Herrow! It's a newbie!! !
Thanks for the warning, it won't slip my mind again! BYE!! !! !! !! !! !

I was called away on an emergency to the Island of Soldor, where there was a zombie outbreak. I am currently fighting my way up thru the train cars trying to reach Percy. But I am afraid Mr Conductor was eaten.

@ Wolfman
I looked up the coordinates. You seem to be quite near the ocean, do you swim/surf/sail/board etc much? The ocean is a fundamental part of Australian culture (yea, I'm in Perth), so I'm down in the water at least once a week, more in summer.
I checked out the Ben Casey tv show on YouTube. .... .... .... No words .... .... Actually, I do have some words. That was fantastic, the story lines are so developed, and the medical jargon doesn't so far seem to be horribly wrong! Sooooooooooo happy, thank you!
(wish there were more shows like that now-a-days.
About being a doctor. I'd love to, but I don't think I'll manage. School's hard enough with people being too loud, and people not making sense, and work not making sense, etc., that I'm not even sure I'll pass grade 12. I want to though. How about you, what do you work as? And how was school when you were younger?
Happy Monday!! !! !
Hi Kat,
I do enjoy going out to the beach and swimming--but I don't do any boating or anything. Parts of NYC are actually on the Atlantic Ocean. I live about 7 or so miles away, though. You Aussies have it good with the boating. I know you're near Fremantle, which is the base of the America's Cup. I used to follow the America's Cup when I was a kid.
The Wolfman was saddened a bit when you told me that you think you might not make it past Year 12. Why do you think so? I see a lot of potential in you--and your head is in the right place. You complimented me that I was well-grounded and not pretentious; I believe the same about you. I don;t you to ever lose the enthusiasm that is you! You're a whirling dervish! You're like a positive Tasmanian Devil. I would want a doctor with as a decent bedside manner as you.
You're a very smart person. You're far beyond what I was when I was 13. When I was 13, I could barely get out of my own way, and I couldn't will my way out of a paper bag. I couldn't understand what "Ben Casey" was about. I was actually scared of the show. Now, I'm a husband and a university graduate who has been working at the same place for 33 years. I've been a responsible adult for a long time, despite my alleged disabilities.
Are you in a situation where they are addressing your symptoms? Truthfully, there are many people who overcome whatever disorder they have, and succeed. You have the great spirit to do it. Never tell yourself you will never make it past a certain point. Because that breeds a self-fulfilling, defeatist view of life. Truthfully, as you grow and mature, you'll most definitely come up with strategies on your own which will lessen the impact of your symptoms. That, plus the proper interventions, will provide you with the means to succeed.
Please forgive me if you feel like I'm being too much of a lecturer I like you very much, and I want you to realize your full potential.
HOWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLL!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !
@ Wolfman
Yes, I am still alive, kind of.
Nah, I'm kidding, I'm very much alive and well. At my school, we start the term three curriculum in term two, so this week I've been bombarded with too much homework to even breath.
I hope you're alive.
My new elective for term three is Multimedia, so I'm get to make animations in class! It's so much fun!! !!
! !! I can't wait to learn all the other stuff we're going to be doing! Did you do any electives in school? Or was it just English, Maths, Science and SOSE?
I don't actually follow the America's Cup, is it any good? Has Australia ever won?
Anyway, about the "not passing Year 12" thing. I struggle at School, and I always have. But, I think, after reading your awesomely and inspiring message, I might give edumadashun another chance. THANKS!! !! !! !! !
When you graduated from University, what degree did you get? And I get what you mean about the "defeatist view on life," I will definitely keep that in mind. With symptoms? I just read self - help books, and ask for advice on sites like this (there's people like meeeeeeee!
Anyway, thank-you very much for your crash message, I'm going to work harder at school, and hopefully pass Year 12, maybe even Uni. But be warned, I might not be able to get online as much as I used to, because I'll be studying more!
Bye for now (time for emoticons)
Hi Kat,
Glad to hear from you! I'm glad you're still in the Land of the Living!
