xalepax wrote:
Hey, I just saw you replied, very cool!
You know I would think just as you concerning space and cats. We have just one more squaremetres than you in our appartment! Our computerroom have a lot of big spaces for our cat to run around in when she is in such a mood. Im sure there could fit in more cats but its hard to convince my husband....but we plan to move so if we happen to get us a bigger place to live in then there might be more cats, but I doubt in both
Breed cats use to have cool names, may I ask what is the names of your cats? I understand you wait five days until you show any photos. To get used to the forum a bit more and check it around more and feel comfortable in it. Anyway, I will remind you in five days if you forget it
Oh forgot to answer.
According to the rules (I tried to upload images earlier then 5 days) you had to be a member for 5 days and post atleast 5 posts.
Hehe, dont know about cool names. Puck's name is S*Spotless Puck, Seglin rex Jade (Jade ofc) and S* Wicked Witch High Score (moira). Moira was the first one we had to name our selves. The other two fitted in their names already.
// I are cat - resistance is futile! *meow*