I, too, hate the term Aspie as well as Aspergian. I was just diagnosed this spring at 27 & have gone from feeling like I'd finally found a explanation & "group" to be comfortable with to feeling completely alone in my awkwardness again because I don't seem to view Asperger's how the majority of those with it do. While I enjoy my intelligence & logic, I do not see Asperger's as a "good" thing. It has good traits, but I'd really rather just be "normal". A bit after being assessed I told my shrink that it's one thing to be normal & then embrace one's quirkiness (put oneself on the outside voluntarily), but another altogether to actually be abnormal (& outside involuntarily).
My interests are very geeky & this has helped me find great friends (& love), but makes it difficult to explain to non-geeks why they're all male. I'm hard-headed, opinionated, & honest too, all of which have caused issues.
I'm glad you introduced yourself. Hello!