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For all you MLP fans out there, which member of the Mane 6 do you feel you relate the most to?
Applejack 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Fluttershy 50%  50%  [ 2 ]
Pinkie Pie 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Rarity 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Rainbow Dash 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Twilight Sparkle 50%  50%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 4


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27 Oct 2014, 7:08 pm

Kiprobalhato wrote:
West Springfield, seems peaceful. i to have lived here in the american riviera my entire life, same house for 12 years.

It's pretty peaceful overall. Not much really goes on except for that tornado we had on June 1st, 2011 and that freak snowstorm in October of the same year resulting in power outages across several cities.

Kiprobalhato wrote:
i like to read about history first of all. especially 20th century european history, early east asian history and catching up on news. (when does news become history, anyway?? how does one measure relevance?) i also am interested in linguistics, phonology and writing systems, i'm currently creating some languages from scratch but i have yet to study it professionally.
movies too. i don't have a particular specific genre i watch but i LOVE a good medical documentary. my three favorite movies are Eraserhead, Spirited Away and The Goodtimeskid. and yours?

It's hard for me to pick out one movie in particular that is my favorite. I consider myself a connoisseur of many different types of movies from Disney to Tim Burton to Hayao Miyazaki, to Dreamworks to Don Bluth to Christopher Nolan to Henry Selick to Laika to Marvel Cinematic Universe to Action to Sci-Fi to Romance to Thriller to Comedy to Supernatural to Horror, I could honestly go on for hours about the many different types of movies I like. I swear I'm becoming my uncle. I tend to be a pretty good judge of what I know I'll be interested in and very rarely do I regret my decisions.

Kiprobalhato wrote:
have you watched the equestria girls movies by any chance? like i said i haven't touched the series in a long time, but i'm now wonderig if the movies are any good. :?

I've only seen the first one so far. Everyone was talking about how it was soo terrible that they were humanizing the ponies, but, personally, I don't see what everyone was flipping their $#!+ over. I thought that the human designs were still pleasant for the most part. *cough cough* Celestia *cough cough* Excuse me. LOLZ. Anyways, it was still enjoyable. I have heard that Rainbow Rocks was even better, but I haven't seen it yet because not a single $#@! theater in my state plays it and I don't get the Hub or whatever it's called now so I couldn't see it when it premiered on the channel. Pretty much I'm stuck waiting until it comes out on Netflix whenever that's going to be.

Kiprobalhato wrote:
i like to draw too, creating fictional worlds (that sort of ties in with the linguistics and conlanging). soon applying for an art scholarship!

I started drawing recently. Mostly concept designs for a Grim Reaper I was creating. His scythe is actually a Frankensteinian hybrid of some other scythes I saw and it looks pretty bad@$$. I might actually put it up on the site sometime. Sorry about all the censoring but I'm new to this site and not sure what the criteria is for whether or not swearing is actually allowed on certain forums. I'm also into writing a lot. I currently have an MLP Fanfic on that I'm working on called The Needs Of The Many if you ever want to check it out although it might contain some spoilers if you're not current with the show. It's gonna be the first in a series.

LupineSnowstorm wrote:
You seem nice. I hope I get to see more of you on the site.

Thanks. So do you.


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31 Oct 2014, 6:36 pm

Why thank you! :D Fluttershy and Twilight are my favourite of the Mane six by the way.

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03 Nov 2014, 1:48 am

Kenya wrote:
It's pretty peaceful overall. Not much really goes on except for that tornado we had on June 1st, 2011 and that freak snowstorm in October of the same year resulting in power outages across several cities.

that's nice..except for the tornado/storm!! did not know they (tornadoes i mean) happened over there. are they common?

we are in an extreme, prolonged drought right now, it is TERRIBLE, but hey we had a small amount of rain here yesterday/the day before, don't know how happy i was. even a little relief is welcome.

