Hello everyone,
I just joined the site today (although I have "visited" in the past) and thought I'd post a message to say g'day to everyone.
I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome about 4 years ago. The reason that I was diagnosed so late is that I have another condition called Pyroluria, which shares some of the symptoms of AS. Pyroluria, for those that are interested, is a metabolic disorder that results in a shortage of B vitamins in the body. Apparently, many people with Austism-spectrum disorders have Pyroluria and don't know it.....does anybody else here have Pyroluria? I would be interested to know.
Things that I like doing:
-listening to classical music
-Studying people with other expressions of AS. I find AS fascinating.
-Collecting vinyl records
-Obsessively correcting errors in print publications. ie; the local paper. (the editor should be shot! lol
Ummm... I can't think of anything else to write at the mo; I'll probably be thinking about it later and say "well geez, why didn't I write that down!".
So keep posted lol
Anyway; I'm really looking forward to talking to other people with AS....particularly young women of about my own age (not just in a romantic sense...although that would be great! I have never met a girl/woman with Asperger's Syndrome before, and so I am very intrigued by the prospect
Bye all (for now).
There are a fair few ausies here, G-Day mate me names Zombie AKA Lucas