fussy with what I used, soft wood (easy to get going, lasts long enough to get the hard, bigger, stuff going, etc.) you really aren't burning enough to worry about the chimney and that will burn out with a hot fire anyway, just don't burn "poor" kindling for the main fire. Newspapers will work fine to get the kindling going, just remember, patience, smaller stuff first and build it up to medium, then go with your split hard wood, main fire.
I'm also assuming you have a grate you're doing this in?

Joined: 21 Nov 2006
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I was wondering what you meant by dramaturge I guess

ah, RESEARCH! Of course, I probably hadn't had my coffee yet when I replied. Well when I was young, it was watching situation comedies on the T and Vee. I would mimic the children's behavior when ever the folks would try to relate to me. I learned early on to paraphrase the words, though, because the culture between Highland Park, and Springfield USA ("Leave It To Beaver" and "Father Knows Best" respectively) and Hoover's Orchard subdivision, Post Dust-bowl Kansas was vast.
Later, I would read historical novels to get clues on how guys and gals were supposed to relate to each other. I was never one for 'romance novels' (bodice rippers) but went for the historically accurate biographies mostly, and boy, was I disappointed at the dearth of sophistication between the court of King Charles II and West Wichita high school!
So I almost literally 'got outta Dodge" and ran away to the Woodstock Festival, hitchhiking my way around the US always meeting new people and then having to move on when they dug down a little and saw I was missing some important character analysis and plot development.
I got better as time went on, though, and have been coping pretty well under my current character, however even she is starting to fray a bit, having been through the wash a few too many times, so to speak.
So, anyway, that seems to be my claim to being an artist in any media. I am best at surviving, I guess.

Joined: 21 Feb 2007
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Ya know Merle? I think I said this before, but maybe only thought I said it here, or maybe elsewhere, or jeeeze, here's a surprise, never said it at all, out loud. My old man told me, once, I should have been an actor, I didn't understand where that would come from at the time, but I sure as hell do now. I just want to retire, but I don't, there is only one retire I think I could ever understand. I never could do a vacation and I fail to understand how anyone can, let alone retire, like, from what? I am my own job, always have been. I often don't pay myself well and that is the real crime.

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yeah, I know what you mean, Postie, somewhere along the line I got the notion if I got paid for it, it shrunk my soul - the karma didn't count or something. I am looking forward to 'retirement' myself and I don't mean the indentured Medicare and Social Security sort of half death of penury and escalating health concerns. Perhaps swimming in an azure sea out to the horizon with dolphins frolicking in the phosphorescent tipped wavelets with me. Cleanly as I was born.
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That's beautiful!
Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner

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sinsboldly, definitely art - couldn't agree more. After reading this (below) I "see" you as a writer-artist, too. I recently decided to attempt to put myself back together only using genuine and authentic parts - no shoulds, don'ts, etc., and it is difficult as some have been buried for so many years that the coffee cans are all rusted shut.
ah, RESEARCH! Of course, I probably hadn't had my coffee yet when I replied. Well when I was young, it was watching situation comedies on the T and Vee. I would mimic the children's behavior when ever the folks would try to relate to me. I learned early on to paraphrase the words, though, because the culture between Highland Park, and Springfield USA ("Leave It To Beaver" and "Father Knows Best" respectively) and Hoover's Orchard subdivision, Post Dust-bowl Kansas was vast.
Later, I would read historical novels to get clues on how guys and gals were supposed to relate to each other. I was never one for 'romance novels' (bodice rippers) but went for the historically accurate biographies mostly, and boy, was I disappointed at the dearth of sophistication between the court of King Charles II and West Wichita high school!
So I almost literally 'got outta Dodge" and ran away to the Woodstock Festival, hitchhiking my way around the US always meeting new people and then having to move on when they dug down a little and saw I was missing some important character analysis and plot development.
I got better as time went on, though, and have been coping pretty well under my current character, however even she is starting to fray a bit, having been through the wash a few too many times, so to speak.
So, anyway, that seems to be my claim to being an artist in any media. I am best at surviving, I guess.