Kenya wrote:
It's hard for me to pick out one movie in particular that is my favorite. I consider myself a connoisseur of many different types of movies from Disney to Tim Burton to Hayao Miyazaki, to Dreamworks to Don Bluth to Christopher Nolan to Henry Selick to Laika to Marvel Cinematic Universe to Action to Sci-Fi to Romance to Thriller to Comedy to Supernatural to Horror, I could honestly go on for hours about the many different types of movies I like. I swear I'm becoming my uncle. I tend to be a pretty good judge of what I know I'll be interested in and very rarely do I regret my decisions.

oh my! that's quite the repertoire, is your uncle some enormous movie buff or film critic perhaps? i don't have as much of a collection, i've seen all the ones i own like 20 times (lots of Dreamworks too). speaking of Miyazaki, i just rented Howl's Moving Castle from the library, now LAST time i did my dvd player kept rejecting it, "INCORRECT DISK"..what the f? as if it had a mind of its own. ntsc/pal issues? i hope it is different this time...

i wish i could say the same, about not regretting decisions. very good quality to have!

Kenya wrote:
I've only seen the first one so far. Everyone was talking about how it was soo terrible that they were humanizing the ponies, but, personally, I don't see what everyone was flipping their $#!+ over. I thought that the human designs were still pleasant for the most part. *cough cough* Celestia *cough cough* Excuse me. LOLZ. Anyways, it was still enjoyable. I have heard that Rainbow Rocks was even better, but I haven't seen it yet because not a single $#@! theater in my state plays it and I don't get the Hub or whatever it's called now so I couldn't see it when it premiered on the channel. Pretty much I'm stuck waiting until it comes out on Netflix whenever that's going to be.

i've heard lots of backlash too man. it's SUPER common when something established is changed up that much though. the designs were indeed pretty good, and keeping the original skin colors to boot...i don't get the hub either! or a theater that plays it, even if i did i'm not sure i'd want to see it with 40+ other people. just myself.

Kenya wrote:
I started drawing recently. Mostly concept designs for a Grim Reaper I was creating. His scythe is actually a Frankensteinian hybrid of some other scythes I saw and it looks pretty bad@$$. I might actually put it up on the site sometime. Sorry about all the censoring but I'm new to this site and not sure what the criteria is for whether or not swearing is actually allowed on certain forums. I'm also into writing a lot. I currently have an MLP Fanfic on that I'm working on called The Needs Of The Many if you ever want to check it out although it might contain some spoilers if you're not current with the show. It's gonna be the first in a series.

seems sweet! pics? i have a design of a coronation crown also, and some staffs. also i've never seen anyone get in trouble for swearing, also this site has an AUTOFILTER for swear words. type regular "f-word" comes out as f**k!! and there are some ways to get around it.

by the way i'd like to check out that fic.

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03 Nov 2014, 8:24 pm

Kiprobalhato wrote:
that's nice..except for the tornado/storm!! did not know they (tornadoes i mean) happened over there. are they common?

Not really. This was a weird freak occurrence. I've lived my whole life in West Springfield and never had I experienced a tornado in that area. Closest I had come to experiencing a tornado was when we were visiting family in Wisconsin back in 2004 and that one didn't even come anywhere near us.

Kiprobalhato wrote:
oh my! that's quite the repertoire, is your uncle some enormous movie buff or film critic perhaps? i don't have as much of a collection, i've seen all the ones i own like 20 times (lots of Dreamworks too). speaking of Miyazaki, i just rented Howl's Moving Castle from the library, now LAST time i did my dvd player kept rejecting it, "INCORRECT DISK"..what the f? as if it had a mind of its own. ntsc/pal issues? i hope it is different this time...

The former, but I think he could be the latter if he wasn't already a cop. When I was at his place down in Georgia, I averaged about 4 movies a day. One of them was Howl's Moving Castle and it was Awesome. I've had problems with DVDs from the library before where they end up freezing up on me and what's really annoying is that it's always during the good part. Case in point, I rented Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street and was starting to watch it. This is what I saw: And then it froze up right there. Really? Are you f*****g kidding me? After all that dramatic tension and build up it froze right there. I was soo pissed I had to wait a full week just to get a copy that wasn't going to freeze again. To this day I no longer trust libraries when it comes to renting movies. I just wait until they're on on a channel I get and watch it there, or off of Netflix or Hulu Plus if that's an option.

Kiprobalhato wrote:
i wish i could say the same, about not regretting decisions. very good quality to have!

Thanks, but that mostly applies to movies I've seen. There are some life decisions I do regret, but I try to keep that to a minimum. There are many decisions I'm glad I made. Like the decision to go with my mom and sister to visit my great grandmother (Mamaw) back in February of 2006 out in Oklahoma (it was the last time I got to see her before she died of an aneurysm 2 months later) or my decision to go to The Midwest Media Expo by myself back in April where I met some great people (Andre Meadows from Black Nerd Comedy, Meredith Sims from Silly Filly Studios, and veteran Disney animator James Lopez among others) and made Awesome memories (I even have plans to go to the next one this coming April). So yeah some regrets but I try to remain positive overall.

