Faysal - You bring up a complication. Thank you for sharing what country you live in. I'm sorry you don't know where to turn there; you are right, it would be much easier here in the U.S.
Still - are there doctors who might be sympathetic? Parents of friends? Teachers? You will have to feel complete trust, of course. Go slowly. Who diagnosed you? Perhaps that person would be sympathetic or could connect you with someone? I am just "thinking out loud" here, of course, in an effort to help you find someone.
Also, keep up with us. You have many people here who ask you to message them privately. Take advantage of this - you might make some wonderful friendships. I'm new on this website and don't get on much during the day (usually only once a day or less), so I haven't figured out everything, like how messages work. But you can send me a private message, too. I'm a mom and not Aspie, but my daughter is on the spectrum. She was diagnosed in August, so I'm just learning about this world. If I can be a mom-type listener, I will be.
If you are an Aspie in Algeria, I am sure there are others out there, too. I hope you can find them.
I send warm wishes to you.
Mother to teenage bi-polar (stable) daughter
Mother to teenage PDD-NOS daughter, newly diagnosed
Wife to DH
Self, depression (treated)
living in the country with 3 cats, 1 dog, 2 horses, 15 chickens