I'll be glad when I do see your posts--but, obviously, your studies are more important. I would miss your richness of character, should you post less frequently--but I must make the sacrifice for the sake of your success.
LOL...I had to look up SOSE: "Studies of Society and Environment." If you Google SOSE, you would find some study guides and curriculum guides which you could use as a framework. Almost like a syllabus in University.
In the USA, and nowhere else, "College" is synonymous with University. We "go to college." We study either at a single institution known as a "college," or a "college" within a "University," (which is only called a "University" if it has multiple "colleges"; otherwise, the term "University" is not used in this context. Peculiar, huh?
In the USA, it's elementary school from Kindergarten to 5th or 6th grade; Middle School or Junior High School from 6th or 7th to 8th or 9th grades; and high school from 9th or 10th to 12th grade (usually 9th to 12th grade these days).
It seems like Animations are right up your alley. Will you be posting your work here at WrongPlanet?
In a regular high school,in the US,, there are quite a few electives to choose from should one complete the required credits. I went to a specialized high school which emphasized the liberal arts (e.g., English and history) over mathematics. We had no "electives" per se. As I look back to my school experience, there was a certain lack of structure within my school's curriculum.
I received a BA in Speech Pathology and English. I was an old man-45 years old!
By the time you receive your degree, you will be a young lass of about 20 to 22 years of age.
Have you watched any more Ben Casey? Or Medical Center?
I will write more tomorrow. I have to get some sleep; it's past midnight in New York (about 2 in the afternoon in Perth).
Have a beautiful day!
Guess what? I won a scholarship to a camp in Bali!! !! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!
I am extremely exited! I leave tomorrow at 0830hrs, and I'm flying ... aLoNe! !
My Mum's certain I'll somehow die on the way, and I very much hope not. I'm not allowed internet at the camp, so I'll be offline for a while...
Anyway, the thing about the colleges was cool. I wonder what the history of that is, and why 'college' is 'university' in AUS, and 'university' is 'college' in the USA. Well, my hope is to study medicine in 'college', I might even come to America!
Here in Perth, it's Junior School from Kindy to Year 6, then Senior School from Year 7 to Year 12.
At some private schools, they have pre-school from Kindy to Pre-Primary, then ELS (early learning school) from Year one to Year 6, then Middle School from Year 7 - Year 9, and Senior School from Year 9 - Year 12, but that's only the really posh rich schools.
Anyway, it's the Winter holidays, and after reading your third last message, I spent an entire week doing a terms worth of homework non-stop (I am so sick of politics). I haven't ever done that much work in my life . It was so worth it though. Thanks again for your message.
Well, I'm going to read for a bit, then head off to bed before my big trip tomorrow.
See ya!! !
Well.....Look what the Kat dragged in
I'm so excited for you--Bali!! !! One of the most beautiful places in the world! Have you done much research on it? I'm sure you have, knowing you
It's on many people's Top Ten list as the most beautiful locale in the world
Anyway.....It's an island (with a few smaller islands surrounding it) which is a part of the nation of Indonesia. Approximately 4 million people live there. Their main religion is Hinduism.
There is a Balinese language--but it's somewhat in decline, especially the written form. English, and Bahasa Indonesia are probably more useful than Balinese for everyday transactions--but you'll know better when you actually get there and interact with the people.
I'm gonna miss you, Kat! I hope you don't forget me--and please keep in touch as to how you're doing and your progress in your studies, and also if you just want to "talk."
I'll do some research as to the origin of "college" vs "university" in America, and get back to you.
Anyway...enjoy your flight! And your time in Bali! And as we say in New York: "Don't take any wooden nickels!"
Whenever you hear an expression from another country, you could always Google it--you'll find much about it that way.
Since you say you're really into superheroes, you might really enjoy going to the "'iTunes' Store" (in "iTunes" software) and listening to Kevin Smith's podcasts of "Fatman on Batman". The Mark Hamill, Grant Morrison and Stan Lee interviews are -- all -- entertaining & informative! (Heck, most-ALL the episodes are gr8!)