I love water! It's probably the number one most soothing thing for me...I like looking at water and love being in it. I've expressed on numerous occasions that I wish I were equipped to live in the water. It took me a long time to realize how much I loved water, because there are some sensory things related to water that I loathe, such as being cold/wet when I'm not in the water. In other words, I could swim or just sit in the water for hours on end, and would if given the chance, but I'll sometimes turn down the chance to go swimming, because the thought of having to get out of the water and being in a cold, wet bathing suit turns me off.
The same with showers...I love just standing under the water and feeling it running on me, but I tend to take extra long showers without realizing it, probably because of the combined soothing power of the water, and the dread of having to step out of the shower, and being wet and cold. I also shudder at the thought of pulling clothes onto my damp skin.
Rain is a tough one fore me. As a general rule, I don't like it, because I hate driving in it, and for the most part, you don't really get the opportunity to just sit in the rain and 'soak it in', so my interaction with the rain is limited to walking through it to get inside, where I'll end up...you guessed it: cold and wet.
I wish I had space in my bedroom for one of those little indoor fountains/waterfalls.
Aspie Quiz: AS - 141/200, NT - 77/200 (Very likely an Aspie)
AQ: 34/50 (Aspie range)
EQ: 32 / SQ: 68 (Extreme Systemizing / AS or HFA)
Diagnosed with AS and Anxiety Disorder - NOS on 03/21/2012