Locrian wrote:
Dnuos, if you haven't seen this already, here is a decent article on modes if you are interested.
http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-se ... -music.htmThanks, I'll check it out!
(and to conundrum-) And how could I forget about Satriani and Vai?
I love their works, I recall seeing Satriani on a video explaining
Surfing with the Alien (song, not album) and him stating that at one point he moves over to Phrygian for the first solo (I think it was C#? Idk, but it was definitely phrygian). I love the albums
Surfing with the Alien and
Passion and Warfare, respectively though - I regularly listen to them. As a matter of fact, listening to the former right now...
Ionian was major, and Aeolian is natural minor...
Then Dorian's used kinda often, like in Miles Davis'
So What.