Kiprobalhato wrote:
i've heard lots of backlash too man. it's SUPER common when something established is changed up that much though. the designs were indeed pretty good, and keeping the original skin colors to boot...i don't get the hub either! or a theater that plays it, even if i did i'm not sure i'd want to see it with 40+ other people. just myself.

I personally think that the fact that I just started the show about a month before seeing the movie is probably why I didn't have that harsh of a reaction to the movie. My uncle gets the channel and his wife and kids watch the show a lot, as does my grandma when she's with them. She told me Fluttershy's her favorite pony too. :D Yay. Speaking of ponies, did you hear that Hasbro announced their going to release a My Little Pony movie in wide release for 2017?

Kiprobalhato wrote:
seems sweet! pics? i have a design of a coronation crown also, and some staffs. also i've never seen anyone get in trouble for swearing, also this site has an AUTOFILTER for swear words. type regular "f-word" comes out as f**k!! and there are some ways to get around it.

Hmm... sounds interesting. I'd like to see those designs if you were to ever post them up on the site.

Kiprobalhato wrote:
by the way i'd like to check out that fic.

Here you go. ... f-the-many It's Incomplete currently. I'm in the middle of writing the penultimate chapter.

LupineSnowstorm wrote:
Why thank you! :D Fluttershy and Twilight are my favourite of the Mane six by the way.

You're welcome. :) They're definitely in my top 3 along with Rainbow Dash.


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04 Nov 2014, 2:10 am




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24 Nov 2014, 8:07 pm

Lumi wrote:

Ahh. Applejack. Good one.


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13 Dec 2014, 7:32 pm

Where is the Twalot option?

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14 Dec 2014, 12:32 am

Ganondox wrote:
Where is the Twalot option?

I'm sorry O.K.? I thought I had put it in as an option but apparently it didn't register. :(


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14 Dec 2014, 12:33 am

Kenya wrote:
Ganondox wrote:
Where is the Twalot option?

I'm sorry O.K.? I thought I had put it in as an option but apparently it didn't register. :(

I see the post about the other person mentioning it now, sorry for annoying you a second time.

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14 Dec 2014, 12:49 am

Ganondox wrote:
Kenya wrote:
Ganondox wrote:
Where is the Twalot option?

I'm sorry O.K.? I thought I had put it in as an option but apparently it didn't register. :(

I see the post about the other person mentioning it now, sorry for annoying you a second time.

It's O.K.


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14 Dec 2014, 1:17 am

man, no worries, i've just added TS as a poll option. :)

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14 Dec 2014, 9:52 am

Kiprobalhato wrote:
man, no worries, i've just added TS as a poll option. :)

How'd ya do that?


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14 Dec 2014, 4:08 pm


but seriously, mods can edit posts, and as you pointed out that the Twilight Sparkle option had trouble registering i edited the OP to include it.

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14 Dec 2014, 4:11 pm

Kiprobalhato wrote:

but seriously, mods can edit posts, and as you pointed out that the Twilight Sparkle option had trouble registering i edited the OP to include it.

Thanks man. :)


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15 Dec 2014, 9:32 am

Kiprobalhato wrote:
^yes, that chicken cutting scene is probably the most vivid from that film....(shudder).

I love Eraserhead! It's so weird, I felt like I was really high after watching it!

Mr X: Mary usually does the carving but maybe tonight you'll do it, Henry. All right with you?
Henry: Of course. I'd be happy to...I just... just cut them up like regular chickens?
Mr X: Sure, just cut them up like regular chickens.

And another of my faves from the dinner scene is when Mr X stares constantly at Henry with a manic look on his face! "Well Henry, what da ya know?"..."Oh, I don't know much of anything"...Long awkward silence!


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17 Dec 2014, 12:32 pm

Hey there Kenya! Nice to meet ya! :) Personally, I relate to both AJ and Rainbow. I'm honest to a fault, and I'd stand up for any of my friends and protect them in a heartbeat. Outside of the mane six, my favorite character is Shining Armor.

Self-proclaimed lawful good paladin of the internet