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I know what you mean. I remember struggling for years over whether I disliked Lucille Ball's body of performance work because I didn't like it, or because mom didn't like it. I finally realized that it was broad physical comedy I didn't care for (a la The Three Stooges) and so, I realized it was me, the real me stuffed in the coffee can that didn't Love Lucy so much.
PS I had to use tin snips to get into some of the cans, but there were diamonds among the rust flakes.
Ok, what he said but,
I have no idea what kindling costs. Had a small ton of it I had left over from house parts during remodeling, so I paid nothing, but at one time just saved my small pieces after splitting the main fire wood... Make your own, minor investment. You need a wedge, splitting wedge, sizes vary, costs vary, look them over. Hammer, so to speak, don't want one too heavy, least not at the high end of the scale, (don't think you need a post maul for it, but depends on how far you want to take this), a single handed will work, but some weight to it, maybe 5 pound or so, but heavy enough to do the job, claw hammer too small. Basically what you want these for is to split down, in size, what you already have for burning wood. While I was never fussy with what I used, soft wood (easy to get going, lasts long enough to get the hard, bigger, stuff going, etc.) you really aren't burning enough to worry about the chimney and that will burn out with a hot fire anyway, just don't burn "poor" kindling for the main fire. Newspapers will work fine to get the kindling going, just remember, patience, smaller stuff first and build it up to medium, then go with your split hard wood, main fire.
I'm also assuming you have a grate you're doing this in?
Yes, grate, not possible to do the split the log thingy. I can't lift more than 5 pounds and I no longer have the mobility to swing anything heavy. Have have limited storage space, so we just have an "apartment bundle" or two on the balcony (since there's no rain yet). Plan B = Will try fir/pine first and when it's going good I'll put the avocado on and see if that works. Wish I could get a nicer smelling wood, but that's what's at the grocery store.
I woulda thought the fire starter woulda done it. Literally burned like one of those little fire logs (only square) directly under the wood for like 20 minutes. Left a charred out place, but the log never really caught fire. Will try plan B.
I put a commercial fire log on a couple of weeks ago. The ones that turn colors. It was supposed to burn for 3 hours. I put it on at 6:30 at night. It was still burning at 1:30 in the morning. When I got up at 6 there were still embers glowing. Nice blue-green colors, that thing.
Of course, now they're not selling them at the local store. Pine Mountain made them, I think. Kid wants one that turns colors for her upcoming Halloween Party.

Joined: 21 Nov 2006
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Location: Bandon-by-the-Sea, Oregon
Color Fire Cones 10 bucks
ColorGlo flame cones add a rainbow of colors to your fireplace, wood stove, or campfire. Each box contains roughly 15 cones. For best results add 2 cones to your fire. ... cones.aspx
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon
Hi, everybody, I just joined today, I'm an unofficial Asperger's person (I hit 90% on an online list of Asperger's symptoms and kept gaping, gasping, gawking and squawking as I read through the list of characteristics; thinking, 'Oh, so THAT'S what's been going on for so long!), and I think I'd have liked the Dino Cafe very much. Can we have an Ex Dino Cafe here, please? At least until we're caught? Please? Sylkat

Joined: 21 Nov 2006
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er. . not quite sure what you are asking, but HERE is the Dino Ex Cafe for your reading and posting pleasure!
PS and welcome!
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon
Hi, Sinsboldly and Mntn13, what I meant by 'until we are caught' is that I'd like to be in a wide open 'for everybody' get acquanted cafe coffee house (though I actually drink tea), and it seems that management of the mall wants middle-agers and seniors in a geriatric room. I think I wanna stay here, so I like the idea of the Ex-cafe if they will let us stay, or until they move this restaraunt to the fogey's facility, too. By the way, I'm 61, and do use every senior discount I can get my hands on, but am getting hypersensitive about being parked anywhere. I very much appreciate the many special interest and age-oriented groups here, and plan to look into most of them, just want to play on the public beach with EVERYBODY for awhile, perhaps to enjoy the wide range of folks here. Sylkat
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